The Bragging Thread

<p>I am so great, that for me to tell you how great I am, would be rude and unseemly, even in this thread.</p>

<p>I have a friend who’s grandfather invented barbwire. However, her mother never left the house without a banana on chain around her neck. In case she got hungry.</p>

<p>My godfather worked out the timing for the first moonshot. According to him they splashed down 3 seconds late.</p>

<p>I can swim a mile in under 30 minutes. But then I have to eat a giant bowl of pasta. Or a banana.</p>

<p>^^Is that before or after you burp the alphabet?</p>

<p>I ate a hamburger at the same table at the Dutch Goose (Stanford hamburger dive) as John Elway (Ok, not at the same time).</p>

<p>I have a winning record coaching youth sports teams against teams coached by owners of pro sports teams</p>

<p>Mom3togo and I have managed to not screw up 3 great kids.</p>



<p>I have to swim before I visit you at the brewery, so I must swim before I burp.</p>

<p>It’s still January and all of my Christmas decorations have been taken down and stored away!</p>

<p>I met Captain Kangaroo and got his autograph!</p>

<p>And I once saw Jacques Cousteau in a deli.</p>

<p>^^^ One of my brothers went to business school with Captain Kangaroo’s son.</p>

<p>Back in the 80s, I danced in a nightclub with Emilio Estevez. </p>

<p>I climbed Kilamanjaro without throwing up (but did on the way back down).</p>

<p>One of my studies was mentioned on the front page of The Wall St Jrl, and another in the Economist. </p>

<p>I’m the only professor I know who has ever ( admitted to?) actually watching an episode of the Jerry Springer Show.</p>

<p>I had lunch with Stanley Kramer at the McDonalds in a suburban mall.</p>

<p>Son is at a Service Academy
no tuition
Daughter is on athletic scholarship at Stanford
paying a fraction of the cost of attendance
Son 2 ready to make Eagle at 14</p>

<p>I, on the other hand have gray hair at 44, so that cancels ALL of the above out. ;-)</p>

<p>My wife was on the Situation Room (with John Roberts, not Wolf).</p>

<p>My husband makes breakfast and dinner for me every day and does the dishes!</p>

<p>Andy Roddick and James Blake walked right by me (two feet away!) last March.</p>

<p>I hiked up to the top of Yosemite falls in flip-flops. We didn’t know how long the hike was, so we started up at 3pm and wondered why everyone else was coming down the trail.</p>

<p>When I was 11 I broke my front tooth in an diving board accident. Today, 36 years later, the original crown is still healthy and in place. :D</p>

<p>I pull down a nice 5-figure salary. ;)</p>

<p>My D is a pole vauler, ranked 6th in Maryland.</p>

<p>My S got into his reach school and is thriving there.</p>

<p>My H has won 4 Emmys.</p>



<p>Finally, an accomplishment that I can beat! I broke my front tooth at 13 in a swimming pool. Didn’t get a crown till I was 18 but I still have that original crown 41 years later!!</p>

<p>I once stood in line in a Honey Baked Ham store just behind tennis great Rod Laver. We were each picking up our Christmas hams.</p>

<p>I also once sat directly behind Carol Burnett in the audiance in a threater in Los Angeles.</p>

<p>The only time I ever flew first class on an airplane, Jesse Jackson was also in first class.</p>

<p>I flew on Donald Trump’s private helicopter with Ivana–but it was so big I didn’t actually meet her.</p>

<p>Oh, and my puppy (16 weeks) is completely potty-trained.</p>

<p>I rode my bike over 1600 miles last year, including two fundraising century rides (100 miles), one of which was in Death Valley where the high temperature that day was 117 degrees. (But it’s a dry heat.)</p>

<p>I can also wiggle my ears and touch my nose with my tongue. DS can also touch his nose with his tongue, and at a young age, he had a runny nose and ‘took care of business’ on a DC subway in full view of other passengers!</p>