The Honors College's 4 different programs & app process. :)

<p>Bump… :)</p>

<p>Can you be in both UHP and IHP? Or if you are in IHP are you also in UHP by default. My daughter is currently accepted into UHP but is interested in IHP. I’m wondering if there are pros and/or cons of being in IHP vs. UHP.</p>

<p>UHP is the umbrella for all honors. IHP, CBHP, and UFE are all additional programs within the honors college that can be either joined or applied to for access. So, yes, you can be in both IHP and UHP, and yes, if you are in IHP you are also in UHP by default. Good luck to you! Roll Tide! :)</p>

<p>Yes! </p>

<p>You can be in both IHP and UHP…you can be in all 4 honors programs if you apply and are accepted to the CBHP and UFE as well.</p>

<p>I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but I think it’s ok to say that there are some changes coming to the Honors College which will make it easier to be in both IHP and UHP and fitting in the req’ts. </p>

<p>I can’t say more at this time…but the info will probably be out in a few weeks.</p>

<p>You’re such a tease :slight_smile: JK!</p>

<p>Dad2ILD, one can be in IHP without being in UHP. IIRC, membership in UHP is only a requirement for UFE.</p>

<p>For the record, I know nothing about possible changes to the UHP and IHP requirements, but definitely want to see some changes to the IHP requirements, mainly the requirement that one has to study abroad for 10 weeks. It would be nice to able to study abroad over one summer and meet the study abroad requirements for IHP.</p>

<p>I do know that the moving of the Honors College requirements to DegreeWorks from a paper-based system removed a lot of the loopholes that I was considering using to make my course selection easier.</p>

<p>IHP Question:
Suppose you score a 56 on the CLEP Spanish test. You get credit for SP 101, 102, 201, and 202. Do you have to study abroad where you use you Spanish, or can you study abroad anywhere?
Score of 48–51 SP 101 and SP 102* 8 FL
Score of 52–55 SP 201 11 –
Score of 56–80 SP 202 14 –</p>

<p>One can study abroad anywhere they want provided they meet the study abroad program’s language requirement. There are lots of programs that don’t require previous study of the host country’s language(s). For example, I have credit in French but am not currently planning on doing a study abroad in a French-speaking country.</p>

<p>bumping for those who are interested.</p>

<p>Anybody know about when students should start hearing about CBHP and Fellows interviews down at UA?</p>

<p>I saw on the website that it said late January-early February, just didn’t know if there was a more specific date or if someone could tell me when they found out last year.</p>

<p>Just curious! Good luck to all those who applied!</p>

<p>usually, UFE does some phone interviews first to help narrow down for the Feb interviews.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, UFE does this around the 3rd week of January and then decides shortly thereafter who will be the finalists for Feb.</p>

<p>CBH seems to wait til the very end of Jan (sometimes Feb 1st) to decide which finalists will be coming to interview in Feb.</p>

<p>Oh…did not know about this phone interview as a kind of semi-finalist thing to narrow things down. So glad I stumbled onto this…
Just to clarify…kids should (could) expect a phone ‘interview’ to see if they will then be formally invited down later?</p>

<p>If this happens for us, any tips on how kids can prepare for this phone ‘interview’ - what will be asked - what can they expect - when (time) do they call (b/c son has activities every stinking day after school)…etc.</p>

<p>^^^aeromom: Happened to set aside our 2011 calendar the other day; flipping back to Jan., it looks like UFE semi-finalist notification came out Jan. 20th, interviews mid-week the following week/noted as the 26th with them calling between the hours of 6:30-7pm. As I recall the interviews are brief -around or under 10 min. or less. Suggestions: Have your student be prepared for typical interview type questions: Tell me about yourself, your interest, a unique program they have been involved in or contributed to, why their interest in the program etc., be brief. A good way to do this is go online and search interview questions (both college and career.) D had prepared for a much longer phone interview for an international scholarship the summer before so referred to her notes for that prior to the call. I think they are pretty flexible w/scheduling if there is a conflict w/your assigned time you just let them know.</p>

<p>Looked a little further out on last years calendar: Not saying the dates will be the same this year as I do not know, but for UFE last year: </p>

Jan 20th - Received notification of semi-finalist/phone interview candidate.
Jan 26th - Phone interview -Think they do the phone interviews on a couple evenings.
Feb 1st - Received notification was selected for on campus interviews.
Feb 25th-26th - On campus UFE interviews.</p>

<p>I think the on campus UFE interview weekend/dates for this coming Feb. are the 17th & 18th.</p>

Do they do phone pre-interviews for CBHP too?
If so, do you have similar valuable info on those/that process?</p>

<p>D did not try for CBHP so I do not know that process as well but I’m sure other posters will chime in. Good luck to your student.</p>

<p>I have a question about something midwest mom’s 7-13-11 post re CLEP.
By ‘credit’ do you mean that you can get UA college units/credit for passing/good score on CLEP?<br>
Does UA really accept CLEP (i.e., 53+ on Spanish Language) as having credit for 101, 102, 201, 202?! Or does it just allow you to move into a higher level of coursework by taking CLEP?</p>

<p>What if UA student doesn’t need the FL requirement (he’s doing engineering, e.g.) - if I get him to take CLEP and he gets a good enough score on it, will he actually get these 4 classes put on his transcript as a “P”?!</p>

<p>Wonders never cease, if so. Please clarify!</p>

<p>CBHP does not do pre-interviews. Once a student submits his/her materials, a committee will review all applications and essays. I know students who have sat on the committee. Generally they enjoy reviewing what students submit, although it is very time-consuming to read through everything. The year my son was selected to attend finalists’ weekend, there were about 52 students invited. Not all could attend – some were also finalists for Fellows, others had scholarship interviews with other universities.</p>

<p>For UFE phone interviews… hearing they will be over several nights next week., don’t know when notification was or is being sent but based on last year it was near the end of the week prior to. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>How exciting! Good luck to all who applied. :)</p>