<p>“so, limbwalker, go ahead and send your kid to TSU. whatever. i don’t think it is the best choice, for many reasons, but you don’t seem to want to listen to any of that…”</p>
<p>MikeW, like many others you are not reading my posts very carefully. I never said TSU was MY choice. In fact, after we saw the results of her SAT’s, going to visit Rice was MY decision, not hers. As was our visits to Southwestern and Trinity. I would have been very happy to see her apply to all of these schools and get excited about any of them. However, she has not and TSU is one of her two choices, along with UT. </p>
<p>So, what’s a parent to do? It doesn’t look like we’re going to see any merit aid from UT, and that would pretty well bankrupt our savings and leave nothing for the son who follows in 3 years. The notion that she could attend a school that she sincerely likes, and participate and possibly excel in an honors program sounds pretty good right now, considering her lack of interest in any other “more challenging” schools.</p>
<p>And again, for the LAST TIME, I never meant anything negative by referring to Rice as “inner city.” I didn’t grow up in the city, so to me, being that close to the center of Houston felt very “inner city” to me even though I was pleasantly surprised by the campus and the surroundings. My daughter was very uncomfortable however. So that was no longer on the table. My personal impressions of Rice were both good and bad. And I said so. I never expected the flames to follow like they did. That’s too bad.</p>
<p>Simplelife, all I can say is THANK YOU for understanding where I was coming from… Thanks.</p>
<p>Youdon’tsay, thanks for the tip! I didn’t know about the daily tram…!</p>
<p>“I will say, though, if your knows that grad school is in her future, it will not matter where her undergrad degree is from when she enters the job market…”</p>
<p>Yea, teriwtt, I agree. She enjoys school so much and has expressed an interest in graduate school already, that I fully expect her to breeze through undergrad in 3 years and then really think deep about grad. school. This would not surprise me at all really. I’ve never heard her talk about “going to work” after her undergrad. But she has talked about earning advanced degrees more than once…</p>