The National youth Leadership forum on errr.... Medicine

<p>My Chem teacher wanted to know if any one of us were interested to attend this event, as she would nominate us from the school. She also said that you had to pay $3,000...</p>

<p>While Money is not a problem for me, I was wondering about the overall worth of this program?</p>

<p>Does anybody know anything about it?</p>

<p>Is it prestigious* or helpful in any way at all?
*See If you pay to get into something, doesn't that lower its prestige? </p>

<p>It does seem like a waste of time in my eyes... but......</p>


<p>Same here, especially since I would prefer a forum on law (since medicine isn’t in my interest).</p>

<p>I receieved an invitation last September in the mail (no idea who invited me). The evelope was super fancy and stuff, but I really don’t have much interest in it unless it will REALLY set me apart.</p>

<p>It’s not that prestigious… All you have to do is pay, basically.</p>

<p>Yeah I’ve received a ton of these “special” nominations. Most of them aren’t all that distignushed, I think. I’m homeschooled, and I haven’t sent anything to these programs, yet I get stuff all of the time… so given the lack of knowledge that they have about me, I don’t think that it’s all that prestigous. Plus, it’s a TON of money… I could do way better things with $3000.</p>

<p>Prestigious? No. Fun? Very much so.</p>

<p>Yea, they really try to trick you with the fancy mailing… and the fake doctor that it is addressed from.</p>

<p>I went to the NYLF on National Security. </p>

<p>jamesford is right, it was not “prestigious” and I wouldn’t put it on an application or anything…</p>

<p>BUT IT WAS FUN! There’s a lot of people to meet and talk to and so many places to see…I’d never seen D.C. before I went with the NYLF. I wasn’t about to pay for it at the time, but my school’s JROTC unit paid my way, and looking back on it, I would have paid for it myself.</p>