<p>Aside from what I can gather from its website...does anyone have any insider info about them? Because it's starting to look like a better option than a double room in a dorm XD</p>
<p>The courtyards are known as the place that “always has a party” but “I wouldn’t want to live there myself.” There’s the obvious benefit of being directly across the street from campus, but it’s really an old, kinda ew place.</p>
<p>So they’re totally grosso?
Any places you would recommend?</p>
<p>They’re not that bad, but granted I’ve only been there for a party. Lol. Evidently everyone knows that gate combo too.</p>
<p>What’s your budget? </p>
<p>I just signed a lease for August coming up (Fall 09) in University House…built last year and 6 blocks from campus. Dorm/hotel style hallways(as in you enter through a door on bottom floor which requires a keycard, and then get to your floor via elevator/stairs), and a nice courtyard style around the pool. Very active involvement as well(they always have events in their event room for different holidays/events) as well as having a 24 hour hangout room downstairs, great place to meet people I’ve heard. A little pricey, though.</p>
<p>Hah. Probably at the most 600 a month.</p>
<p>But lower than that would be wonderful.
600 is stretching it.</p>
<p>Courtyards is definitely for the rowdy undergrad types. I had a few friends now that lived there and they were all very outgoing. Do you want quiet or do you want active? I was at Piccadilly for awhile (corner of Archer and SW 34th roughly) and I loved it so much. It was very peaceful and the rooms were superb, but rent is 615 a month (went up about 50 bucks since I went there).</p>
<p>Well, I am paying 630/month for a 3/3 in University House…it’s me and a friend but they will assign us a random roommate for the third unless someone we know wants to move in…They also offer 4/4s for 600 a month. This includes all utilities, including electric(capped of course).</p>
<p>Oh my goodness. The University House looks amazing if their website is any indicator.
How is the distance factor there though? That’s one of my parents’ concerns.</p>
<p>Are there many freshman at these facilities? Or do most freshman live on campus. Gotta admit, UF’s on-campus housing leaves much to be desired, especially for D who’s brother’s in the Towers at UCF. Eventhough she’s eligible for Hume, she’d still prefer a place with a kitchen like he has. No meal plans that way …</p>
<p>zebes, wondering what would be best</p>
<p>Destiny, it’s about 4 minutes biking to campus. It’s 6 blocks from campus I believe. And I can almost guarantee that if you are on the 2nd+ floor, you will never have a break-in there. Also built in August, so all the appliances are new, along with everything else.</p>
630x3= $1890 a month. That is a crazy amount for rent…It better be a mansion… Is that a normal amount for rent.</p>
It’s NICE. Everything looks brand spankin’ new. (Look it up on google…)
And if you break it down by month, what you’d be paying for for something comparable on campus (i.e. Lakeside) costs $662.50 per month (2,650/semester), so I figure as long as I stay under that figure, I’m doin’ alright. Haha.</p>
<p>Well, you can’t really look at the total for rent, unless you are looking to rent a house. This is due to the fact that if one of the roommates flake on the lease or the room never gets rented, you are not responsible for that portion. This does not go for renting a house, where you would care about total amount</p>
<p>Bump so zebes question can be answered</p>
<p>I am not familiar with Hume but all the other traditional dorms have shared kitchens on every floor. My daughter’s freshman year roommate (in Broward) brought pots/pans and utensils and used to cook regularly. Pretty much all the Freshman bring/rent refridgerators and microwaves for their rooms.
There are many freshman in the Courtyards because of its location but I thought it was subpar when we looked at it.
The best place for meeting other Freshman is the on campus dorms.</p>
<p>Photo of Broward Kitchen:</p>
<p><a href=“http://i244.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/gg18/seiclan/100_0217MA14881979-0009.jpg[/url]”>http://i244.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/gg18/seiclan/100_0217MA14881979-0009.jpg</a></p>
<p>Don’t live there. I haven’t lived there personally but I’ve gone to parties there and besides the location and the generally good price, it’s awful. The bedrooms are TINY, you can only have a twin bed. The walls are super thin, and it’s just generally old and not very nice.</p>
<p>I live there now, and it is really a terrible place to live. Please save yourself the horrible experience and don’t sign a lease at the Courtyards! There are so many apartments in Gainesville that if you really look around, you can find a decent apartment that fits within your budget.</p>