The Bragging Thread

My youngest niece had her virtual HS graduation last night – very nice video production of each kid walking, getting the diploma, followed by turning tassels and tossing mortarboards. The school made appointments for each student and immediate family to come in at a specific time so they could film safely, and edited it all into magic.

Today she went out waveboarding in her cap and gown (and a bikini)bto celebrate. My sister got great pics. My niece looked so happy – she’s had a very tough year emotionally, so it was a thrill to see the sheer joy on her face!

@CountingDown, great to hear such joy during this whacky time.
That “picture” makes me smile.

My actor daughter got work doing a voiceover (think it’s a commercial). Since things have pretty much dried up for actors, this is great. Not her dream gig, but it’s something that pays!!

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@Bromfield2: My son just took a Master Class with someone this weekend for getting into voice work.

Great for your daughter! May the wind be at her back going forward in her endeavors.

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My son made a job offer to an executive assistant which was somewhat low because he was expecting a counter-offer. She accepted without countering. He felt the salary was too low and hence had to look for a pretext to increase her salary to what he thought it should be, which he did as soon as he could. I wonder if that is what happened here.

I was nervous about a pandemic birthday celebration, but managed to make my H feel special on his Big 60th Birthday Weekend. Spread out special treats over several days.

Hiked together at a state park. Plus got our son to do a more rigorous hike with H.

Take out BBQ for meal at home.

Surprised him with a nice sign in our yard (similar to graduation signs for seniors) and balloons on mailbox.

Managed to find a couple practical gifts he really likes and will actually use.

Arranged a Zoom Call with all of his siblings.

So relieved. Next up: Father’s Day

Great job @powercropper. My husband turns 60 in July. I was paying for a big trip to Italy. Now with COVID, I got nothin…
I am trying to think of good ideas. Maybe I will steal a few of yours.

One of my kids wrote a book! A whole book. So excited he completed this!


Youngest got her diploma from Susquehanna University in the mail today. Highest honors!! In Photography and Art History. We’re really proud of her because she’s not a “natural student” like I was. She had to work hard for those grades. We held a little ceremony in the living room to award her the diploma. The “live” ceremony is still supposed to take place in August, so we can always hope…

Congrats @MaineLonghorn.

ShawSon’s startup was written about in a national business publication and several tech industry publications in the last week. I talked with him and he said he is pushing for end of quarter results and hasn’t slept for over 4 hours a night in over a wek.

Kiddo got a nice raise today and high praise from management today, along with new responsibilities. A welcome surprise given the economy.

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S2, who was laid off pre-Covid due to private equity downsizing, got into grad school yesterday! This will be a career pivot for him, a top-ranked program in the field, and something he’s wanted to do for a long time. Nice piece of positive news as he waits for the wedding that’s been postponed twice now.


So glad to hear some positive- no, great! - news! Your poor son has had a long streak of dark clouds.

Was shopping for a new suit for S yesterday. Once he picked out the keeper he actually asked me, “So I’ll pay for this right?” (he has been fortunate to have a great internship that wasn’t cancelled - virtual but still very good).

I told him “I’ll get this one but appreciate the thought” and I do! I’ve been adding real life expenses to our conversations as he’s a rising senior and will be on his own in a year. Glad he’s been paying attention!

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My daughter has had two good things happen recently. I’m happy for her since she’s one of those new college graduates who’s had so many disappointments lately.

First, she got a job where she will be photographing newborns at our local hospital. :slight_smile: She doesn’t want to be a portrait photographer, but at least it’s in her field! Her majors were in photography and art history.

Second, she just got word that her senior art paper, on contemporary art installations, has been accepted for a visual arts conference! She didn’t even know her professor had submitted her paper. She will present it virtually.

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I went to a “movement assessment” with my yoga teacher today. He said I did the best of anybody ever. He also said I had worked hard to get here. A few years ago I couldn’t even lift my arm!

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Kiddo bought a lawnmower and mowed his first lawn (ever) yesterday! His own. :smile:

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My daughter is truly taking advantage of the opportunities available to her as a student athlete on scholarship. On track to graduate in 3 years with two majors and almost a 3.9 cumulative GPA (perfect 4.0 last semester!), applying for a masters in January hoping to compete in her 4th year as a graduate student. Whether she gets in or not, super proud of her for the massive effort!

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DS16 finally received his first full paycheck!!! So proud of him for hanging in there while the pandemic threw a wrench in his on boarding plans over and over again.
