How many of you guys took or are currently taking Ap World?
Im taking it right now, its too hard, I get F’s on the tests, best I ever got was a C+ and we only have 6 tests. We are having our 5th one next week. Tutors, staying after, they dont work for me. I am getting very desperate now (especially with all the cases of cheating you hear, makes you very angry)
I am not worried about the Ap exam right now, im thinking in the present right now, passing the 5th test. Any tips? I do my reading, Take cornell notes, take notes in class, doesnt help me as much as it feels like it should.
I would like to hear from you all, even the ones who didnt take it, maybe Ap tips or something.
i made this account for this question, anyone can contact me from there as well as here, but if you want to text me, please do, i would really appreciate it.
When I did my textbook reading, I read aloud. It forced me to pay attention.
My textbook also had sample quizzes online that I sometimes used. I made notes as I read the second time (often read each chapter twice. It took forever).
What are you struggling with? Remembering dates? People? Overarching trends? Try to identify your problem points and address those.
Definitely read the book. Over and over. The info sticks in your head when you read. (same thing with normal books).
Do you have a review book? Maybe buy one are B&N when you have the chance. Some companies like Kaplan, Princeton Review, or Barrons have books for AP World.
I personally haven’t taken AP World but assuming similar to USH, I also take practice quizzes online which you can google and some should pop up. Flashcards or Quizlet are helpful for key terms. Otherwise, stick with the notes and reading. I use review videos which are 10 mins. tops as well but not sure if there are any for world history. However, if you find some, those are helpful recapping key points in the chapter. You could also look for review sites that have organized notes, flashcards, and other helpful info you could use. You don’t have to do everything listed, but they are some suggestions.
A lot of people on CC are here to answer questions. Don’t get desperate! It takes determination and motivation to get good grades in Ap classes. Just remember practice is key!!! Study before the tests, DO NOT CRAM! If you look over the notes over a span of 3 or 5 days, the information is more likely to remain for the AP exam rather than the cram and let go. Trust me, I’ve learned my lessons. And sleep is the best thing before tests 
Good luck!
You really need to understand the big ideas. And you really have to absorbs information during class. We just had a test, and I got a 97% with barely any studying (just read over notes once). History is my favorite subject though. It’s REALLY important that you understand general trends and it’s even better if you kinda see the info as a big story. And learn to find the class interesting. Haven’t you noticed how we tend to do well in classes that we like?
I’m not sure how your tests are structured, but definitely look at the big picture. If you can’t connect the dots, that definitely means you dont have an adequate level of comprehension.
Practices quizzes always help (get them wrong on the quiz and right on the test). Your textbook may have a companion site with quizzes, or get the ap books. YouTube or google reviews for the topics. Take initiative and find your own study tools.
APWH tends to follow trends concerning trade, exploration, etc. Know these and your life will be easier.
Lastly, your teacher is there to help you. Show interest in getting your grade up, ask for extra materials, extra review, or additional help. Theyre making the test, and they will know the best ways to help you do good on it.
what’s your class structure like? does your teacher teach from power points? or lectures? because at my school, the kids just read over all the slides of the power points and we’re good to go for the tests if we know it. I’ve also heard the barron’s books are good. I think it’s probably best to start reviewing a prep book now to prepare for the ap exam! best of luck!
AP World tests for me were just 45 multiple choice with 5 point FRQ. Always read your textbook and if you hate reading, force yourself to love reading your textbook and try to find the material interesting. I loved history and it kept me interested and wanting to read ahead. When I study, I outline in MS Word the important points, print out study outlines and highlight basic generalizations, and/or take online quizzes to test my knowledge. Like @pandaholic2 said, focus on economic trade/infrastructure, along with politics, key events/disputes, comparisons and differences, culture, and governmental policy. Knowing key terms can be beneficial to success as well. I wish you luck, I know you can pull off a decent grade. (If you’re curious, I got A’s both semesters and 5 on AP)