The highlight of the game last night

<p>I think it was AJ’s girlfriend for Brent and a lot of fans.</p>

<p>[Brent</a> Musburger Impresssed With AJ McCarron’s Girlfriend, Katherine Webb (VIDEO)](<a href=“]Brent”></p>

<p>My wife, who’s not a football fan, watched the interviews after the game and she was impressed with AJ, lol.</p>

<p>ND looked like boys among men and Te’o was terrible.</p>

<p>No, the highlight was watching AJ get punked by his own teammate on national television. </p>

<p>That was the only enjoyable part for me.</p>

<p>I missed that but my wife told me about it. Jones was funny. When they interviewed him he said AJ screwed up the snap count. I wouldn’t argue with Jones, right or wrong.</p>

<p>I wanted to see the two teams standing back to back, and know the bicept circumference difference between the two teams. Alabama just looked so much larger than ND. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>“Coach Kelly, what has to happen for you in the second half?”</p>

<p>Coach Kelly: “Maybe Alabama doesn’t come back for the second half.”</p>

Or maybe…“Oregon can quickly fly-in and play for us.”</p>

<p>And, oh my, the sportscasters all sounded like dirty old men when discussing AJ’s girlfriend. lol</p>

<p>I think some people continued watching the game just to see if Brent would push the envelope even further and make a job-ending comment.</p>

<p>Not a fan of ND, so I really wanted Alabama to win. As the win became apparent, the girl friend comments became the next favorite thing to watch for. Kept waiting for someone to cross that line!</p>

<p>murmur…I think he crossed the “line” in the first quarter with the girlfriend comments. That was just creepy. </p>

<p>I heard him say “Maybe Alabama doesnt come back for the second half” (was it the coach or the sports caster that said that??)</p>

<p>I did not hear the Oregon comment though.</p>

<p>The highlight for me came on Facebook last night. My son went to the same high school as Manti Te’o and spent 3 years watching him play and rooting for him here. A friend of his posted: “How does it feel to be the [only graduate from our school] who is enjoying the result of the BCS Championship?”</p>

<p>My kid’s response: “It feels great! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!”</p>

<p>over the line…He kept calling her a woman but really she’s more like a young lady.
Plus did you notice he didn’t say anything about the mom? </p>

<p>I wish the game had been more balanced. Kind of not as much fun watching. At one point I was wanting Notre Dame to at least get a field goal because I felt sorry for them.</p>

<p>ESPN has come out with an apology in regards to Brent M’s comments about AJ’s girlfriend. It’s not that he said any “one” thing that was bad, it was just too much like a dirty old man lusting over a pretty young thing…and doing it on national TV.’</p>

<p>That said, she’s now quite famous…kind of like what happened to Pippa Middleton after her bridesmaid dress incident. AJ’s girlfriend had 100,000 people add her on Twitter to follow last night.</p>

<p>I’m more concerned about LeBron James becoming her Twitter friend. If I was AJ, I’d kick his tail and tell him to stay away from my woman.</p>

<p>But, ever the gentleman, AJ was so sweet on Sports Center this morning in his live phone call with Linda, and said that Miss Bama was such a sweet girl and very down to earth and that was what he liked about her.</p>

<p>After one glass of wine last night, I was out before the end of the first quarter, but I enjoyed the highlight reel on Sports Center this morning. I’ll have to replay the game to hear the Dirty Old Man comments, which Sports Center made no reference to this morning. They must have gotten enough feedback throughout the day that they felt an apology was necessary.</p>

<p>My favorite highlight was seeing DD on television dancing in the stands with the MDB! It doesn’t hurt that both games where she has been shown on the TV coverage that Bama scored a TD on the very next play!</p>

<p>All of it!!! Being that I am here in Texas and there are aggies a’plenty and hearing their nonstop uncalled for comments (which for ever they have all been against UTexas and now they are against Bama) to the point they are saying things that are totally uncalled for to my D when she says where she will be next year… I AM GLAD BAMA BUTT WHOOPED ND! If it had been a very close game then there would have been even more aggies spouting off that they could have easily beaten up on ND far worse than Bama. </p>

<p>Just to give you an idea of recent spoutings from aggies:</p>

<li><p>Sunday when a grown man asked my younger D, age 14, where her sister was going to attend next year and hearing it was Bama: Well, get used to losing to A&M every year and enjoy this last championship game as after this it will be all A&M.<br>
REALLY!?!?!?!?!? I just stood there and smiled and bit my tongue while I blessed his heart to myself.</p></li>
<li><p>Last night after the game on FB one aggie posted:
“Tonight’s game makes me wonder what A&M would have done against Notre Dame. Just curious.”<br>
The comment someone made under that was:
“The Aggies would have beat ND worse than they did Oklahoma.”</p></li>


<p>I hope the SEC gets tired of their arrogant crap asap and kicks them out!!! There is not a humble bone in their body.</p>

<p>Yes vlines, it was the ND coach that said that comment going in for half. Hubs and I talked about the 2 coaches comments at half time today. Saban was still dead serious and said, “there are 60 minutes of football and we have to play hard all 60”</p>

<p>ND coach, I was like, WHAT??? It sounded like he was giving up on his team. It was really sad. I hope he gave a better pep talk to them in the locker room than his brief interview.</p>



<p>We really shouldn’t be too hard on those elements of the Aggie faithful who think that last winning the National Championship in 1939 can be, ahem, milked for 73 years of bragging rights. Bless their precious hearts and Roll Tide Roll!</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t understand it either. Just like the Chicago Cubs - who haven’t won a World Series since over a 100 years ago - they still draw plenty of fans, er, dreamers, game after game after game after …</p>

<p>Favorite quote “whether I look it or not, I’m happy as hell” Nick Saban. I also liked Coach Kelly’s half-time admission.</p>

<p>Did you all see this? I found it really funny. </p>

<p>[Crazy</a> Alabama BCS Victory Features Insane ‘Divine Intervention’ Gatorade Claims | Bleacher Report](<a href=“Crazy Alabama BCS Victory Features Insane 'Divine Intervention' Gatorade Claims | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher Report”>Crazy Alabama BCS Victory Features Insane 'Divine Intervention' Gatorade Claims | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher Report)</p>

<p>Weird!!! :)</p>