The Bragging Thread

My DIL got a 4.0 this semester of grad school, in part because of a 98 on her Econ final, which she was sure she was going to bomb. Master’s almost done, back to law school in the fall.


D graduated from her DPT program last week. She was chosen the “Outstanding student” in a class of 51. She had a GPA of 3.95 in her graduate work. Passed her NPTA (98.5%) and is in the process of completing her licensing. Interviewing for positions now and currently has 2 offers. At least one more interview to go.


We CC-ers have some awesome kids, don’t we!!


D24 is going to HOSA Internationals conference in Dallas in June. She got placed 2nd in an extremely competitive category at states level.

Very proud of her!


Son got a 4.0 in his junior year of college, and is on track to get a concurrent master’s degree when he finishes his senior year.


Probably said this on another thread but D23 got a full ride at a state directional university.

People don’t realize how few of those are given out at school.


That’s fabulous! Even at schools that do give full tuition scholarships, it’s not so common to hear about full rides. Congrats - that must feel so good.

Our local state directional school stopped giving full rides. They only do full tuition now. Full rides are becoming more scarce. Congratulations!

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Getting any significant help with college expenses, especially if merit-based is slays wonderful! Congrats! My relative just graduated HS and was accepted at UNM with a WUE scholarship that greatly reduces his cost of attendance to 150% of the reasonable instate tuition. It should be about $20k/yr, including tuition, room & board, which sounds like a great deal to me!


4 months post injury. 11,000 steps today. Walking steadiness about back to pre- injury level. Ski passes purchased for next season. Plans in progress to be with the kids and grandkids to have fun in the snow next winter. A little crazy, maybe, but proud.


@jym626 - congratulations on your progress! I worry most when skiing now about someone hitting me and getting injured so I won’t be able to ski any longer. I’m happy to hear that you bought passes and you will be back skiing next season.


Thanks. The night we got home from colorado,
2 days after my injury (and 3 days after my husband’s) I couldn’t sleep (we were on air mattresses brought over by friends and I was in a lot of pain) I was up at 4 am ordering new goggles!
I will see how much skiing I will be able to do, and I will try not to be careless again. I’ve been skiing for decades and this was my first injury. But I am old now and my bones aren’t obviously as strong. But here is the reason I still want to ski (besides the fact that I really enjoy it)


I had a document that needed to be notarized. When I arrived at my bank to have it notarized, they told me that I needed 2 witnesses. I said where would I get 2 witnesses and I really had no time to come back to do it. They told me that I could get anyone off the street to do it. I said, “seriously?!”
I stood in the middle of the bank and asked if anyone would be willing to do it. It was a bit comical because most bank employees came out to see what was happening.
I got a doctor and a young professional to be my witnesses. I was able to get it done in 15 minutes. Of course, it was around 5 pm and everyone was more relaxed.


When I was a substitute teacher years ago, I sort of unintentionally mentored a young man who wanted so much more than any of his classmates. He was first generation, very poor. He made a few mistakes along the way, and I helped him through those tough times. He ended up with a degree from a top LAC & a degree from an ivy. He has a really great job, and he is living a life in NYC that he probably couldn’t have imagined he would have. I have lost touch with him over the years, but he posts to Instagram every so often. Today, he posted about a young man he mentored who just graduated from an ivy. I am really proud to know that he is mentoring others!


That brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.


@kelsmom, can you find him on LinkedIn and get in touch with him? I’m sure he would appreciate it.


Not the same as @kelsmom’s story, but we’ve kept in touch with our son’s first grade teacher for reasons not important to share here. When we sent her pics of his college graduation, she sent us a lovely hand-written letter telling us how much our (and his) contact over the years has meant to her. I’ve kept that sweet letter.

I can’t second @VeryHappy’s suggestion enough. That student’s paying it forward indicates that he was deeply influenced by @kelsmom. Perhaps he has wanted to reach out but doesn’t know how to find her. I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t be thrilled to hear from her, and the reconnection would be a joy to both of them.


I’ve thought about reaching out to him. Your posts have made me decide to act! Thanks so much.


@kelsmom that’s wonderful -he’s paying it forward!

Maybe send a DM on Instagram.


Please report back here, @kelsmom !