The "I got in without a 2300" club (uber UBER-exclusive!)

<p>level 4- 2110</p>

<p>and i'm a rising jr so i still have time to improve</p>

<p>i am looking at northwestern, upenn, brown and johns hopkins</p>

<p>My son got into Amherst with a 2200 superscore (2120 single sitting.) It's a good score, for sure... but not stratospheric.</p>

<p>Schools look at everything in your app, not just test scores. Everybody knows that, but in a forum like this the easiest thing to compare is test scores since everybody takes the same test. Grades and rigor vary from place to place, ECs are wildly different, essays and recs are the most subjective thing of all. But test scores... they're just a completely standardized measure so it's easier to reference them with other students. I'm sure they're important in the admissions process, but not as utterly central as you'd think from reading college confidential. I mean, assuming a certain baseline score is reached relative to the advantages/disadvantages of any individual student, then I think all the <em>other</em> factors in the application are the more telling ones to examine.</p>

<p>I Got Into Duke, Harvard, Vanderbilt, And Washington University Of St. Louis With A 2240</p>

<p>So Lvl 4 Baby!</p>

<p>Level 3 - 2070 (1 sitting)
Level 4 - 2130 (superscore)</p>

<p>Accepted: Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilit, University of Virginia, New York University</p>

<p>my friend got into cornell and johns hopkins with only a 1600 out of 2400.... no lie i saw her scores.</p>

<p>all in all, scores aren't everything.</p>

<p>How in the name of god did that happen?</p>

<p>Did her parents donate 200 million to both?</p>

<p>^^ True that lol, scores aren't everything, but money solves.</p>

<p>level 2 (1900!) - UCB, USC, UCI (regents)</p>

<p>I got a 1901, that barely puts me in group 3!</p>

<p>It should start at 1910 though since you go in units of 10 right?</p>

<p>1901? Doesn't sound like an SAT score to me.</p>

<p>moey: congrats! where are you attending?</p>

<p>stephen: you're right, it does show that scores aren't everything. I'm guessing she accomplished an amazing amount or had an incredible life story though. Or, she's really good at bluffing ;) Where is she going?</p>

<p>shes going to johns hopkins, with 35000 bucks. in the end cornell didn't have her major.</p>

<p>she is a minority and is very involved in my high school and community.... those two things were definitely her "hooks"</p>

<p>overall though i think adcoms understood her. they understand that not everyone has great SATs, which is why there are more things to an application.</p>

<p>edit - no she is not wealthy. she doesn't live in a wealthy neighborhood... she just worked hard. its a shame that everyone thinks that just because your sats aren't stellar you can't get into a school like JHU or cornell. its not true.</p>

<p>Level 3</p>

<p>Accepted at Harvard and University of Washington, and a bunch of Canadian schools
Rejected at Cornell and Dartmouth</p>

<p>Score: 2060</p>

<p>Accepted: Penn, Duke, UMich, Notre Dame, NYU-Stern, Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>Level 4: 2150 (my ACT score really outshined my SAT score though)</p>

<p>Accepted to Rice University. It was the only school I applied to besides my safety.</p>

<p>Level 2: I got accepted to Tufts with only a score of 1790! :D</p>

<p>Other acceptances: </p>

<p>Boston U.
College of the Holy Cross
Mass.Coll.of pharm/health sciences
Clark U.
Union (NY)
U. Rhode island</p>

<p>Waitlisted: Brown</p>

<p>Rejected: Dartmouth</p>

<p>woo congrats ^^^ :) That's great!</p>

<p>and mj, shah, and yea, those are all awesome schools as well. Job well done!!!</p>

<p>... I'm really sad because I didn't see any level 1-ers...</p>

<p>...Maybe that's cause I skipped a lot of pages :P</p>

<p>This thread is really inspirational. I am a junior (rising senior) with a 730CR/720M/730W=> total 2180. SAT 2s are 690 Math1 670 Lit 620 Us History.</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA is 3.9. Took most stringent college prep courses available. President of NHS and Debate Team, Varisty Letter Skiing 3 years. Baseball 2 years. Lots and lots of extracurriculars. Over 400 hours of comm. service this year. Good accomplishments in music and roles in theatre. etc etc. </p>

<p>I want to apply to HYPS but don't want to do so if there isn't even a shot. Do I have a legit shot of getting in or should I not apply to those schools? any one weigh in.</p>


<p>^you should post that somnewhere else
oh and rather than taking "lots and lots" of extracurricalars, try to take up a leadership position in one or two of those clubs or whatever.</p>