The Honors College's 4 different programs & app process. :)

<p>I think the email was Dec 4, which would have been almost right after I sent it in. If I don’t hear by mid January, I’ll call.</p>

<p>If you’re not back at school on Jan 5th, call Jami Gates at 205-348-5599 and ask about your honors status. She’ll be able to let you know. :)</p>

<p>It says my intended major is “Lower Division GB.” Is that business? And for our CBHP resume, is it just our activities, even though it already asks for that on the app?</p>

<p>I don’t know much about business majors, but that looks like “Lower Division Global Business” to me. Does that sound right to you? What did you specify as your major? </p>

<p>I just found this…</p>

<p>Freshman and sophomore students are designated in the Lower Division with their intended majors such as “LAC” lower division Accounting or “LMKT” lower division Marketing or “LMIS” lower division Management Information Systems etc. After earning 60 hours (which must include ALL of the following courses with a passing grade of “C-” (with a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better): EC 110, EC 111, EH 101, EH 102, MATH 112, MATH 121, CS 102, ST 260, AC 210 and LGS 200), students will be eligible for the College’s Upper Division and receive permission to take 300 level C&BA courses.</p>

<p>Did you apply as a general business major, a global business major, a finance major, or what? </p>

<p>It sounds like the first two years a student does the undergrad requirements, and then is formally admitted into the upper division classes. Does that sound right to you?</p>

<p>The below doesn’t have anything to do with your question, but I found it on the same page of the above info and thought it interesting.</p>

<p>The faculty of the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration recognizes high academic achievement by granting three honor designations:</p>

<p>Summa Cum Laude: Students who graduate with this honor designation shall have a grade point average of at least 3.900 or higher for all college-level work and for all work attempted at The University of Alabama. </p>

<p>Magna Cum Laude: Students who graduate with this honor designation shall have a grade point average of at least 3.700 but less than 3.899 for all college-level work and for all work attempted at The University of Alabama. </p>

<p>Cum Laude: Students who graduate with this honor designation shall have a grade point average of at least 3.500 but less than 3.699 for all college-level work and for all work attempted at The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>In computing the grade point average, the minimum required averages of 3.9, 3.7, and 3.5 cannot be achieved by rounding. Averages are calculated for performance in all course work completed.</p>

<p>*And for our CBHP resume, is it just our activities, even though it already asks for that on the app? *</p>

<p>You do have to repeat things on your CBHP resume that are on the CBHP app. That resume is likely going to be what Dr. Sharpe and his staff will have in their hands if you get an interview. </p>

<p>Did you see my sample CBHP resume on another post?</p>

<p>I called to change my major to finance. I don’t know how they got global business out of that. The woman even repeated it back. Thanks.</p>

<p>Well, I could be wrong about the Global Business; that’s just a guess on my part. It may mean General Business or something totally different. lol</p>

<p>It says my intended major is “Lower Division GB.” Is that business?</p>

<p>Where is it saying that? On MyBama? </p>

<p>Go to mybama and click on Academics tab. look down the left column about halfway. There should be a link to change your major. Go to that and see what it says.</p>

<p>My UFE application is in, already got my acceptance to UHP and IHP</p>

<p>Ughhh…I’m so nervous about UFE…I hope my essay was ok</p>

<p>Rocket6…I’m sure it was. :)</p>

<p>Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>Jrt, I think GB stands for general business as we do not have a global business major. I know that my lower division major was designated as Economics/Finance/Legal Studies (they are all in the same department). M2ck is correct about how CBA works in terms of there being a lower division. The checklists for each major are at [url=<a href=“]Majors[/url”>]Majors[/url</a>] . Note that these requirements are based on the 2008 catalog. You will probably be on the 2010 catalog, but could be on the '08 or '06 catalogs depending on if you have previous college credit.</p>

<p>Jrt…where does it say GB? </p>

<p>There is a Global Business specialization within IB, but I do think that in your case in means General Business. </p>

<p>Go to MyBama, Academics tab, and scroll down on the left to where admitted students can change their major.</p>

<p>Bump… :)</p>

<p>3.3 wow, that is a little tough. You have to get some A’s there. How many language courses must you take for IHP? S is taking Span 4 next year, but not one of his favorities.</p>


<p>They don’t kick you out if you don’t get a 3.3 for one semester. They send you a warning, and if you get a 3.3 the following semester, then you’re fine.</p>

<p>When students “balance” their schedules with a mix of harder and easier classes, it’s not really hard to maintain a 3.3 </p>

<p>The key is balancing the course load. If your child is not a natural early riser, then avoid 8am classes. Next year if my son’s last year and he’s never taken an 8 am class.</p>

<p>I don’t recommend trying to squeeze all classes into 2 days or 3 days. That can cause too many tests to be on one day, and it can cause “mental overload” just going from class to class.</p>

<p>I know that I always did better in college when I had a few breaks sprinkled in the day. I could grab a bite to eat, do some homework, read some chapters, etc, so that everything did not get left until later that evening.</p>

<p>For IHP… requirements: [Honors</a> College - IHP Requirements](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<li>Foreign Language - Each student must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language or complete four courses of college-level work or its equivalent. Students may elect to either major or minor in foreign language, but this is not required.</li>

<pre><code>* Two years of coursework are available in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Modern Greek, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Vietnamese.

  • Foreign language courses may be taken at UA, another U.S. university, or overseas.

<p>The four courses can be easily filled if the student does well on the foreign language placement test. For instance, if the student scores in the top band of scores, then he qualifies to take a 300+ level course. If he passes that course, then the university will give him the credits for that class PLUS credit for the freshman and soph lower level classes (so…credits for the upper division course, plus credits for 103, 201, & 202).</p>

<p>A student can also take the CLEP test and get credits that way.</p>

<p>However, if your son doesn’t like Spanish, maybe he’d like to do a different FL here…</p>

<p>Gee thought I responded to this, maybe I didn’t hit sent. How do they calculate gpa? Is an A a 4.0??? B+ a 3.5? If so, that’s not too bad as S is usually 86-89’s on most classes, he is a strong B+ student.
I also would think it would be easier to get better grades in smaller classes. What percentage of honors classes do most honors students take.
S likes Spanish, language is just harder for him than other classes.</p>

<p>Grade Value Grade Value
A+ 4.33 D 1.0
A 4.0 D- 0.67
A- 3.67 F 0
B+ 3.33 I Incomplete
B 3.0 N No Grade Reported
B- 2.67 NC No Credit
C+ 2.33 IP In Progression
C 2.0 P Pass
C- 1.67 W Withdrawn
D+ 1.33</p>

<p>But, again, I don’t think your son will have any problems. He goes to a prep school that is very difficult grade-wise. </p>

<p>Kids can take whatever and however many honors classes that they can fit in their schedule. </p>

<p>BTW…for a child who “does better” in smaller classes who must take a class with a larger class-size. That child should always sit in the front or near the front. That removes a lot of the distractions and also makes it easier to ask questions.</p>

<p>Also…profs look at the expressions of the students in the front rows. If they look confused, he knows he has to further explain.</p>



<p>I couldn’t find this thread. :(</p>

<p>Also, I had S put in a request to change his major from Engineering (undecided) to Computer Science a few days ago and now when we look at the Honors application page, it says ‘no college/major found’. What does that mean? Do we have to call them?</p>

Weird…When did you do the major change???</p>

<p>Go back to mybama and resubmit his major…academics tab, left column. </p>

<p>Also, email your regional rep with this problem…it does need to be right. Give your son’s name, CWID, and intended major. </p>

<p>I’ll find the CBHP resume post. (hopefully!!)</p>

Edited to add.**…I misread your post…I don’t know what the Honors App page should say. Are you supposed to type in the major?</p>

<p>Go to mybama and see what major is listed for your son.</p>

<p>Here, I copy/pasted it…</p>

<p>John Doe
123 Main Street
Anytown, State 12345
home phone
mobile phone</p>

<p>high school name, city, state</p>

<p>Weighted GPA _____ Unweighted GPA ________
Class Rank
SAT (include breakdown)
(If you’re NMSF mention it here.)</p>

<p>AP classes/scores</p>

<p>Courses taken</p>

<p>Courses in progress</p>

<p>ECs/Clubs (positions held)</p>



<p>Community Service</p>


<p>Job Experience</p>

<p>Things like the above set up like a job resume…</p>

