<p>What store does NYU use as its textbook vender? If it's Barnes and Noble, can you use gift cards at the bookstore? Cuz I'm gonna stock up on 'em thangs if I can.</p>
<p>they have their own bookstore.</p>
<p>When the book list is up for your classes you can try to find some used at online sites. I just got a $70 book for $20. But there were alot of $20-$30 books and I didn’t feel like buying the little stuff online to save $10 ea.</p>
<p>Some books I have searched for and not found used at all.</p>
<p>Figure on $500 per semester for books. Seriously</p>
<p>Thanks, doll. It’s ridickulous what they charge for books. They take advantage because they KNOW you have to buy it. Chucha de la madre!</p>
<p>[New</a> York University > NYU Bookstores](<a href=“Official Online Store”>http://www.bookstores.nyu.edu/)</p>
<p>is there any way that students can just check out a book at the library? i dont know how ill pay for them otherwise…</p>
<p>probably some of them. And there may be electronic versions of some books.<br>
[NYU</a> Bookstores - Universal Digital Textbooks: The same content. A lower price. Interactive benefits.](<a href=“http://vb.digitaltextbooks.com/ebn/eb_home.php?FVCUSNO=35577]NYU”>http://vb.digitaltextbooks.com/ebn/eb_home.php?FVCUSNO=35577)
But a course is 15 weeks and I don’t think the library will let you keep books out that long. Also you can search for students that have taken that class and buy theirs. My son’s French book was over $200, but it was good for 2 semesters (or 1 semester if you take the intensive class that is 6 credits). I’ve heard that the bookstore buys books back so maybe some used copies are available. </p>
<p>I think maybe an NYU student needs to set up a book selling/trading website!</p>
<p>Look up some course numbers you might be taking and you can get an idea of what the booklists are for that class</p>