Texas A&M

Hi!! I am applying to animal science as my first choice and then zoology as my second choice major at Texas a&m. I have a weighted GPA of a 6.35 on a 6.0 scale and an unweighted GPA of a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. I am in all upper level classes. I scored a 1200 on my SAT. I am the student body president of my school, and I volunteer at the animal shelter and my church. I am wondering about my chances of getting into Texas a&m. I know I have good leadership and extracurriculars, but my class rank is top 14.9% and my test scores aren’t that great. What are my chances of getting in realistically?

Oh I also am a varsity swimming and I play varsity water polo

How hard is it to get into Texas A&M?

The acceptance rate is 66% but a majority of those kids are automatic. Out of review applicants they take 35% or students.

3800 out of 27000 holistic review applicants got offered full admission in 2017 (14% of the review applicants). Stats are for all types of admits not just full to College Station campus. Automatic admits obviously have 100% acceptance rate. 16,000 out of the 19800 offered admission qualified for automatic admit (80% of the accepted pool).

^^ to clarify, “Stats are for all types of admits…” meaning the stats that are advertised on college websites. Many assume they mean full to College Station. For 2017: 19800 accepted of 42000 applicants = 47%

Can you chance me on my admission decision? I still haven’t heard back.

@angie333: Based on the results of the TAMU holistic review for my daughters in 2012 and 2017, I think that you have a decent chance at either full admission or Blinn-TEAM. Your class rank is higher than both of my daughters, but your SAT score is lower than both of their scores. That may balance out, but it is hard to tell how the holistic review committee will decide. Hopefully your essays and Letters of Recommendation are great. Hang in there, but don’t stress about this situation. Enjoy your Senior year, it will go by quickly!

Daughter 1: Full Admit after review for TAMU, Freshman 2012, TAMU Class of '16: She had a weighted gpa of above 5 on a 6.0 scale, don’t remember her unweighted gpa. She was top 27% of her HS class, her SAT/ACT scores were at or above the Academic Admit score for 2012. Several AP and Dual Credit classes. ECs: 3 years on HS team plus Leadership role, volunteer hours at church including mission trips abroad. NHS and French Club. Really good essays and Letters of Recommendation. At TAMU, she joined a sorority and a fun campus group and was a Peer Undergraduate Mentor in her Major. She graduated Cum Laude (3.5 TAMU gpa) in Spring of 2016 and received a job offer on her first interview while still a Senior at TAMU and is now employed in her major. That is the power of a TAMU diploma and the Aggie Network!

Daughter 2: Currently a Freshman on TAMU Blinn-TEAM 2017 (and LOVING IT!!): She had an unweighted gpa of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale but I don’t remember her weighted gpa, I think it was a high 4 on 6.0 scale. She was in the 53% of her HS class with an SAT of 1250 (670 R and 580 Math) and 27 ACT. The HS is the top public school for this area with 30+ NMSF each year and the competition level has just gone up each year. She had one Dual Credit English class. ECs: Same EC as her sister for 4 years, one JV as Freshman plus 3 years Varsity, no Leadership role. As a Senior, she was also on a competitive team outside of HS in addition to the HS team, (which taught her great time management skills!). Very few volunteer hours during the school year or in any of the Summers due to health, surgery, sister’s wedding and competition team schedule. She was eligible for NHS but did not apply because she doubted that she could make the commitment to the necessary volunteer hours. She had great essays. And she had great Letters of Recommendation, one from her Chemistry teacher (an Aggie) and one from her 11th Grade AP English teacher (a Longhorn). She had a concussion in 8th grade, missed 2 months of school and had to drop out of Algebra 1, and it still affected her health and grades in 9th and 10 grade. (And I think that it affected her Math scores on standardized tests.) She will major in something in the Liberal Arts College and may stay for a graduate degree. I am eternally grateful to the TAMU holistic reviewers who saw something interesting about her in her application (despite her low class rank) that allowed them to offer her the opportunity to be an Aggie on Blinn-TEAM.

Daughter 2 was initially very disappointed to be offered only Blinn-TEAM. but soon came to realize that TAMU Blinn-TEAM offered her the opportunity to be an Aggie. The only thing that she can’t do that a full admit can is that she can’t play a sport for TAMU. LOL, not that she wanted to! She takes 4 hours on the TAMU campus, and 9 hours at the Blinn campus. She takes the bus from the TAMU campus to Blinn on the 2 days that she has classes at Blinn. She lives just off campus, has Dining Dollars so she can eat on campus (mainly Chick-fil-A and Smoothie King, LOL!), she has a Sports Pass and goes to games, she has joined a sorority (it DOES NOT count against you when going through Greek recruitment to be on Blinn-TEAM, no one in Aggie land cares if you are on Blinn-TEAM), she has joined a fun TAMU campus group, she has made a lot of great friends and has great grades and is thoroughly enjoying being an Aggie in College Station!! She can’t imagine being anywhere else.

There are just a LOT of people who want to be an Aggie. There just isn’t room for everyone. If you look at some of the other CC boards, there is info on the breakdown of people from last years holistic review and the decision that they were offered. There really wasn’t a discernible pattern to who received full/Blinn/Gateway/PSA offers, or denials, but it is a very interesting posting by Thelma.

Of the 42,000 applications for TAMU Freshman Fall 2017, about 27,000 applications were reviewed. Of those reviewed applications, only 3,800 applicants were offered full admission. There were 2,400 reviewed applicants who were offered Blinn-TEAM. There were 855 applicants who were offered the Blinn Engineering Academy. There were 530 who were offered Gateway. If my addition is correct, that adds up to 7,585 reviewed applicants (out of 27,00 total reviewed applicants) that were offered the opportunity to begin their University experience in College Station. So almost 20,000 applicants were offered some other campus or denied admission.

(Find the full breakdown of this info for Fall 2017 online at the Counselor Update : http://web-as.tamu.edu/ecardimages/2017/CounselorConnection/updateSPRING.html

There were only about 1,050 Blinn-TEAM students who enrolled for Fall 2017. Less than half of the students who were offered Blinn-TEAM accepted that offer and so the others missed out on the chance to be an Aggie in CStat. I don’t know how many of the full admission or Blinn Engineering Academy applicants accepted their offers. But I think the total TAMU enrollment for Fall 2017 was around 11,000 students.

Lots of people want to be Aggies! There just isn’t enough room for everyone, that is just the way that it is. There are several ways to get to be an Aggie and have the benefit of an Aggie education and diploma and the Aggie Network, plus the wonderful experience of being an Aggie in Aggieland!

Plan A: TAMU Full Admission
Plan A-: Gateway, TAMU Blinn-TEAM or TAMU Blinn-Engineering (experiencing living in CStat)
Plan B+: Start out at Blinn Community College and transfer to TAMU. (experiencing living in CStat)
Plan B: Start out at another campus and transfer to TAMU asap.

It is more difficult to transfer as either Engineering or Business majors that it is in the other majors.

One of my second daughter’s HS teammates was denied admission to TAMU. Both of the parents and at least one grandparent of this girl are Aggies. She knew that she wanted to be an Aggie no matter what, so they reserved an apartment just off the TAMU campus for her BEFORE the denial was received. Her plan B+ was to start out at Blinn College so that she could live in Aggieland. I don’t know her rank or scores and have no idea why she was denied, but I admire their forward planning and her determination not to let anything stand in her way of becoming an Aggie.

Don’t lose hope. If you want to be an Aggie, make it happen.

Thank you so much!! This was really helpful and made me feel a bit better about the application process and waiting!

Also, I forgot to include that both of my daughters received their offers from TAMU In Feb.

The oldest daughter submitted her application in mid Oct 2011 and was notified of TAMU full admit sometime in Feb 2012. My younger daughter submitted her application on the Sunday after Thanksgiving 2016 and received her TAMU Blinn TEAM offer on Feb. 14, 2017.

So perhaps an earlier submission for your application will work in your favor. :slight_smile:

Good luck and do not let the stress of waiting keep you from enjoying your Senior year!

I hope so! I submitted mine in August!

Can anyone else also chance me? I’m really nervous and haven’t heard back.


It’s honestly very hard to tell. People telling you that you will get in/won’t get in is completely useless because you are right on the line for admissions.

I would, however, recommend that you apply to some safety schools.

@angie333 Do apply to some safety schools, just in case. It is nearly impossible to say which review applicants will or won’t be admitted and which admission decision they will get. No one sees your whole applicant file on CC.

For the class of 2021, there were only two animal science majors who were review admits who posted their stats. They both were offered full admissions. They were in the top 12% of their class and had 1240 and 1260 on SAT respectively. Your stats are in the ballpark but without seeing/knowing everything and the admissions files yours is competing against, it is impossible to say.

The referenced applicants above received their decisions in Feb.

Starting to get nervous, still have not heard back. Should I be concerned? Does that mean I am going to be denied?

@angie333: Don’t stress, there is nothing to be gained by worrying about it now. Just try to enjoy your Senior year. Take a few slow, deep breaths every time you think about your application. :slight_smile:

Both of my daughters received their admissions offer in mid February (in 2012 and 2017). So there are still 2 weeks left before that time for this year. And with the Harvey delay and probably many more applications than the 42,000 that were submitted and 27,000 applications that were reviewed for Fall 2017, so it will probably just take more time this year.

I have heard that in the '90’s that sometimes people didn’t hear until MAY whether they got in or not!! I think they used a
“wait list” back then. I don’t think it will take until May for everyone to hear back this year. I do think that starting the application period on July 1 was probably not a great idea, but they didn’t know that Harvey would hit in August and delay some of the testing dates. Extending the deadline probably led to even more applications than there would have been if the deadline was Dec. 1. There are so many qualified people who want to be an Aggie, but there just are not enough seats for everyone.

A lot of people have been upset with the lack of firm dates for offers, but we have to remember that the reviewers are people, too. The have a tremendously difficult job, they know that they hold the applicants futures in their hands and I am sure that they want to make the best decision for the applicant and TAMU. I don’t know how many people that are in the applications review department, but perhaps some of them were affected by Harvey. Or possibly they or their family members were affected by this terrible flu season. Or maybe there were other illnesses, injuries, or even deaths in their immediate families. We don’t know what difficulties the reviewers are experiencing. And if there are 100 people in that department, they are each reviewing many thousands of applications. Hopefully, there are more than 100 people in that department, but the work load still has to be huge, no matter how many reviewers there are!

According to TAMU, an application may be reviewed several times by several people. And that takes a lot of time, but it is a great thing! Although a computer would be much quicker to use to decide to admit or deny, a computer sees only “black and white” and can’t tell what is special about each individual. I am grateful to the reviewer(s) who saw something special in my younger daughter and offered her Blinn-TEAM. Her gpa (3.5 unweighted) and SAT (1250) were average for TAMU but her class rank (53%) was very low. Less than 1% of TAMU Freshman were below the top 50% of the HS class. I am glad that they looked beyond her rank!

Just hang in there! Get info on all of the possibilities and decide what you will do when you receive the offer, no matter what it could be, (full, Gateway, Blinn-TEAM, PSA, denial) so that you are ready when the decision arrives. I hope that you receive a full admissions offer, but remember, even if you are denied, if you really want to be an Aggie, you can always transfer in later. There are just so many qualified people who want to be an Aggie and there are just not enough seats in the Freshman class.

Last year (Fall 2017), out of the 27,000 applications that were reviewed, there were only 3,800 offered full admit, 530 offered Gateway, 2,400 offered Blinn-TEAM and 855 offered Blinn Engineering at Blinn-Bryan. So out of 27,000 reviewed applicants, only 7,585 were offered a level of admissions which gave them the opportunity to start out as an Aggie in Aggieland. There were 10,500 students who were offered PSA, starting out at another campus and planning to transfer in later, and several thousand students were denied admission to TAMU, receiving no offer. But again, if they want to be an Aggie, anyone can apply to transfer in later.

Hopefully you will receive an offer of full admit! But just don’t stress, take slow, deep breaths instead! :slight_smile:

I, I just heard back and I got blinn team. My ultimate goal is to go to vet school. Does anyone know if the Texas A&M vet school look down upon blinn team?

How long after your daughter #2 applied did she receive her offer? I honestly would be thrilled if my son got Blinn Team as it would probably be the best fit for him…but I have heard that often these decisions come after most of the TAMU housing is committed.

@ladymavs95 Blinn Team offers for class 2021 the second week of February and for class 2022 they came out the first week of February.
If the applicant applies to housing within 30 days of being accepted, they have priority housing. Housing is mostly freshman, as most move off campus sophomore year. Getting in line for housing at this time may not give an applicant their first choice dorm but from what I know, all freshmen are placed in TAMU housing.

Actual selection of housing doesn’t happen until mid-late May.