Texas A&M University Class of 2026

@tristatecoog The essay the YALE podcast you referenced about is a different topic than the new TEXAS A&M short answer question. The podcast is from YALE and the question prompt is “what is the biggest challenge you’ve faced?” The YALE admissions officer suggests not to use the death of a grandparent for that topic. This question is NOT the same as the new TEXAS A&M question which is “Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why.” You are comparing apples to oranges in both which school and which type of question. Your original post is misleading as it seems you “heard” this from a Texas A&M admissions officer when the information you are referencing actually came from a YALE podcast. This is just my opinion.

To clarify, the grandparent thing came from an admissions consultant that presented to our Dallas area HS. It was corroborated by my professor wife who reads essays for competitive scholarships.

The only direct A&M counselor feedback was about how few applicants outside the top 10% (outside major metros) are interested or qualified. I asked how (s)he dealt with the top 10% rule which is a pretty big deal at our HS.

I provided the Yale podcast as a fun listen to help with essays. It wasn’t meant to be directly tied to grandparent inspiration. But yes, “Oh no, another grandparent died” is pretty funny. Morbidly so but when you read thousands you can see it coming.

Now from an SMU essay reference guide:

Top 10 over-used or just inappropriate topics that we suggest avoiding (which may or may not have anything to do with A&M’s essays but might be useful):
Admissions consultant also mentioned bolded ones.

  1. What I learned doing community service
  2. Why a poor grade was the teacher’s fault
  3. A devastating breakup with my boyfriend/girlfriend
    4. “Hard work always pays off,” and other life lessons learned while playing sports
    5. How my trip to another country broadened my horizons
  4. How I overcame a life challenge (that wasn’t really all that challenging)
  5. Politically, religiously, or socially insensitive or embarrassing material
  6. Adolescent humor and crude jokes
  7. Relieving your conscience or delving into unresolved issues
  8. Anything that will make readers cry, “Too much information!”
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Is there a separate, additional essay if you are applying for en?

Just FYI, my son just submitted his application (yay!). The confirmation page provided the following notice:

    "1. You'll receive a confirmation email in the next few minutes.
     2. ApplyTexas is currently experiencing difficulty transmitting applications to some institutions, which may result in a two-week processing delay from the time you submit your application.
     3. The school will reach out to you once they have received and processed your application with next steps."

Expect some delays, they say. This might explain why some folks who applied earlier this week have not received that initial email from TAMU. But a 2 week delay??? Yikes!!! Has anyone else received this notice?

There is.

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals?

Source: https://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/apply

Thanks. I had informed him as much, but what do I know?

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My daughter didn’t get that—-I wonder if they added it after she submitted on 8/1. However,she also applied to UT and they have a notice on their application info page that says that people who apply using ApplyTexas Aug 1-15 will receive their ID number by Aug 16, but Common App applicants will receive it in 2-3 days. So, it makes sense that if it’s an ApplyTexas issue there would be a similar delay.

How long does it take for the class rank to show up as “completed” in the AIS checklist after the university has received an official transcript? Is submitting the SRAR required in order for class rank to update?

I think the answer to your last question is yes. Alternatively, since you’re asking a question about AIS, does the student have access yet? I know there have been questions floating around about receiving UIN/NetID.


Yes, she got her email about making a NetID yesterday morning. Thank you for your answer!


She already received her email regarding the UIN? Did she use Apply Texas? What date did she apply? Thanks.

She used Coalition and submitted her app on the 2nd.

Apply Texas has had its fair share of issues. Hopefully the good fortune continues for you and your student!

More on the delay in receiving the NetID to set up AIS, my son received an email from ApplyTexas after submitting on Friday 8/06. The email states:

“Congratulations on submitting your application! Some schools are experiencing a delay in loading applications due to the change to the new application site. ApplyTexas and these schools are working as quickly as possible to resolve these delays.”

I guess some glitches are to be expected with this new GoApplyTexas. Like others have mentioned, my son also had issues with saving his answers at times. There was a lot of typing, re-typing, and re-typing again. For what it’s worth, he had better luck using Microsoft Edge on my computer instead of his Macbook.

In response to: “She’ll hear back in September” - I thought no matter when you applied, you likely hear back after December. No? Is there a real benefit to applying early? What I’ve read is: 1. top students(and so many) apply early, so if you are not TOPS you may look inferior 2. Since there is no EA,ED there is no need to apply early. Help me! My daughter is 1330 SAT- is taking again end of August. Many AP classes, 3.7/4 GPA. Do we apply early?

Regarding the disappearing Apply Texas answers… my daughter saved but didn’t go back and check pages again after they saved. I’m nervous she submitted blank pages on her app.

We went back and looked, the part you can review after submission looks OK, but she can no longer review the TAMU specific section or scholarship questions.

Definitely apply early. The “hear back in September” is because they are top 10%. Last year even some holistic reviews started hearing back in October. Never wait to apply. Majors fill up.

Sat score is really strong. Don’t wait til the next score to come in to apply to Tamu. Just send scores to update application.

Tamu is extremely competitive on every level (majors, housing, clubs, parking, etc etc).

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AggieMomhelp, Thanks for your input. I am ready to apply but My counselor may take weeks to upload transcript and Recommendations. Would that be ok?

Are you top 10%?

Sorry just went back and looked at your other posts. Yes… apply now and advisor and upload lor later. You won’t use a transcript since not top 10%