Thank you Bama (from a NE family)

<p>I didn’t know where to post this especially in light of the new posts by Northeasterners, but I did not want to post this on one of the NE specific thread because I am hoping many others see this.</p>

<p>Our family must thank the people at Bama (and of course m2ck and other cc’ers for the great information) for an absolutely fantastic visit. Our visit exceeded our already high expectations. I’m not sure where to start… I will start with the pre-visit communication. As we all know, the people at Bama are very communicative and attentive. Before we visited, we were happy to receive information and mail on almost a weekly basis. Before we left for Bama, thanks to the wonderful cc’ers, we sent an email to Allison, requesting that certain meetings be set up on the day before Capstone Scholar Day. Our itinerary arrived before our visit and we couldn’t wait. All our requests were included. We had individual meetings and a group health sciences information session, all scheduled between 9am and 3:00pm on Friday. What a day. We met with some of the most wonderful people and all offered different information and perspectives. I would give specifics but it would take all night to type this. We did not finish until about 4:30 or 5 and were beyond happy with the people, the programs, the school, the dining hall, Tuscaloosa, etc., etc. </p>

<p>The next day was Capstone Scholar Day. It was fantastic. Again, we met great people, received excellent information. The people we met from students to parents of students to staff, to Deans could not have been nicer and more welcoming. It was so genuine and some may call it “Southern Hospitality”, which it might be to a certain extent, but I call it genuine, honest interest and just great people. No one ever rushed us. No one ever made us feel like we were annoying with all of our questions. Everyone wanted to help and advise our son with the goal of his happiness and success.</p>

<p>I realize this is general but when I wrote that I don’t know where to start, I really don’t. </p>

<p>For the people from the NE wondering if they will fit in, culture shock, etc, the only difference we noticed was how patient people were, how people’s guards were more down than up and yes, the dress was somewhat different (but in a good way!). Our son was perfectly comfortable with his new southern friends (he actually made many new NE friends also) and my husband and I could not have been happier to meet so many wonderful and charming people. I had a couple of reservations and questions before the visit. I now have no reservations and most of my questions have been answered. </p>

<p>Our visit to Bama was awesome.</p>

<p>Nothing left to say but Roll Tide!</p>

<p>So happy for your awesome experience. :)</p>

<p>lucky&blue - Thanks so much for letting us know how your visit went. Every time we visit UA, we leave loving it more than before. With two kids there next year I will get to visit often. :slight_smile: Gotta love that place!</p>

<p>Great story. My only critique…you need to end your post with…</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Oops. ROLL TIDE :)</p>

<p>So glad you got to experience Bama hospitality first hand! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Glad to hear your visit went well! We fell in love with Alabama when we came for Capstone Scholars Day as well (in 2012). Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>So happy to hear that your visit went so well!</p>

<p>roll tide!</p>

<p>Wow, what a endorsement, so happy to hear that you had a great visit. We would love more details whenever you get a chance.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Great visit review.</p>

<p>So glad you and your family got to see at UA what we experienced a few years ago. The folks here are genuine and they care. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>From another soon to be parent of the class of 2018, Roll Tide!</p>

<p>The people ARE the DEAL.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>We have had the same wonderful experience with UA. In talking to other senior parents at my DD hS no other school communicates like Bama. She applied to 3 other universities and there is no comparison. We went on our first visit in September and were totally impressed with the staff. The honors college staff couldn’t have been more helpful. They totally sold us. When she was there for Capstone, Neal and Dr. Morgan both remembered Dd by name (with out her wearing a name tag) and where she was from and her visit in Sept) That really impressed me. It made her feel special, not just a number like at many other schools. Our local recruiter is also phenomenal. We have had a pizza party to get to know other Houston prospective students, a reception next month. He has a twitter that he updates regularly with dates and useful information.<br>
I truly think that dd will have an amazing experience at UA. I think she would do fine at any of the other schools she applied to but Bamq offers her the best chance to really shine and fulfill her dreams. </p>

<p>All that’s left to say is ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Wow, love hearing these stories!</p>

<p>lucky&blue, many thanks for sharing your experience. Very helpful.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity… What do you mean by “the dress was somewhat different (but in a good way!).” Alabama is on my DS list to visit.</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear you had a great visit. Now here’s the really good news: it’s not just recruiting. It’s actually like that.</p>