Texas Private school class certification date

Unique Question: Does anyone know when - what date - Senior class rankings for a Texas Private Schools need to be certified by?

Why: We attend a Private High School and considering taking a Dual Credit College Class the 2nd half of senior year;

however, if the College class (which would count toward GPA as an honors class) ends on May 15th (for example) but the Private School wants the Class rank out earlier, like May 10th for graduation purposes, then can the school “early certify” if it wants

or can we submit the college grade on May 15th and then the school would need to re-rank?

Like for example if the Private School Deadline to submit the Senior class rankings to colleges - to certify the ranking — is May 20th, do they need to wait for all potential grades to be in, assuming we let them know we are taking the class. or can they just certify whenever they like?

Hope the above makes sense.

In short we want to take the college class 2nd semester but want to be sure it isnt wasted if the class ranking certification date is an issue or if the school can just decide to certify whenever it wants even if it knows there are outstanding college classes.
(this is a hypothetical, not a real life situation. curious for next year)