<p>I got this email a few mins ago :</p>
<p>"April 3, 2012</p>
<p>Dear Applicant to The Achievement Award Program:</p>
<p>Thank you for your interest in The Achievement Award Program.</p>
<p>This year we had over 2,700 applicants apply for our program, and it has been an extremely competitive selections process. Unfortunately, at this time your application is no longer under consideration.</p>
<p>We wish you the best of luck in your academic endeavors.</p>
<p>Best Regards,</p>
<p>The Achievement Award Program staff
Cal Alumni Association | UC Berkeley
1 Alumni House, Berkeley, CA 94720
T 510.642.1720 | F 510.642.6252"</p>
<p>does this reflect badly on my chances of getting into Cal ;(</p>
<p>There was a disclaimer on the application that consideration for the alumni scholarships have no bearing on admission to Cal. The scholarship and admission procceses are not associated. Hopefully you get in and are awarded ano their scholarship.</p>
<p>did you apply for the “achievement award” or was that a random email? at least they sent you something. haven’t heard much from them since they received my applications ages ago.</p>
<p>Yea i applied for it. I feel dumb now ;( </p>
<p>I hope it has no impact on admissions.</p>
<p>got the same email…</p>
<p>Well… That sucks, guess its only UCLA now!</p>
<p>yea Hopefully JavyUCB. fingers crossed</p>
<p>@sh2mathecon UCLA has a scholarship too?</p>
<p>^^Shhhhhh…! Lol
yeah just google Ucla Alumni Scholarships</p>
<p>I received the same email with the same response unfortunately. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. They only awarded The Achievement Award to 25 students last year, so 25 out of over 2700 this year makes the award very, very special, in my opinion. Considering that I applied for it on a whim, I’m not going to stress out over it.</p>
<p>With less than a month to go, I find myself fretting about everything these days. I’ve been keeping myself busy by going the extra mile in my current classes and reading a few novels a week. I’ve also started a bunch of TV miniseries I’ve always wanted to watch and that’s been keeping me crazy occupied. </p>
<p>They really should have just sent the email after admissions went out. I was all zen-like for the past few months and that email just turned the stress notch to 10. So. dang. ANXIOUS.</p>
<p>I have a 4.0 GPA, worked as an intern in a law firm, work as an official English tutor in my CC, a mentor for a teaching program in my CC, did a research proposal with my biology professor, published an essay for my school’s literary magazine, and a prospective valedictorian. </p>
<p>And I was turned down
What’d I do wrong?</p>
<p>Got the same email from the achievement award program. I’m wondering based on what information they select who to invite for their scholarship.</p>
<p>oh, if it was a competitive award with only 25 people receiving it, i can’t understand why anyone would worry about getting rejected. and of course it would have nothing to do with admission—beyond the fact that the few who did win it, then they can probably assume they were accepted to the school as well. good luck everyone! not too much longer to wait.</p>
ah, thousands of students have equally solid applications and the school only gave out 25 awards, so you do the math. good luck, hope we all get in!</p>
<p>They just responded to my email:
“… From the 2700 applicants, only 60 students will be selected as awardees of The Achievement Award Program…”
Still not that many but definitely more than 25!</p>
<p>does anyone know if the phone interviews are scheduled or do they just call at random?</p>
<p>I haven’t heard back from them yet… =/ getting nervous.</p>
<p>60 is definitely better than 25. :)</p>
<p>Did they give you a timeline of when the decisions will be made?</p>
<p>60 is indeed much better than 25. hope you dudes get it!</p>
<p>Did u reply and tell them what was your preferred option for the interview?
I told them on Tuesday, but haven’t heard from them :/</p>
<p>thanks northbeach!</p>
no they did not give me a specific timeline, they just said that if I requested for a phone interview they would contact me later in the week, but I don’t know the specific day or time</p>
<p>btw is it “one million dollars”? haha</p>