<p>Check your email to see if you got it.</p>
<p>edit:500th post over nothing getting an award.uh</p>
Dear Applicant to The Achievement Award Program:</p>
<p>Thank you for your application to The Achievement Award Program.</p>
<p>This year we had over 1,700 applicants across the state apply for 25 available scholarships, and it has been an extremely competitive selections process. Unfortunately, at this time your application is no longer under consideration for The Achievement Award Program scholarship.</p>
<p>We wish you the best of luck in your academic endeavors.</p>
<p>The Achievement Award Program Staff</p>
<p>Program Staff, The Achievement Award Program</p>
<p>Cal Alumni Association | UC Berkeley</p>
<p>1 Alumni House, Berkeley, CA 94720</p>
<p>T 510.642.2949 | F 510.642.6252</p>
<p>Visit alumni.berkeley.edu
<p>I got rejected too!!! YAY!!!
<p>Did we have to apply for it? I haven’t heard from them, does that mean I’m still in consideration? It seems like only yesterday someone was stroking my ego. HELP</p>
<p>Bro, u had to apply for it! it is a $6,000 scholarship +laptop.</p>
<p>I applied but I haven’t recieved the rejection email yet. </p>
<p><em>CROSSING FINGERS</em></p>
<p>EDIT: I’m dumb. But I want a cash money.</p>
<p>bro, it is a separate scholarship you had to apply separately from the UC app. its given to students by the Cal Alumni Association.
[The</a> Achievement Award Program | CAA](<a href=“http://alumni.berkeley.edu/services/scholarships/achievement-award-program]The”>http://alumni.berkeley.edu/services/scholarships/achievement-award-program)</p>
<p>Wasn’t there another one called the Leadership Award? I think that one is due in June (?) or something. Someone look it up and tell me since i’m too lazy to do it</p>
<p>here u go Lakersforever24_2.0</p>
<p>[The</a> Leadership Award | CAA](<a href=“http://alumni.berkeley.edu/services/scholarships/leadership-award]The”>http://alumni.berkeley.edu/services/scholarships/leadership-award)</p>
<pre><code>* Minimum 3.3 unweighted GPA
- Demonstrate innovative, motivational leadership impacting academic, work, or community environments
- Submit a UC Berkeley application for Fall 2010/Spring 2011 enrollment
- Interview in-person on campus in September 2010
- Submit a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) to UC Berkeley by June 1, 2010
<p>Oops, didn’t see this thread, but I am on my cellphone so it updates a bit slow haha</p>
<p>Sad we didn’t get accepted, isn’t it? Well at least we still have a chance at getting accepted to Berk!</p>
<p>@jane good sign chick! Good luck :)</p>
<p>hahahaha, and this is exactly why I shouldn’t write essays the night it is due.</p>
<p>Good luck to those left in the running! :)</p>
<p>i’ll take it as a sign, anything they throw or don’t throw is a sign for me lol.
i did sugar coat all my community involvement in the L.A. community and expressed to them that i would love to do the same in the Berkeley community.
realistically i am waiting for my rejection email, only 25 people get it!!! 25!!!</p>
<p>thanks jane. i guess i dont have to worry about that one unless i get accepted.</p>
<p>I haven’t gotten an email from them yet either.</p>
<p>Does anyone have an update on TAAP?</p>
<p>i was a finalist but i havent heard back. was anyone else interviewed?</p>
<p>Are you a transfer student? I never got called in for an interview, but I also didn’t receive the email about not being considered anymore.</p>
<p>My cousin Yunie was interviewed as well. Good luck to you!</p>
<p>i had an interview too. received a letter two weeks later saying that i am still in consideration</p>
<p>They sent a letter and not an email?</p>