We are Hokies!

My son accepted at VA tech last night. He has turned down Penn state, NC State, ETSU and UNC Charlotte.


Congratulations! He made an excellent decision.

Fabulous! My son wanted me to put a deposit down after our Hokie Focus visit! I am holding off until one more admitted students day at another U but I’m pretty sure I will be back on here joining you :slight_smile:

Congratulations @eaglemom2014!

We are very close to the same decision. Hokie Focus was great!

Just to be prudent, we will try to see tOSU and U of Florida before the final choice.

My S just accepted VT’s offer! He decided not to attend other college admit days. Fell in love with VT the minute he walked on campus! Officially part of Hokie Nation! GO HOKIES!! :slight_smile:

@xaviermom2017 congrats!!! I have a graduating senior (engineering) who loved his time at VT ; I think he is sad to graduate! I have an incoming freshman who just committed last week. Be sure to join the VT parents page on Facebook! He made a great decision!

Enough said!

@yaychildisdone Thanks! I am going to join the FB page right now! I am confident he made the right decision! He turned down a bunch of great offers in the New England area and is going pretty far away but no doubt he will have a great experience!!!

We visited last year. Fell in love with the campus…

That’s. great- My daughter committed last week and is trying to “convince” a few fellow women engineers to do the same. One thing that made her happy- in giving up a full scholarship to another college, it opens the door for another student. It’s a win-win.

We visited VT on Thursday and South Carolina on Friday. In the end, my daughter said she loved VT - the school spirit, the overall “feel”, the Pamplin Business School and the food:) So deposit sent and this Hokie is now a proud Hokie Mom.