<p>It was written somewhere earlier on the thread that if you don’t know how to get an answer just write something like, “I made up this answer because I want to move along” and they would grade you on your calculations only (no points for the correct answer though)</p>
<p>help me, they’ll give you credit for the right calculations with the wrong number. you can completely BS an answer for the previous one, and they’ll still give you credit for the calculations.</p>
<p>^ Yep, but they have to be correct calculations</p>
<p>Are you guys sure? So if I missed part a, and got b,c,d using the answer from part a (thus my answers to those probelms were wrong), I will still get FULL credit for those problems?</p>
<p>Because I checked the “Scoring Guidelines” from collegeboard, and last year, it rarely said anything about Right answer using part a…it usually says “1 point for right answer”. Like if you go to APCentral and look up the old questions…most of them reuqired using other parts but in the Explanation section, it NEVER said that you still get full credit as long as your calculation was right. Most of the times, the quesitons were worth 1 point…just for correct answer…not 1 for calc and 1 for answer.</p>
<p>Anyone have confirmation about this?</p>
<p>Yes. Usually it’s one point for the correct answer, and another for explanation/calculation.</p>
<p>I thought they dont double jeopardize you.</p>
<p>ok guys… write down the MC’s and FR’s you wanna discuss later, so that youll remember about 2 days from now!</p>
<p>yeah I’m pretty sure they dont dub jep</p>
<p>cadillac, we can’t discuss MC ever. FR will be posted online anyways.</p>
<p>I doubt that people can even remember the MC questions. The whole AP exam experience is like a bad trip even if it turns out that you did really well on it.</p>
<p>I could barely remember what the 3rd question on the FRQ was much less questions from the MC haha</p>
<p>I love catching mistakes. I made a HUGE one on the second question and was like ‘OH MY GOD!’ and went back and changed everything. lol. overall tho i think i got a 4. maybe a 5 if im lucky. the MC was easier than i expected and common sense would always narrow the choices down to 2 choices, so my chances of getting them right would go way up. the FRQ was not bad, some unfamiliar stuff, but it was pretty good. I just plugged stuff into important equations when i didnt know how to do stuff =P.</p>
<p>I was about to make a mistake but then I realized. I was like…this is not what I’m supposed to do here…:P</p>
<p>i left out a zero on my calculator for one question
so my answer was off by a power of ten =(</p>
<p>and i didnt realize it until now when re-did it lol thats why i asked about getting the answer wrong in one part</p>
<p>I really really hope I didn’t make any tragic mistakes on the FRQ… I didn’t have time to check over stuff =/</p>
<p>I made one. Had to fabricate an answer for one. Will be more specific two days from now ;)</p>
<p>Multiple choice was asinine to the max… Always, ALWAYS! 2 choices narrowed down, NEVER one. GAHHH</p>
<p>what is chemistry? i don’t remember anything anymore.</p>
<p>I took the test today. I was extremely nervous because out of all the AP exams I am taking this year, this was the one that I really, really wanted to pass. Personally, I thought the MC was fairly easy ( answered 75% of them with a bit of guessing), but the FR was ehh…</p>
<p>I wouldn’t say that it was entirely difficult, but the problems made me go blank because I panicked and I didn’t think with a clear mind. Even though the FR “killed” me, I am hoping for a 3. I was also surprised how there was no electrochemistry (which I studied for). FR 2 and 4 were easy for me. The 5th one, I completely screwed up the first part because I wrote down the wrong “config…” for “you know what” (UGH), but even though I have that part wrong, my logic for the rest of the problems was correct.</p>
<p>Let’s just hope that the national average is extremely low for the FR, therefore making the curve more generous…</p>
<p>I have a question. I’m not particularly familiar with the scoring, but if I get around 40-45 MC correct out of 56, and did about 33% - 45% of the FR correctly…what would be a reasonable AP score? Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>3-4? I would assume it’d be passing… Maybe i’m wrong.</p>
<p>I totally failed two or three FR’s… Didn’t read it right, for a few of them, blanked out on one.</p>