Texas A&M

Can I get into TAMU if I’m not an auto admit?
I’ve a SAT score of 1270 and an ACT score of 26 and I rank in the 18% of my class.


SO TRUE! if your a review admit they will consider your rank, test scores, and grades for half of their decisions, and personal things like LOR, essays, activities for the other half.

@navyag2019 and @lessonwitch2 thanks for the response.
How long can it take for them to reach a decision?
I applied in December and it still shows “App is complete and in review”.
Will I be notified if I do NOT get accepted?
And what percentage chances do you think are of me being accepted?

@AHS17 best bet that you’ll hear back mid February but it could be later. sat and class rank are about where mine were when I applied and I was accepted although that was back in 2015. You will be notified if you don’t get accepted, but wether or not you get in depends on if you’re out of state as well as essays and other sorts of holistic items so it’s hard to put a percentage. I’ve seen great students be denied and not so great ones make it in. You just have to believe that you sent in the best application you could.

As a review admit, I waited from late August / Early September to December.
You will be notified of rejection.
Percent chance? IDK - actually know one could know.

I think you have a good chance! I heard the next acceptances go out around Jan. 20th.
Do you think y’all could help me out as well?
I’m in the top 12% and applied August 3, still heard nothing. I’m already in their dance program, I’m just wait to hear about the school. (My ACT scores aren’t great but not bad either. Took it 3 times and got a 22 each time).

Where did you hear that the next wave go outs around Jan 20? I have not been aware of admissions ever giving a date.
That said, I am looking back through class of 2020 decisions and there were decisions that went out the first week that school was back in session after the break.

Sorry guys! Wasn’t a correct source!