***The Definitive Wisconsin Housing Thread (Public)***

<p>barrons is wrong about leaving the dorms. All of the dorms get taken care of- the same standards exist for all. You may have heard horror stories from other schools, but UW dorms are in the same good shape. Son spent 2 years in Liz- made a difference moving into the middle building after the 1st floor 5th one- I wonder if anyone ever goes into the woods with their cart of stuff...</p>

<p>I cannot be "wrong" about leaving the dorms as it was both a matter of opinion and a joke. (hence the ;-)) that apprently went over your head. You also are rapidly turning into a stalker.</p>

<p>Are the Lakeshore dorms closer to the science major classes?</p>

<p>hi everyone, i have a burning question to ask. for dorms like adams hall and bradley hall, is the international learning community (or BLC for bradley) automatically factored into the cost?</p>

<p>that means you cant opt out of the scheme if you go to adam/bradley and you have to pay an extra $200?</p>

<p>You have to pay and want people there who participate.</p>

<p>barrons i dont really get you..would i be able to live in adams/bradley without joining and paying extra fees for their ILC? Or is it a must?</p>

<p>Why did they tell me to pay $300 w/ housing contract when it says $50 on the admitted packet? Also, did you guys get forms about choosing which hall preferences already?</p>

<p>$300 for later March admits. Yes you can live in Adams without joining ILC but ILC people get priority so if you want Adams you should do ILC.</p>

<p>@petlee: you will have to pay $300 eventually for your housing deposit. you can either pay $50 now and $250 about a month later, or just pay $300 now.</p>

<p>That total of $300 goes towards your 4th quarter housing bill (you pay in 4 installments, whereas you pay tuition by the semester, ie twice a school year). Those who accepted a housing contract a while ago didn't need to come up with the money all at once, now they are needing to pay the rest of it. Be thankful tuition is due after classes start, some private schools require it before you show up on campus. Also be thankful the housing lottery means it doesn't matter when you did the contract, everyone has the same chance of being first or last in being picked by the computer for getting their choice of dorm.</p>

<p>Frederick was Elm Drive C in the '70's- they built 3 dorms, Bradley was Elm Drive A. Then they didn't need them as dorms and remodeled B for various UW depts, C became Frederick, hence the upscale nature. There is also a commons that never was used for its original purpose that was repurposed. Back in the early '70s one tower of Witte was solely for grad students- this was at the end of the Vietnam war era and not as many students wanted the dorms, although they still had the same overflow housing situation in the fall.</p>

<p>"Also be thankful the housing lottery means it doesn't matter when you did the contract, everyone has the same chance of being first or last in being picked by the computer for getting their choice of dorm."</p>

<p>Yes, but this is technically only true if they're not into the extended housing phase--which they won't tell you if you ask. It was pretty frustrating my freshman year.</p>

<p>Some schools base preference on date of housing app- ie Oct versus Feb makes a ton of difference. Those who do things after March 15th are late compared to the vast majority and may face different rules. There's always the small percentage that gets lucky/unlucky compared to the rest. There could also be that 1 in a few thousand downright nasty roommate, your 100% experience but not statistically worth avoiding the dorms for 99.9+% of the students. College is a learning experience outside as well as inside the classrooms.</p>

<p>Wait, if you submit your preferences later, you have less of a chance of getting the hall you want? I thought it was all equal before May 1...</p>

<p>i believe its the same chances of getting the hall you want as long as you register before by May 1st.</p>

<p>Correct, meet your contract deadline and your chances are the same as the person offered a contract last fall.</p>

<p>Which dorm has the most minorities? Thanks.</p>

<p>You should check out the multicultural living community (MLC). If I had to guess I would say that's the most diverse. </p>

<p>MLC:</a> Multiculutral Learning Community</p>

<p>It's a shame Elizabeth Waters is co-ed now. My freshmen roommate and I are still to this day great friends. We had a lot of great memories there. Elizabeth Waters had the best views and the best dining hall in all of campus!</p>

<p>I was too shy to really make any real friends there but I still remember everyone by face!</p>

<p>Opposite opinion- son got to live in Liz because it is now coed. I avoided it because, despite the fact that anyone can use any dining hall, it was too isolated from the guys' dorms (btw- Cole was one of the first coed dorms when they began that in fall of '72). It wasn't fair to the guys to exclude them from Liz.</p>