The New SOAR

<p>Good article. Wren Singer is really a good data driven admin. Does not accept "way we have always done it" attitude too typical at UW.</p>

<p>Changes</a> ease college transition for students, families (June 27, 2013)</p>

<p>I worked as a New Student Leader with the program during the final year of the ‘old’ SOAR and went through old SOAR myself as an incoming student. I thought that the programming was just fine as it was, but will admit it could be somewhat overwhelming for some students (and their helicopter parents) to have scheduling all on one day. While I think scheduling both days diminishes some of the benefits of the socializing/transition activities, it is good to hear more students and parents appreciate the setup.</p>

<p>Wren is an awesome director as is Carren Martin and most of the rest of the staff. They really care about the incoming students as well as the well being of their own employees. Can’t speak to the metrics she uses specifically, but if Wren thinks the changes are beneficial I would tend to believe her. Glad to hear SOAR is still running smooth!</p>

<p>Have you graduated by now? I know it has been a few years. Good to see you checkin.</p>

<p>Yup graduated a semester early last December, though I am still in Madison presently. I like to stop by here every now and again to see if I can add some helpful commentary to new topics. Always good to help some fellow (and future) Badgers out!</p>