Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@Faith_aggie congrats! Like @ChristiR93 said-the hardest part is done-acceptance & paying Housing deposit! Accepted major should be listed in her Portal-either Mays or International Studies…either is great!

Thank you so much! And Whoop Whoop, she’s in! College of Business at that! What a great day!! :partying_face:

Aso I wasn’t sure which portal to check. Too many systems to have to navigate though - can’t they use just 1?!? Lol Anyway, couldn’t figure out where in Howdy to find it, but logged into her AIN Acct and got the ACCEPTED message with Business Admin major declared. Yay! So glad it worked out.

Now to start the dorm process. :woman_facepalming:t3: But also exciting. Is there a separate forum/group for that?


Congrats!! I’ve got a Mays kid…welcome! You can join the Aggie Moms/Dad Mays page (be sure to answer the questions), there are also 2 main Aggie Parent FB pages (but pace yourself…:sweat_smile:).
Dorm selection won’t happen until April, even tho phase 2 will ask you to list/rank dorm preferences (it doesn’t mean a thing, promise!). All boils down to time stamp Housing deposit was made.
Oh, I personally wouldn’t rush to sign up for the 1st NSC session either-there is zero advantage to being in the 1st session, and it always has issues with the system crashing. Spaces are opened in every class, every NSC session. Wait until after graduation & parties, anytime in June, even July, is fine (but not August) for NSC.
Sit back and enjoy Sr year!

On this forum, you can go to “After you’ve been accepted Class of 2026”… it’s something like that.

Congrats on Mays. It for sure would not fill up this quickly since we’ve only had one round of admits.

FYI, AIS will no longer be used once she’s at tamu. It’s their Applicant system. Howdy is what they will use their entire time at TAMU. So luckily, only one portal after NSC sign ups! And as @52ag82 said, it’s no rush. BUT when you do the Phase 1 in howdy, make sure you go all the way through. It’ll give you the email giving you the time for Phase 2. If you don’t have that, then you haven’t fully completed phase 1.


Hey y’all, what does this mean on a post made @ Aggiebound on Instagram?


I’m expecting to wake up to many of you posting about 6 tabs!!!


I hope you are so so right :slight_smile:


Could it be? Maybe some review applicants will hear back tomorrow?! Come on…applied Aug. 1st!


Some review candidate acceptances are starting! My son just checked his AIS and saw that he has been admitted (and awaiting Engineering College review)! The letter in AIS is dated October 12th.


Congratulations! What was your son’s test score, if you don’t mind providing it. Bet yall are excited!!

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@Eggscapgoats - Yes, he is super excited! Now he just has to be patient while waiting on the Engineering College review.

His stats:
Homeschool student
Unweighted GPA 4.0 (out of 4.0)
Rigorous curriculum and dual credit courses
SAT 1520
College Board National Recognition - Hispanic Scholar
Commended National Merit Scholar
Texas High School Aerospace Scholar (HAS program)
NASA/Texas Space Grant Consortium program
Eagle Scout (and heavily involved in scouting with troop leadership positions)
Over 600 hours of volunteer work during high school years


Seems that post on instagram has been taken down. I saw it earlier. Maybe I’m just not seeing it? Strange.

The post is still on Twitter. Look forward to seeing some admissions! Good luck to all our review kiddos :+1:t2:.


You are right! Kinda curious that they would take it off of Instagram but leave it on Twitter. Still there tonight. Hopefully it’s something worth waiting for and will be revealed early tomorrow!


This link is super useful.

People thought May Business School is competitive it accepts 44% last year. But nothing compared to Biomedical Engineering (24%)Aerospace Engineering (15%) or Mechanical Engineering (18%), ECE is surprisingly high at 30%, Note that even though engineering has ETAM, each first year required courses may differ a bit.

Since applicants apply for ETAM, is a ECE acceptance rate of 30% the result of the percentage that get ETAM and then the percentage that get ECE as their first choice?

Students may take different core classes required by TAMU based on what they already have, but EVERY freshman engineering student takes the same engineering courses. The only difference is getting a BA in Computing. But all the ones you listed above take the same eng. courses.

Also, can you provide the link you mentioned. I would love to see that about Mays. That sounds really high and I’m a numbers geek! = )

Does any one know if decisions will come out today for Engineering review.

My Sophomore DD entered ETAM in BME had slight different classes in Freshmen year compared to her roommate in ECE. The Calculus, Python and Physics were the same, the rest were different.

The link came from @Eggscapgoats in earlier post 10 days ago you may want to scroll back up to check, CC blocks me from copying here.

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Looks like the post is gone from Twitter now, too. I’m so curious!

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