The International Tuition Scholarship I got is smaller than the website says I should have received

I am an international student. My SAT score is 1390. My TOEFL score is above 110. I have a perfect average grade according to my country’s educational system.

According to this: , I am eligible to receive a $18,000 scholarship per academic year. However, I suppose the Admissions Office calculated my GPA to be 3.0-3.249 because my International Tuition Scholarship is $8,000 per academic year.

Why did this happen?
Should I ask for a scholarship reevaluation?

how did you get notified? was it in the same email as the admissions decision or was it separate?

@stem177 I believe that it also depends on the rigour of your country’s education system. For me, my score were relatively low for the Indian system but I still ended up getting the 35k/yr scholarship. You should take a look at WES conversions for your grade. This will give you a fair idea of how American universities may look at your scores.

My daughter faces the same situation. She has a 1430 SAT score and and a 4.0 GPA as per the WES GPA conversion table for international students. But she received a scholarship of $15,000 per year as against the $30,000 per year mentioned in the scholarship table on their website. We have appealed for a review in December but haven’t heard back. Are they trying to attract international students to apply by overstating scholarship amounts on their website??

@stem177, would you care to share your GPA and SAT scores please since my daughter is also from India and hopefully we can infer the GPA calculation of UA for international applicants

sorry @stem177, my question was meant for Le1Harsh and not to you

@ssundar100 if you come from a country where English is not the native language then you have to send your IELTS or TOEFL scores that meet the requirements for a particular amount of scholarship. If your scores do not fulfill the requirements for an award you will not receive it. Also note that WES conversions will only give you a fair idea but it is up to the university to consider you international grades based on their own criteria.

My 12th grade score was 81.2, 11th grade was 76 and I had perfect scores in classes 9 and 10. My SAT score was 1480 and I had perfect scores on the subject tests. I also took AP exams and had 5s on all of them which may or may not have added to my GPA during admissions review

I don’t think they are overstating the scholarship amounts since I received a confirmation from the university that I had been granted the scholarship amounting to 35k/ yr

Why not simply contact the school instead of posting here?

Thanks for the clarification @Le1Harsh. If you did receive the 35K/year award then obviously it isn’t an advertising gimmick. We thought it may be a gimmick since my daughter also applied to University at Buffalo and it looked like a bit of a gimmick there since they tout full tuition international scholarship but elsewhere on their website they state that the range of scholarships for 2017 was between $2,000 - $12,000 per year.

Looks like your perfect subject SAT scores and the 5s on the APs must have been the deciding factors since my daughter did not take the APs or the Subject SATs. But we would never know for sure. By the way, her TOEFL ibt score is 114.

@bjkmom: we did contact the school but did not get a response. Therefore the post here.

@ssundar100 that may very well be the case. The $2000-12000 per year that you quoted is supposed to be for US Nationals and Resident Aliens. All the best to you and your daughter for Buffalo! << For international students

@ndwhxsc did you ever get notified about your merit award from the University of Arizona? If so, were the acceptance letter and scholarship notification separate?
I got my admissions letter a week ago, but i was not informed anything about scholarship. I called the admissions office and they told me that I have to wait two to four weeks to get notified about the scholarship. Is that what happened to you as well?