Thanks to all of you. S is officially a Hokie!

<p>Just wanted to thank all of you esp. Chuy, Bennnie, LynnVB, Sevmom, soon2bvtmom, K and Ksmom, mcroson, dmflege and all the other students who have answered our questions. My S was looking over the answers to my posts and PM's on this board last night and and we couldnt believe how much information was gathered to help his decision. There will be more questions to come, but they will now be directed towards info for an actual student. So while its bittersweet for me that he has decided to go OOS for school, your posts have been so reassuring that he has made the right decision. Go Hokies!!</p>

<p>Congtatulations to you and your son,bandgy! Thanks so much for letting us know . Go Hokies!!!</p>

<p>Yes, congratulations, the big hurdle is over! I know your family will love VT. I say “family” because that is what it feels like not only for the student, but parents too.
We are instate but still 5 hours away. With technology, skyping, etc you will feel close.
Check your calendars and football schedule now to plan on a weekend to visit. I would recommend not making a trip for the parents weekend, rather save it for a home game-so much fun and you will still have time to relax around the campus and Blacksburg.

<p>That’s fantastic. Glad we could help in some small way. Go Hokies!</p>

<p>I have to share this little story to other Hokies - the other day my family and I decided to go see at VT/BC varsity softball game at BC. We love softball and my younger daughter wanted a chance to see Div I teams play and get a look at the BC campus. Do you know that of the 100 or so fans watching the game, at least 60 of them were rooting for the Hokies! One BC parent looked up in the stands and said kind of to himself “what the f…” I love Hokie spirit.</p>

<p>So happy to hear this news and so glad we could share information that helped your family. That is what I love about this site.</p>

<p>Like LynnVB said, you are all now Hokies! It really is such a great school for so many reasons. There is so much to like about it. My h gives me such a hard time because even though I am not an alum, I truly have moved my allegiance to that university :slight_smile: I have more Hokie attire than I should I think and wear it proudly. He is going to love it and you seriously need to look on stubhub and get fball tickets when they come out. It is an experience you won’t soon forget!</p>

<p>Congratulations - how exciting for all of you! I can’t wait to hear back & find out how much your son is loving VT!</p>

<p>Congtatulations to you and your son. </p>

<p>My son also decided to go to VT yesterday. As an international freshman, it is difficult for us to visit VT , but we have gathered many kinds of info from this forum, and help us to make decition at last.</p>

<p>Great! Make sure he stays active and helps out on the message board here. Our advice gets less and less accurate as time passes, so we need to keep fresh students in the ranks.</p>

<p>“Our advice gets less and less accurate as time passes”…</p>

<p>^same can be said for my memory…
hokagesama…is this a politically correct way of calling us old geezers? :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Congrats to all of the newest incoming Hokies!</p>

<p>Thanks for advice…made hotel arrangements for football weekend in fall. We did attend a game last year and spent the weekend in Blacksburg and I really think that is the atmosphere my S used to compare when we visited other schools. When do they usually have parents weekend? A question my S had last night was about finding roomates. He went on facebook but wasnt sure if that was the best way to find a compatible person or if its best to go random or wait until orientation. He wants to be in a house with kids that have various majors, so I guess that rules out Galileo.</p>


<p>Random, Facebook or finding someone at orientation are all pretty even bets. With Facebook you could get an inkling of who they’re going to be at least.</p>

<p>not at all! The advice from my freshman year (3 years ago…wow…!) was “Chang for physics!”. Literally the year after that, Dr. Chang wasn’t teaching physics any more. We never would’ve known if it hadn’t been for new freshmen being on the boards to tell us otherwise.</p>

<p>Hopefully we’ll be outdated in saying there’s a tablet requirement…but who am I kidding?</p>

<p>Congrats on becoming part of the Hokie family. We are still waiting to hear on our side. Happy for you!</p>