Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Welcome back. Your son has great stats. As you know… it’ll all work out as it should. Tamu or otherwise.

Hi ChristiR93. That was not my son’s stat, that’s the email from TAMU business honor last month.

Son kind of laid back, only made one attempt on SAT on the school SAT day, just lucky got a relatively acceptable score (1500) many of his classmates got over 1560. I had to push and push (every night) to have him finish application by end of September as I know from this forum Mays fill up fast. He just found out he got 6 tabs in Howdy.


@hraj is your DD in state or OOS? My DS22 applied for Engg Sep 19th and is OOS. We are yet to see the 6 tabs

@DecOctMom She is instate top 10% auto admit so she got the tab right after they received her transcript. She is in Engineering review now. Out of state may take a little more time as they are review admits.

We are looking into the honors programs. Neither looks particularly appealing. I don’t see much benefit. Early registration. Extra honors designation at graduation. I’m not sure it’s worth the extra rigor and stress. The VIZ program is pretty rigorous and stressful as it is with plenty of long hours in the lab. Graduating with a high GPA earns latin honors automatically. The other college she is considering has a long list of perks for honors students including a very nice honors residential college so the perk there is living in the best dorm (apartment style with resort pool, cafe, and gym) and eating in the best dining hall on campus plus early registration.


@martinezcs see what I mean, it’s a shame A&M honors program doesn’t complete with some other schools. I don’t blame ya. I’d have her apply, just to have it in her back pocket, she can always decline (that’s if she gets in and if she decides to attend TAMU).


@FriscoDad i have a student in Business Honors, it is a fantastic program! Yes, highly competitive (much more than just gpa and SAT/ACT is used as criteria). There is not a separate application (unless it has changed), student checks the box at the time of submitting TAMU application. Not sure you can go back in and check the box.
It definitely wouldn’t be fair to accept a spot, if your son even remotely thinks he won’t be returning to A&M next year. So few BH spots are offered, and there is only 1 other opportunity to apply (with only a handful of spots given).
My BH student is class of ‘23 and only 1 student has dropped from their cohort, only because they changed majors to the Bush School. Such a fantastic program, rarely anyone ever leaves. They are over-achievers, campus leaders, go-getters, incredibly well rounded young adults.
*(over 2,000 applied for 85 spots last year)

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Pretty incredible to attend a school where many classmates score over 1560. If he’s excelling with that level of competition, he should do great in college.


Have any review admits gotten six tabs or admitted yet? I have on my calendar that it typically happens around November 11th? But was just curious how tings are going on this year?


Last year there was a review wave first week in October. Somewhere on this forum I put out specific dates on when and what type of student heard. It’s pretty far back on here tho.

How do we find that post?

Recap of last year’s timeline of acceptances:


Here’s another version ChristiR93 submitted of how TAMU Admissions happened in 2020:

09/06/20: Auto admits rec’d 6 tabs (so we are about a week plus behind)

End of Sept: High scoring exams for all majors received 6 tabs

Oct. 21 (Wednesday): Mays/Bims/Engineering and a few other holistic reviews with test scores

Oct. 28 (Wednesday) : All majors with and without test scores submitted were notified (but no data on quartile and scores).

Mid Nov: Engineering decisions/BIMS/ and some other majors (holistic)

Mays full by November

Early December: OOS started to hear (very few posted tho)

Mid Jan: Gateway/Team and Waitlist offers

Jan. 20th (Wednesday): Engineering for CSTAT given out.

More offers going into February.


I’m a high scoring applicant (1460 SAT and first quarter with strong softs) and I still haven’t gotten accepted yet…do you know if it is running late this year?

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I bet you’ll be in the first round of review admits. Yes, they are behind this year. Only top 10% have heard.


You were admitted already, your Howdy portal manage application status showed “Admission Offered”. Those still in review show “Under Review”.

It takes time for portal to update across different platform.

That was actually a glitch unfortunately, the status changed back to under review a while ago.

One thing I am curious about regarding holistic review – does it matter when you apply? As in, do they go in order of when the application was received and give a yes/no/maybe? Or do they say, okay, here are all the holistic reviews who have applied between August 1 and present day, and for Wave #1, we will admit the sure thing no-doubters (1500+ SAT, really impressive extra-curriculars, etc.). If that is the case, then Wave #1 may have already happened as pointed out by @Eggscapgoats. And if so, are we now waiting on wave #2 of review admits (whatever that criteria might be) or do you think wave #1 has not fully happened yet?

What is considered a “high scoring” (SAT and ACT) test result for a first quarter class ranking applicant that is under review?


I’ve read it’s 1400 or higher…but, I could be wrong.