Texas Byrd Scholarship

<p>Has anyone from Texas heard about the Byrd Scholarship yet? Last I heard, TEA said June 15th. Thanks :)</p>

<p>I spoke with Scipio Brown (administrator in Texas) yesterday (512) 427-6333. He said he has selected the recipients and is awaiting approval to release the letters. He suspects he will be given the go ahead next week…but we have been hearing this for a month now, so time will tell.</p>

<p>texasmom: Thanks a bunch for the information. What a pain. Life should not be this hard. At this rate, the kids will have already started college before they find out if they have been awarded the scholarship. :)</p>

<p>DS received his letter in the mail today. He got it!</p>

<p>We are in an Austin suburb where mail from Austin takes only overnight to arrive. Good luck and I hope everyone hears early next week!</p>

<p>My DD got his today. San Antonio. :slight_smile: Good luck to everyone else.</p>

<p>I got mine today! Dallas, Texas. :D</p>

<p>Daughter got hers today. San Antonio area.</p>

<p>Dallas-I got mine today also! I had actually forgot I had applied for it, but God is always right on time!</p>