Texas A&M University Class of 2026

Yes, that’s what I’m afraid of. His stats just aren’t good enough. :confused:

His stats are good. Above average for sure for engineering. Assuming his math course rigor is solid, I have believe he’ll get full admit to cstat campus and worst case blinn academy or Galveston offer.

Research these two options if you haven’t already. It may calm your stress a bit to know how wonderful the “back up” offers.

He would have been academic admit 2 years ago! And that math score is fantastic!!!

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He has taken calculus AB 11th grade and is taking BC this year. All math and science classes are AP as well other classes to show he’s taken highest level possible of classes. Well rounded extras-wk, service, robotics team and engineering design project for senior year. Essays were good. But, I guess GPA and rank still really determine your chances.

Thank you! He’s totally on board with Blinn. I like Galveston too, but he’s not yet.

He is a good student. Don’t let the first round of acceptances scare you. There’ll be more waves.

As others have said, stay calm, don’t pass on your stress to your son, and be assured that it’ll work out in the end, one way or another.

The first round of engineering were top 10% that had already been admitted… so it seems.

Anyone else take notes on who just got their acceptance into general engineering?

Oh Lordy, January scares me! My son’s essay was way too long and as a first time application mom, I didn’t even check the rules; I just read over the prompt and proof read. Should he send them a revised one? It was beautifully done but it was three pages!! :scream:

@ChristiR93 - My son (not top 10% auto admit because he is homeschool) also got his acceptance into general engineering with the top 10% wave.

His acceptance date for TAMU with engineering review was on Oct 12th. He was then admitted into general engeineering with the first wave. He is a strong candidate with high test scores and CBRP Hispanic Scholar, as well as participating in some engineering programs (SEES and HAS). I’m not sure which of those resulted in him being part of the first wave.

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I don’t know if you can resubmit an essay. I have edited a hundred plus essays this cycle. It seems most kids are very wordy. Lol so I’m sure he isn’t alone.


is there a difference between Blinn TEAM and Blinn Academy or are they one in the same? Thanks for all the helpful information you’re able to provide.

For some reason my class rank changed to top ten percent (see screenshot) I am a homeschooler though so I didn’t think this was possible.

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Blinn academy is for engineering only. Typically a one year program and apply for ETAM.

Blinn Team is for other majors and is a two year program.

Oooh that’s interesting. Keep us posted.

What should I do….can I call the admissions office and what official transcript should I attach: the one from the CC or my actual homeschool transcript tha my parents made.


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so if my son applied to general engineering (holistic review candidate), it would most likely be blinn academy if that’s what they offer?

In AIS, last tab contact, ask a question stating that you are home schooler. They will fix it.

You think it’s a glitch?

Your SAT score is in line with most top10% students. After asking a question some homeschoolers will indeed stay at top 10%

My experience is ranking is important for top 10%, outside top 10% the GPA and course strength are more important for TAMU.

It is quite unusual to have both Calculus AB and BC because most students only take one. BC is better for engineering as it included kinetic calculus (vector) and a little differential equations (the final college calculus in sophomore). It doesn’t mean no one take both AB and BC, but taking extra may mean you don’t have the time to take something more beneficial to your degree such as AP Physics 1 and 2, and C (for EE and CE).

General engineering in Freshmen requires Calculus I/II (similar to AB/BC), Chemistry, Physics. Applicants with AP classes on these will add to the strength score which is important for first quartile students. At the end, their goal is to make sure students survive the ETAM. Most students doing good on these AP classes in high school will find the ETAM easy.