<p>I just got a letter from the Academy/ Falcon Foundation in the mail today, saying that i’m qualified for a scholarship and that I need to reply as soon as possible. I’m filling out the forms now, but on part of the forms,they ask which Prep Academy I want to attend and I know nothing about any of them. I’m researching them as we speak, but i’d like some input from people who know anything about them. </p>
<p>Thank you in advance.</p>
<p>Prep Academies:</p>
New Mexico
Valley Forge
<p>Basically i’d just like to know opinions, such as which one is best/ most enjoyable, or which one prepares you the most etc…</p>
<p>My good friend’s son went to Northwestern Prep and got into AFA the following year. He spent the second semester at U of Central Florida which he did not enjoy. He loved NWP though.</p>
<p>A young man from who is a 4* this year from our area went to Valley Forge. He did very well there and felt fully ready when he arrived at BCT last June. Valley Forge is in Eastern PA near to the national park there and not too far from Philadelphia. Extreme humidity in warm months.</p>
<p>I called the Falcon Foundation to ask questions, and it turns out I already got the scholarship! I’m so excited, I faxed in my acceptance and I signed up for Northwestern.</p>
<p>I was so going to mention the Falcon Foundation scholarships on your other board as an alternative. Congrats!
If you do well there, you’re almost assured entrance with 2014. I know guys who went to NMMI, Northwestern, and Valley Forge. Our Valley Forge guy is the best 4* in our squadron. You’re going to be fine.</p>
<p>My son went to NWP on a Falcon scholarship and then did a semester at a community college. All went well and he is now a C3C</p>
<p>Thanks guys, I’m ecstatic. </p>
<p>On a side note, do you guys know if I have to go through the same process again, or is it different. I know i have to get a nomination again.</p>
<p>I believe it is essentially the same deal, but the prep schools help you polish your applications,and maybe help you with tutoring etc. if you need to raise your test scores. </p>
<p>I think you have to TRY to get a nomination again – the Falcon Foundation folks can help you. But one thing you can do is to call your contacts at your two senators and your representative’s office and let them know you have been selected for the Falcon Foundation and that you will be re-applying for a nomination next year – and most important – ask that they keep your file “open” or at least don’t discard it. That way you can “update” rather than go through the whole process from the beginning. Congratulations – I think you’ll forever be glad this is the route you take – you’re almost a shoe-in next year and will arrive for Class of 2014 with all your buds and a ready-made support system!</p>
<p>How does the nomination process work? I assume you apply to the representative and senators from your home and not from the area of the prep school. Do you fly home during November for the interviews?</p>
<p>you will have phone interviews…at least that is what my son had. </p>
<p>Make sure you like spelling tests and lots of memorization…</p>
<p>Son had a great time at NWP…and really enjoyed the Spring Semester at the local college.</p>
<p>I just have a quick question. I checked my file today and it states “Air Force Academy Preparatory School (Scholarship),” I’m guessing that’s the Falcon Foundation program right? I haven’t recieved anything in the mail yet…</p>
<p>I’m not sure. My Falcon Foundation scholarship letter clearly stated that it was from the Falcon Foundation. It sounds to me that you have an offer for the Prep School.
My file still hasn’t updated, all i’ve received is a FF “packet” in the mail.When my file updates i’ll be able to tell you what it says.</p>
<p>If I were you i would call Academy Admissions and ask, and then the Falcon Foundation if Academy Admissions tells you that you’ve been offered a Foundation scholarship.</p>
<p>My letter said that there are only 100 scholarships given out and they are awarded on a 1st come 1st served basis.
I didn’t even wait 1 hour to accept my scholarship, because my letter was dated 7 days before it came in the mail.</p>
<p>@Blue2445 I agree with Want2Fly, that sounds more like the USAFA Prep school which is not the same as the FFS. If you have any questions about the prep school you can PM either myself or CadCandMateus, I am currently a preppie and he was a preppie in '08.</p>
<p>Thanks for chippin in Want2Fly, BlueSuiter, and CadCandMateus. Yes, it’s the P-school. I called my counselor yesterday to make sure. The reason why I thought it was foundation at first was because it stated “offered Scholarship,” and when I think scholarship from an Academy’s standpoint I think Foundation. Whereas, I would think Prep School or direct admission would be stated as “appointment to prep school” or “appointment to the Academy.” I was just thinking way too hard, haha. Good luck Want2Fly, I will see you in the class of 2014!</p>