Texas A&M University Class of 2026

We aew also awaiting Mays, but not very confident. Daughter has 4.3 weighted, top quarter, good EC, leadership, volunteer hours, lots of AP etc. but ACT is 27 (test anxiety). My questions is what other second choice majors if she wants to do the 5yr accounting program? buisiness Ag was what we put but i dont think that will really be her jam and we are not sure there is any other choice to still do Accounting? any advice is appreciated! I am aware of the 3.8 Blinn option but that seems like a high pressure situation to start your college with near perfect expectations…

A good amount of Mays hopefuls choose Economics as a 2nd choice and pursue a minor in Business. Agribusiness and Ag Economics are other good second choice majors that include many of the same courses. Here is a link to the Agribusiness program requirements and a screenshot of jobs post-graduation, which don’t necessarily need to be associated with the ag world.



@Jennibean if you’re taking about PPA, students must be Mays students to apply/enroll. Highly competitive (what isn’t at A&M😅?!).
Students must be very strategic about Acct classes taken-Acct229 must be taken freshman year, in order to have pre-reqs to take the other required classes. And all Acct classes must be taken at A&M, to apply to PPA.



Is your daughter dead set on Accounting 5 year program or is that what she likes and it feels like a good fit right now at 17 or 18 years old? I ask because if it’s yes, she’s been around accounting her whole life… it’s her jam, etc., then if she doesn’t get into Mays, I would choose backup school to be guaranteed an accounting degree.

If it just sounds pretty cool right now, but she’s open to other majors, then definitely do econ and go for change of major. No reason to do a business minor, just go for the change of major and then if that doesn’t work out, then add the minor for business. I say that because as a minor, you take water downed courses in all business classes. They are taught for non business majors.

Best of luck and please keep us posted. AND FYI, a 27 is not bad. She’s going to be just fine, pinky swear.

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Thanks! Kind of quiet today.

Yikes! Son sent his app in yesterday. Not auto admit. TX resident. History major. 1400 SAT; 3.6/4.7 weighted GPA, drum major, eagle Scout. Does he have a chance? Seems like he is very late to the Aggie Party.

Super quiet these past two days!!! Praying for a December 1st wave!!! And that my son is included in that hopefully , hahahahahaha.


@Karandave Ditto :slight_smile:

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Do you think we’ll hear tomorrow or closer to December 15th-ish?

P.S. No new reported TAMU acceptances from my son’s high school. He was, along with five others (so far), accepted to UT-Dallas yesterday.

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I am curious to the Engineering Review process. My kid was auto admitted and a few weeks later admitted to Engineering. Auto admit from my understanding is purely numbers based but I would like to know what goes with Engineering Review. Were the answers to essay questions and short answer questions reviewed? Did those answers played a role? Etc etc etc. TIA.

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Your son will be fine with that major and his SAT score plus ECs are great!

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Definitely not numbers based for most. SAT/ACT score in overall and in math, course rigor for math and science in high school, essays, ECs in the engineering field or special interest in it.

Yes, some are no brainers, but for those that aren’t a slam dunk, they look at everything.

My son applied in late September for Mays (#1) and History/Philosophy (#2).

Private high school with no class ranking but assigned to the Top 25% somehow. 3.7 UW GPA. 30 ACT/1330 SAT with lots of ECs including two 4 year Varsity athlete with statewide honors and recognition. Interested in the Corp and trying to walk-on the football team.

Radio silence so far from A&M but has already been accepted to Arkansas and Ole Miss with gobs of financial inducements and grants.


Application deadline is tomorrow. Documents need to be received by Dec 15th. SAT may take time. If you already have AIS, match SRAR immediately. You need to see AIS assign rank based on SRAR and everything checked before Dec 15th.

This year delay may be due to labor issue, which may allow admission to tally scores and your son SAT is great.

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I was just at a meeting with a bunch of other moms in my neighborhood; no one has heard a peep from A&M either. One mom said her daughter was liking Arkansas more and more since they were piling on the love :wink: Praying for a December wave!


Thank you. We just got our ID and SRAR is already complete since applied to Texas Tech already. Thanks for the reminder/push to get on thus ASAP

I called today just to confirm the statement on TAMU’s website that states if you applied to the College of Engineering by the Early Action Deadline of 10/15, you would hear something back by mid-Dec. The person I spoke with said that is still the goal. She is not aware of any wave going out this week, but said to definitely be watching AIS next week. Hopefully our wait is almost over. Now I’m going to rest up my fingers for a few days.


Christi - good questions and you bring up a good point re: back up school. She feels accounting is a fit for her personality so I would say 65% sure, but she is excited to take the other business classes and learn about other aspects such as supply chain management etc. She definitely could change her 17 yr old mind! She is in accounting 2 this year at her HS. Thanks for the advice! will keep y’all posted

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Well that’s positive news. Enjoy your finger rest. Ha ha ha