The great what if?

<p>Thanks in advance for any help!</p>

<p>I'm currently a sophomore in community college, and trying to figure out a transfer plan. I cannot complete my degree at my community college because my campus does not offer all the classes I need. I don't want to take online classes because I really love the experience of being on campus. Anyway, that means I need to transfer sooner than I thought or get even more behind. I could transfer to another community college near me that has transfer programs and has all the classes I need, but I don't want to pick up and change schools when I know I'll have to change schools again is two semesters. I also don't want to deal with all the different transcripts when I apply elsewhere and eventually, apply to graduate school. I’m really big on the sense of community I get out of college, big or small. But that’s just me. So going to three different colleges before I get my bachelor’s degree just doesn’t sound like a good experience to me. I could skip all that by going to a four year university and commuting, but I can't pay out of pocket. I'm scarred that I'll get more aid in the form of a higher-interest loan (versus a government loan). The money and the fact that I’d transfer in the spring semester are what’s throwing me.
I feel stuck.
Is there something I'm not seeing? Is there anything you guys want to point out that might make this an easier decision? Any advice? XD</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of a school requiring classes it doesn’t offer. But that must mean that everybody there is in the same situation you are. How does everyone else handle this? Does the entire school leave every year?</p>

<p>They only offer the lit classes I need (quite a few) online or on main campus. I live 2 hours away from main campus, and I don’t want to take a semesters worth of classes online. To tell you the truth, I don’t know what other people do. I know nursing majors don’t have this problem, and most people who go to my college are in the nursing program. Of course, I wish I’d known all of this before hand, but you know. Now, I have to figure out where to go next and how to catch up :/</p>