The Bragging Thread

Your journey has been inspiring and I am old and jaded!! Keep fighting the good fight and great to finally see you display some well earned and deserved self confidence!!


Big congrats to you, @CavsFan2003. All of us on the prep forum have been with you all the way. So happy to hear your news. Thanks for sharing.

(Go Choate!)

Ahh thank you! I must say it does feel very good right now, although college decisions are a couple months away. I really appreciate the support :heart:

Thank you so much ChoatieMom, genuinely couldnā€™t have done it without you and the other parents on the Prep Forum. Yā€™alls support has beenā€¦ unimaginable.


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ChoatieLT has been admitted to the graduate program at Georgia Tech to earn a masterā€™s in Computer Science starting in January. Well done, son!


I can brag that I have probably been given more opportunities and privileges than most, like having a grad degree in Computer Science in the mid 70s and working at a rising company in MA. I can also brag that I managed to land the ā€œmost mediocre careerā€ award for my performance. A couple of weeks ago I got handed a fresh new opportunity - certified grandpa - I just hope I do a better job in this new career, which sadly is going to be mainly WFH since they live several hours away.


Enjoy the new chapter, @Dad_of_3!


Iā€™m backā€¦ in late Aug D scored the perfect p/t job working at a top costume design house. They literally design & make costumes for everyone, musicians to magicians! A jacket my D hand embellished for Tyra Banks showed up on Dancing with the Stars last night. Weā€™re not allowed to show many of her things because of the element of surprise (most of them are one week or less turn-arounds), but I can tell you that since scoring this job her work showed up on the Emmyā€™s red carpet, a record release party, a female WWE wrestler wore a head-to-toe look that she designed (and it got over 150k hits on IG) (plus she came back asking for another, asking for her by name to design it with a note that read ā€œshe gets meā€!), and several of her designs for some aerialists are heading to Las Vegas for Americaā€™s Got Talent. Moving up to LA has been amazing for her.

Bragging doneā€¦for now. :wink:


My freshman daughter got back her first big paper and her professor told her it was the best out of over 200. Iā€™m tempted to tell her AP teacher from last year because I really think he had a positive impact on her writing skills.


Whenever I walk into a room, my dogs wag their tails.


It might mean more if your D (not you) sent a quick email to thank her AP teacher.


When your D has a season-ending injury in her last year of her sport and has the ability to keep it in perspective, I think the hubby and I have done something right. ā€œYou and daddy have always told me Iā€™m more than a gymnast. I know Iā€™m a really good one, have accomplished a lot but Iā€™m more than that. And you said to find interests and joy outside of it. I have. I really like my program and I know Iā€™m going to be okay.ā€ We rarely give ourselves pats on the back on how weā€™ve parented. Giving this one to us with teary eyes as we say goodbye to the end of an era.


My S really seems to have his act together. He is n his second year of vet school and still has a perfect 4.0 since undergrad started. Half way through the year and his lowest average is a 96! It hasnā€™t been easy and he has been studying insane amounts!

His part time job boss/professor/mentor told him that he got the okay to hire him full time this summer unless something drastic with the collegeā€™s economy happens (he doesnā€™t expect it but who knows anymore). He also got a grant (he kind of glossed over that so not sure for what). He is working on his third or fourth publication. He will also get to go for a couple of weeks to Belgium to study with the vet school right after school is out for the summer. Plus his mentor is working on getting him a couple of weeks during the summer with some top veterinary cardiologists so they get to know him and eventually consider him for residencies. All this plus being president-elect of the biggest club at the vet school. He is busy.

Also he paid for a trip over Christmas to Cancun with his gf. They should be getting engaged by the summer since she got her acceptance at her top choice PA school. The kid has been making some really good investments so hopefully he will be able to buy the ring and pay for his gf to come meet him in Belgium for a few days.


Son just logged his 1500th hour of volunteering for the same non profit. As an addition to his job, not instead of.


Me again - over the past month or so my D has been designing ā€˜costumesā€™ left and right for musicians, female wrestlers and others. Just yesterday she was tapped to design something for Mary J Blige - she drew up 3 concepts and Mary J ordered 2 this morning!!! They need to be out the door by Thursday and in Mary Jā€™s hands for final fitting by Friday. The American Music Awards are next Sunday - guess where we think her outfits are going to be debuted? :open_mouth:


My DD22 is t minus 8 hours from submitting her ED 1 app. The thing that matters most and that Iā€™m bragging on is her heart, her spirit. This is the kindest, sweetest, most loyal kid who has perspective and maturity beyond her years. In then middle of all this application craziness and the game of college admissions, I could not be more proud.


Yesterday I became a marathoner - at age 64.


After saying I wanted to try doing it forever, I can now proudly say I have made homemade yogurt.

Biggest reason for wanting to do it is I feel terrible about the quantity of plastic tubs I end up buying to feed our yogurt habit. That it actually turned out better than store-bought, and cheaper to boot is just the cherry on top.

Iā€™m feeling very culinarily and sustainably smug today, allow me the indulgence :smiley:


Can you share your recipe??

yes, I will message you.

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