The Bragging Thread

So proud of the son. Had his first official employee review and received a glowing one. More money and responsibility to ensure he isn’t snatched up by another team. The head of Player Development said, “I think he will be able to do my job better than me one day”. Totally biased mom here but I think so too!! :blush:


Earlier this week, our son received a commendation medal for software he developed and demo’d in Guam and Yuma last summer:

Once again, good job, son. :blush:


S who is in his 7th year of middle school teaching was accepted into a special cohort to get his Masters of Education Administration over the next 2 years, fully funded by his school system.

Proud of him that at a time when so many teachers are questioning their career decision (Covid has really taken a hit on the education sector job demands/satisfaction, etc.) he is choosing to double down and commit himself on another level to create change and progress for his urban students.


Big congrats to your son and many thanks to him for not bailing out on “his” kids. :slight_smile:


Went to the dentist today to get a crown. My blood pressure reading was 128/64. Not bad for this 250 to 260 pounder.


So proud of my D who graduated with highest distinction on Sunday! And super thankful to be able to celebrate that wonderful accomplishment at an in-person ceremony with the whole family in attendance! She’ll be thankful about it in the future, too, when she has the photos and program to look through. At which point I shall remind her I got a full on eye-roll about making her participate in it. She said, “But it’s weird, I’ve already started grad school and the diploma is on the wall.” Yeah, yeah. You’re doing it. LOL


Daughter has done it again with her writing. She just got her assessment from her final final writing assignment and her professor is encouraging her to reach out to magazines to write music reviews. He also encouraged her to possibly consider a change in major, but I doubt she will. It’s just nice for her to receive such flattering feedback. The best part is she just cranks this stuff out without much effort. A natural talent that hopefully will serve her well in life.


This is a bit late (happened earlier this month) but my D22 had to deliver her first presentation to a professional scientific audience on her own because her research partner was a no-show. She was composed and calmly delivered both her own and her partner’s presentation.


My D has always worked hard, but the last 22 months have really tested her. She has taken care of so many SICK people.
An elderly couple (both Covid positive) came in last night. They were doing well, but if there had been a bed available, she might have been able to admit them for observation. After they were gone, she wished she had sent them home with a pulse oximeter. After she was done with work, at 11:30 pm, she drove to their home to drop it off.
Today, D is playing with her beautiful children. Tonight, she will return to take care of the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
I have never been more proud.


My D22, who never cusses, exclaimed “What the F!?!” when she saw her British Physics Olympiad Round 1 results. She thought she had bombed it but came in second to the physics genius at her school. For avoidance of doubt, I am proud of her F-word and results!


Mind blown - my D has just had 5 costumes she designed being used in a Jamie Foxx film that begins shooting at the end of the month. The costumes start being assembled today.


That is so cool. Congrats!!


wrong thread…

That is AWEsome!!


D is a sophomore in college. Her first semester last year she had a 2.1. First semester this year she just got a 3.8. She’s suffered from mental health issues since middle school so to see her flourishing and succeeding has been awesome. Lots of people thought we were nuts to let her go to school 13 hours away but it’s been such a learning and growing experience for her. And most importantly she seems happy.


Been sitting on this since December 7th!

Ds was accepted in Round 1 to the MBA program at the Stanford GSB! He was 95% sure he was going to go, but attending Admit Weekend sealed the deal, and he let us know his decision after that wrapped up today. :blush:


Admit weekend. Fun times!

I think it was fun!! He did his undergrad at Stanford as well, but he was unable to attend that Admit Weekend because he was in the state high school quiz bowl championship with his school team on the same weekend.


obligatory not a parent, but i was accepted to UCLA and UCSD this past weekend :] as well as UW Seattle and UC Davis the week before. it’s been a tough college journey that started off with a really bad rejection (QB National College Match Finalist when I had been accepted to the College Prep Scholars program during junior year). lots of mental health ups and downs – more downs tbh. struggling with some imposter syndrome but kinda excited for the next 14 decisions no matter what they are. i had no decisions out coming into March because of QB messing up my early application timeline but I’m lucky to go 4/4 so far.


After a long dry spell (pandemic) D landed an acting job at the Geffen Theater in LA. She’s an understudy, but she rehearses and goes to the theater for performances and makes an Equity wage. She was thrilled to be back in the theater. She finished her MFA (Brown) and got an agent just as the pandemic went on the upswing.