The Bragging Thread

I asked my two year old granddaughter what she learned in her dance class.
She chassé across the living room (looked more like sliding).
She has her first recital coming up soon.


Our son became a captain yesterday. The major who commissioned him as a lieutenant out of West Point four years ago is also stationed with him at Ft. Gordon, GA and performed the oath ceremony in front of the same flag he used at the academy. His fiancée pinned on the new bars. They sent us the video, but we so wish we could have been there. We’ll salute him and celebrate when we see him in mid-May. Once again, well done, son, well done.

The brag is he’s rated number one in his battalion and, where I posted upthread that he thought he was going to Army Futures Command/CMU in Pittsburgh, instead, he has been pulled into an elite unit at Cyber Joint Forces (attached to the Pentagon) and has orders to report to Ft. Meade, MD in August. He can’t tell us anything about it other than he’s over the moon to be part of this team.


Looks like a portuguese water dog!

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What fabulous news!! Thanks for sharing.


Congrats to the new Captain!


You should be bursting with pride!


Congratulations! Be proud! And thank you to your son and your family!

:us: :heart:


So exciting, Choatiemom!

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That’s awesome; congratulations to him!! Spent many summers at Ft. Meade :blush:

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Fabulous update, @ChoatieMom. And a wonderful accomplishment for your son.

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Thanks everyone. I appreciate the kind words.


I remember your post that he graduated from West Point like it was just yesterday. You were right to be proud then and even more so now.


So wonderful! He and your family are an inspiration. Thankful for his service.


My D graduated with university honors yesterday, two certifications, and a concentration. Sooooo proud of her! She starts work in July. Hard to believe she’s now officially fully launched!



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Congratulations! Very cheery news!!

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Congratulations! I believe I know one of your D’s classmates (just because she also got her Chem E degree this past weekend.). May she have a wonderful career!

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My D23 is Valedictorian!!! It is finally official! There were unofficial hints she started the yr #1, and though the kids/parents arent told the school can reveal it in the main LOR so we were hopeful it was in there in case it would help apps.
She took and thoroughly enjoyed every hard course offered, some that were avoided by others near the top, (often openly saying they were dodging hard classes for the sake of rank, as based on naviance the top ones know if they are close to prior top gpas). She took the hardest path and still got the highest GPA, which doesn’t happen most yrs at her HS(honors and AP both get O.5 bump). Val was never her goal—-at all—but it all fell into place anyway, and we are so proud!


My S17 just had his veterinary white coat ceremony! We got to go and were very proud of him. 6 years of a 4.0 (3 undergrad and 3 in vet school) and one year of clinics until he has Dr. as a title and a DVM. Plus he gets to come home for 2 weeks to do an externship here before going back to clinics at the school! After that the next time we see him will be at his wedding in August!


D26 learned today that she’s getting an A in biology!