The Bragging Thread

Congrats! The flowers look so real…:laughing:the next challenge, drying out petals…faded flowers.

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That is so exciting! Cool to see a young designer using her skills and finding such great success - thanks for sharing!


@justamom can you tell us how to find your D on istagram so we can follow her? I just love looking at all of the costumes she has designed!

The photo is from Hailey Bieber’s IG account - all the media has pulled it from there (there are 6 I believe on her IG). She has a strong PR team that got all their attention.

The only issue I have with putting it on a public website is just that…and that means my anonymity flies out the window…how about this, as a compromise, her employer’s IG @LARoxx - you might be able to deduce who she is from there - but regardless, all her designs (and the 2 other designers that work there) are there…


How exciting for your D!!

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@JustaMom I totally understand. Thank you for her employer’s IG.

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My D and her roommate had an issue with their rental home and they were able to get it solved without any parental involvement.


My daughter is a second-year medical student. I was in the hospital this week for pneumonia and the resident was happy to call her, and said resident told me that I have an amazing daughter! Way to kvell!


My favorite costume designer was at it again - head to toe “punk chic” look for Demi Lovato’s set at the Jingle Ball in NYC.


That is such a flattering style for her - great job!

Thank you. She did look very comfortable in her skin in the outfit. I also think she looks great. D definitely knows how to design for a woman’s body.


The Daily Mail UK had several photos, including this one which I love -


I really like this outfit, very cool.


Very distinctive outfit without being overly revealing. The wearer seems totally comfortable in it, which is the main goal, I’d imagine.


You mean they don’t just buy their stuff from Nordstrom? :wink:


My dog is awesome!!


Ok, here’s a brag related to CC.

As some of you know, I am a CC veteran, having been online for about a decade. During that time, I learned a great deal and helped guide my kids to great college admission outcomes. My youngest one is now a junior in college. But that’s not the brag.

I retired this year, and one of the things I have been doing is volunteering my time to help other families with their children’s college application process. Might as well take what I learned and help guide others, right?

Working with kids across multiple years, including two seniors. And today, got the good news that both seniors got into their first choice ED colleges!


I’m in a good mood about my kids right about now.

Youngest just got accepted ED to her target school. It’s a top 20, and close to home, so we’ll be able to see her easily for the next 4+ years.

Middle is graduating college tomorrow (Saturday), in 3.5 years with engineering degree, then starting job in January for the state department of transportation.

Oldest graduated this past spring and is working for a big tech on the West Coast. The rest of us will be travelling to see her for Christmas, next week.

Trends are good! :slight_smile:


I have a little brag on myself but don’t worry it is related to college.

I was able to secure a VIP Pass for D19 for her last semester to the most popular/crowded bar in her college town. The pass allows her to bring a +1.

It obtained because of a round about way I met one of the owners on social media.

I now have some street cred with my D19’s friends.