The Bragging Thread

My daughter just got an A on her very first test at college, in a class related to a potential major, no less. I’m surprised and, yet, not.

Taking 5 classes, a student athlete, working on that grad school app to graduate a year early and maintaining a 4.0 for the second semester in a row? My daughter is ROCKING it!!

D20’s art has been accepted to a competitive gallery show in Dallas!!

So proud of our son’s response to covid restrictions:

Graduated last spring, commencement postponed - “Oh well, maybe next year”

Internship remote - “I’ll still be able learn while pocketing more cash”

First quarter of Masters studies remote - “I’ll take a full load over the web and enjoy home cooking”

Here’s to a better 2021…

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Kudos to you and your spouse for raising a resilient young adult!


D emailed five professors about her interest in pursuing a PhD in Art History at their universities. I’m so proud of her! She is also maintaining a positive attitude through all of this craziness, including jobs that don’t pan out due to COVID restrictions. With her history of anxiety, that’s saying something! :slight_smile:

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Well, I managed to be focused and fairly cheery in my 6-11am conference call this morning—only one more tomorrow.

I’m going back to school! I’m enrolled in a Master’s program that will really help my career when I’m finished - basically, I’ll never have to worry about unemployment again. You’re never too old to continue your education, right? Two years from now, I’ll still be two years older, with or without the diploma.


@sherimba03 : Sounds great!! What kind of Masters program? What do you do now??

@VeryHappy first of all, you have Aussies!!! Me two - a black tri and a red tri. They’re minis and everyone thinks they’re puppies even though they’re actually senior citizens. I think their brains shrank with their miniaturization b/c they not smart the way standard Aussies are supposed to be, but happily they make up for it with love.

The program is Regulatory Affairs - food, drugs, devices, cosmetics, tobacco, etc. People who know how to navigate the regulatory submissions process with FDA and global regulators are always in demand. It’s an excellent program, at SDSU but fully remote (and designed that way with their Global Campus, from way before the pandemic). I’ve already got an established career on the Quality side, and having this Masters degree will round out my skill set quite nicely. And, it’s very interesting too, so that’s a nice perk, lol.

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The results from that big race I recently ran in (virtually) are posted . I finished in the top 30 of over 210 women in my age group. In the top third of all women who ran (most younger than me). As a person who actually got C’s in high school PE - I am thrilled!


As of tonight - proud parent of an Eagle Scout!


Our costumes won the prize for funniest costume in DH’s corporate contest. There are prizes. But the best prize would be a happy result tomorrow. I’d take that over anything.


@jym626 – So, in the interest of distracting us all, tell us what the costumes were. Or were they political?

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I’ll send you a message

My adult D who studied fashion/costume design at Parsons and has been trying for more years than she can count (not literally) to have her costumes be noticed was just identified on IG by 2 Hollywood costume designers for her work, one of them (with permission) even plucked one the the designs and reposted it tagging several influential people in the industry, including the costume concept artist for Black Panther - both are now following HER on IG and tagging her designs! As if that wasn’t enough to make my Ds entire year(!) same designer contacted her via DM asking if she lived in LA, and when D replied that she’s moving back mid-November, designer wrote back “hit me up when you get to town, I’ve got 2 projects I’m working on.” - D asks me (half jokingly) how do I get to LA TODAY? Patience and hard work may well be paying off.


That is so cool @JustaMom !!!

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Well our costumes won my DH a corporate logo polo shirt. Ummm… yay?


@jym626 , so next Halloween he can wear it with some khaki pants and a name tag that says “cheap person in charge of prizes”

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OMG that hysterical!!!