The Art Supplement

If I show I demonstrated interest in a form of art and don’t submit an art supplement, will it hurt my application?

I think it really depends on the school.

dont submit an art supplement unless its mad good bro

I’m not sure if it will “hurt” your application. Of course, you want to be good. And, not just by your parents standards. However, there aren’t many opportunities for prospective students to show their talent, unless you submit an arts supplement. Students who play certain sports, and there are hundreds-of-thousands, often get looked at by scouts. They play in tournaments attended by college representatives. Music / theatre, visual arts, don’t often get this opportunity. So, why not! Submit, if it’s good!

Many schools don’t really pay much attention to it and see it as a bonus. It’ll neither make nor brake your app. But, if you claim to be this amazing violinist who has all these awards and stuff, it’s a good idea to actually record yourself and show them what you’ve got.

I emailed the people who review the dance videos for Stanford and he told me that they’re happy to watch anything you’d like to submit - whether or not you believe it’s up to par with their standards - and that there’s no penalty if it’s not at the level it should be.

I’m not sure if this is the overall attitude towards supplements however.