the big list of acceptances

<p>My son got an acceptance letter today from Roosevelt CCPA in MT. </p>

<p>I also wanted to join abparent and add my admiration for Susan's consistent encouragement and enthusiasm. I don't think most people whose children apply to college realize how demanding and stressful audition-based applications can be. We went through the college application process with 3 other children who did not apply to performance programs, and, despite the fact that both my wife and I are musicians (she a graduate of CCM, albeit many years ago), we had no idea of what is now involved in applying to these kinds of programs. My hat is off to all the kids who have had the stamina and focus to go through this process. Good luck to you all.</p>

<p>My head is spinning and while my heart is soaring for those who have gotten the news they were waiting for it aches for those who did not. I hope that those who have received disappointing news or will receive it in the days to come will take heart from the stories that can be found all over this forum - the stories of dedicated, talented students who believed they had "the right stuff" and didn't allow one (or several) "no's" to deter them from pursuing their dreams. Your dream may be deferred but it doesn't have to be denied. Many of us will continue to be here for whatever support we can provide. Feel free to lean on us.</p>

<p>got regected from emerson (my top choice) and boston conservatory...</p>

<p>4 days, 4 regections... I know I should be stronger, but I am honestly crushed beyond words...</p>

<p>My D and I have been lurkers for the past few months. Most of her audition results are in:
Accepted into BFA MT at: Wright State, Shenandoah, SUNY Buffalo(UB)
Accepted into BA MT at: SUNY Geneseo
Waitlisted at: Baldwin-Wallace (MT), Syracuse (MT)
Still deciding.......
Thank you for all the posts that have been informative and supportive. We haven't posted up until now, but may do so in the future for those auditioning next year.... now that we have gone through this process. It sure has been an experience. Good luck to all.</p>

<p>Drum 87- You sound like you're in the same situation as I am. Except worse. I got rejections from BoCo/Emerson mt (though I did get in to the school) today, Syracuse on Saturday, and last weekend I got the no from Michigan. Yours is a little worse, but, still, I completely feel your pain. Thank god for my boyfriend/parents/voice teacher for trying to keep my spirits up.</p>

<p>drum87, I'm sorry you (and so many others) are having to go through this. You're not alone, though -- the rejection letters you're reading about on cc are only a small percentage -- most people aren't strong enough to share those decisions online so soon. </p>

<p>There are so many people with so much talent who deserve a chance to be in one of these programs -- who knows what makes one person stand out over another on any particular audition day. You could have the best audition of your life, but if they've already found a couple of talented, 5'6 blondes, for instance, the next person might not have a shot unless they're a freckled redhead. You know? It's rather random and is tied to so much more than just talent. Give yourself permission to grieve over this, and then start thinking about what your other options are. Hugs.</p>

<p>I got rejected from Boston Conservatory (top choice) and waitlisted for Emerson. This really sucks and im sorry. Like my sister told me, you're just not meant to be there. God has a different plan for you. It will be okay.</p>

<p>Got accepted to BoCo's BFA MT today! I have absolutely no idea how to do the whole colored list thing though...</p>

<p>I'm sorry, STBFamous. Your sister is wise.</p>

<p>kingsandcabbages, congrats. it's such a mixed blessing here tonight.</p>

<p>What is wrong with my mail? I still haven't heard from Ithaca, and I feel like I'm the only person who hasn't heard from Emerson, either! And I'm still waiting for Hartt. I want my letters!</p>

<p>I am still waiting on Hartt and Ithaca as well.</p>

<p>However, I was told I would know something from Ithaca by April 15. So, you aren't alone!</p>

<p>I wasn't going to share this, but: </p>

<p>Rejected. Boston University.</p>

<p>If I am going to share the good news, why not the bad, as well? We are all in this together, sharing information, advice, ideas, and passion. The schools I have been accepted at are certainly not places I ever imagined myself going. If we are passionate, I believe that we will get ourselves incredible educations wherever we attend, whether it be the local community college or the premier theatrical conservatory. Someone somewhere has a lesson to offer each of us- and we go to college to learn, don't we? I am not one who believes in the whole "what's meant to be is meant to be" stuff. I am accepting the reality of our situations- our rejections, acceptances, deferrals, and wait-lists. There are professors all over America waiting for September to come to take in freshman undergraduate theatre students with open arms- and they all, regardless of prestige, want their freshman class to one day find success.</p>

<p>Hartt letters will come any day, probably. I emailed U of Hartford's admissions because I got nervous that I hadn't heard. This was about a week and a half to 2 weeks ago. They told me that Hartt hadn't given them their decisions yet but they like to mail out the letters by April 1. So keep checking those mailboxes and good luck :)</p>

<p>Sporti! {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} from my D and I - we were rooting for you! So sorry to hear that BoCo didnt know what they were passing up! Words sound so hollow but I am certain you will find your have a passion and a gift. Be strong!</p>

<p>Mikks Mom (and D)</p>

<p>I'm awed by each one of you, those accepted and those with disappointments. You are talented young people and this is not the end all and be all even if at the moment it may feel that way. You know what you wish to pursue and there are MANY ways to pursue it. Many who go into theater went to liberal arts schools or BA Theater programs and many just did training outside of a college setting. Right now, you are immersed in this BFA admissions process but there is light at the end of this tunnel. Things work out. Setbacks happen but they are not a dead end. They are just a juncture in the road. I love what Theatermom said about a dream deferred but NOT DENIED. You will continue to pursue theater. This is not the end of that dream by far. Right now you are wrapped up in this particular path but you will find ways to continue your education and theatrical pursuits. </p>

<p>Sporti....I've heard you are accomplished. You will find a way to pursue this. You'll need to branch out and look at various ways to do that and not just one way. You'll succeed. You have the drive and you are smart to boot. You're a good person and good people are winners in life. </p>

<p>MagicBoy....until tonight, I didn't even know you were my D's friend and that I know you in real life. You are an amazing actor. You ARE in at some BFA programs. I understand if these were not your top choices or favorites but none of that is going to matter, you'll see. For BFA programs, it is a big deal to even get in ONE. A choice is nice. Getting into a favorite is difficult odds and more like an extra bonus. But you see, you are so smart, you really are because your post tonight says it all. Those other schools that were not at the top of your list, are ALSO GREAT educations and training and where you will pursue your craft, your passion, and learn and be a success. The name of the school is not the key to your success, YOU ARE. There is great training to be had at those schools too and so go and grab it. None of this is going to matter next year at this time. You'll be studying somewhere, and thriving. </p>

<p>BroadwayBound88....i am sending you hugs and hugs and hugs. You are a trooper and a talented young woman who has been handed several disappointing college decisions but you do have a BFA program to go to and and I think you will be more than fine. You'll love it and this step of your process will be a memory. I think it is Divasmom who has a D who goes to the school you got into and she says her D loves it there. Turns out we realized her D used to be in my older D's cabin at performing arts camp a while ago. Small world. Anyway, run with the opportunity you got. Look at the positive side of it all. </p>

<p>I don't wish disappointment on ANY of you. And as a parent, I know we ache when we see our kids disappointed. But we also know you are still who you are, you still can pursue your interests, you still can go to college, you still can make it, and you WILL overcome bumps in the road. This field is full of bumps. You guys are strong and you will weather them. Don't give up on your passions and dreams and remember, there are SO MANY ways to get there. Reach for the stars.....</p>


<p>Oops, Zal, I forgot you....I'm delighted for you that so many programs took you in. You have a nice problem right now....picking! Best wishes. I've met lots of you in person but even for those who I haven't, there is lots of talent out there and unfortunately these programs cannot take all the talented people.</p>

<p>I received my acceptance email to BoCo this evening as was a pleasant turn around from the UMichigan rejection letter I got in the mail today after waiting on a deferral for three months. 5 more days of this insanity!!</p>

<p>I only posted my D's positive or somewhat positive results..... I felt so bad that I posted about the same time as those experiencing disappointments today.... My D has had her disappointments also .... So to be complete.... rejected at UMich, CCM, Otterbein. Initially deferred at Penn State, then rejected. SHe is very lucky, we know, to have the acceptances and choices she does have. And hopefully, when she makes her final choice, it will be a good one for her. 'Good luck' to those still waiting and 'keep your faith' to those experiencing disappointments right now.</p>

<p>Got into BoCo MT!!!</p>

<p>Got into Emerson for MT!</p>

<p>I think the big list needs som major updating:)</p>