SOAR- How'd it go?

<p>I'm kinda disappointed about it...</p>

<p>One thing I think the UW screwed up on is the transportation bus system. They said I'd have to park in lot 76 (some were assigned 60) on the west side and take the bus to the east-side campus... which would've been absolutely fine if both my SOAR days were on weekdays. But my placement test/orientation started on Sunday at 8:00am. They failed to inform me that the bus doesn't run until 8:30am on a Sunday in summer (and only on an hourly basis at that). So I waited and waited. Fortunately, I gave up on time so I wasn't late for my tests.</p>

<p>Another thing that would've been helpful for transportation to tell us is that parking is free on Sundays. So, while parking is a nightmare Weekday days, it is quite possible to find a nice stall on Sunday. Blah... I wasted 7 bucks on the permit.</p>

<p>Other than that, SOAR was pretty well organized.</p>

<p>My classes I'm only half-excited about though... I have 14 credits total next semester. Three of them are a FIG-- very cool-- another is a foreign lang to complete my humanities requirement. The problem is that a lot of the classes I needed are closed off to freshmen and my advisor told me there was virtually no way of getting around that. Also, my advisor told me taking more than one science class/semester would kill me (even though I have a strong science backround). So, if I only take the required classes, I'll have:</p>

<p>1st semester: 14 cr.
2nd semester: 8 cr. (12 if I continue w/ foreign lang)
3rd semester: 8 cr. (11 if I continue w/ foreign lang)
4th Semester: 8 cr. (11 if same as above)</p>

<p>My last 4 semesters would be at 15 credits each. But yeah... not too happy that I'll barely be at full-time, if at all...</p>

<p>Oh well. I met some really awesome people. That totally rocked. :)</p>

<p>How did your SOAR go?</p>

<p>I think they try to keep 1st semester folks under 15 credits.</p>

<p>Good points about Sunday parking and bus service. Probably an oversight they did not think of--let them know. That's the only way they'll get fixed.</p>

<p>random question... do we get our ID picture and cards at SOAR?</p>

<p>another random question:
do you know if you have to take the foreign language placement test, even if you are not planning on taking a foreign language class at UW? (or did everyone just take it?) Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, you get your ID cards with photos at SOAR. My son is not taking any more foreign language classes and he did not take a language placement test.</p>

<p>no you don't have to take them...I took them in May and if you don't want to take them, you leave after taking the english and math tests</p>

<p>I really liked SOAR! The whole thing was organized and professional in my experience. I am really happy with my classes and I really look forward to coming to UW-Madison!</p>

<p>lucky you (about the classes) I go to the last SOAR which ofcourse = great classes...</p>

<p>I am going to the International SOAR (THE last SOAR), even though I am a domestic. Franny2006, I was going to join you in session #37, but there was a change of plans. Man, I hope there are at least some good classes by then.</p>

<p>They claim to save a fair share of classes for all the sessions. Whether this is true in practice--I hope it is.</p>

<p>^and yet any arabic slots have yet to open up since the second week of soar.</p>

<p>to my understanding, you can sign up for classes before soar. it's just that most really don't know what the need yet. but if you do, i think you can sign up now, consult with your advisor on your list at soar, and swap any classes you need there.</p>

<p>Don't get too stuck on your freshman classes...take what they have, study, and do well and the opportunities will open up from there. Also, try not to go out and take all the hard classes like many of us did in high school, adjusting to college is a very difficult and new experience for all of us. Give it some time to sink in and find where you really want to be.</p>

<p>I actually liked soar.. there was only 180 people but it seemed huge!.. i cant imagine the real thing... but yeah.. you can take required classes second semester or even later... its not a big deal... theres so many classes you wont even know what to do (well atleast i didnt).. i ended up only taking 3 classes this semester (12 credits) which is kinda nice... i think this will make it easier for me to adjust because i wont have so much to worry about.</p>


<p>If you are going to UW with ZERO credits and you take 15 credits/semester. You'll graduate with 120 and finish in 4 years flat. 15 credits is equivilent to 4-5 courses per semester. Most students have AP/IB/college credit, so some start with only 12-13 freshmen year. I started with 13 both semesters and it is very helpful not to get overloaded. I also had 1.5 semesters of credit upon entering.</p>

<p>May I recommend the following "freshmen" courses:</p>

<p>Comm arts 100
Poli sci 106 with lehney
Poli sci 217
Entomology 201 (Very easy A)</p>

<p>Psych 202 is difficult and on a bell curve. Econ intros are tough too.</p>

<p>I'm going with zero credits...only because my school doesnt offer any anymore.... but I knew that later I'd have to take alot more since I'm only taking 12 credits now....
I have psych 202 and calc. 221... both of which are supposed to be pretty difficult... so I took polisci 103 or something so all my classes weren't hard... I'm the most worried about calc.. so if anyones in there and wants to help me, feel free!</p>

<p>how are the academic advisors? Helpful?</p>

<p>hey transfer, im in that poli sci 106 with leheny- is it pretty easy?</p>

<p>106 is the hardest intro politics course in my opinon. He may mention that on the first day. It is a lot of reading. However, the reading is very interesting. I recommend the TA Schard (spelling?) if he is still there. Great class to start you off in college and Leheny is hillarious. He has a Conan O'Brienesque style of humor. Do the readings, take notes, and you should at least get an AB.</p>