The Official Pakistani Thread for the Class of 2014

<p>US List:</p>

<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Stanford - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>

<p>UK List:</p>

<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 6 (4 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>

<p>Canadian List:</p>

<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)
3. Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>

<p>Other List:</p>

<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>

<p>Samtjt, I completely agree with you that making money should not be the only goal. I think that one of the reasons many of our politicians are the way they is because they are all businessmen. Businessmen care only about profits, and little about the overall ‘social’ good of the people.</p>

<p>Also, we are a pretty pathetic excuse of a democracy. Why? Because we don’t vote based on things that truly matter. We vote based on how loud one can scream, or how much an elected official has bribed his constituents. We need PARTY elections. A political party is NOT one’s birthright. You don’t OWN a party the way the Sharifs, Chaudry’s, and Bhutto’s do. You can’t just pass on a political party in a will, because the party is not yours. You need fair party elections the same way political parties in America have their own ‘primaries’ to select a presidential candidate.</p>

<p>Also, our provinces need more independence. The federal government is too inefficient, and Punjab is too selfish.</p>

<p>Good points people.</p>

<p>Samtjt, I think you can serve your country in the diaspora as well, provided of course you get a good job! For example, it is pretty amazing that about 25% of Bangladesh’s GDP came from over $9 billion in remittances of Bangladeshis living abroad last year. In Pakistan, I guess the figure is closer to $8 billion but it is still a significant boost for the national exchequer.</p>

<p>It is true that people doing more professional jobs abroad often do not have relatives “back home” who need their money and that they invest in their adopted homelands. However, you can still contribute to reputed Pakistan based philanthropic charities like Edhi and-- get a tax refund as well! </p>

<p>On the other hand, yes you can make quite a difference in Pakistan after you have earned your degree abroad but then you have to dodge things like nepotism and the safarish culture. If your merits are not recognized and you don’t get a good enough job because of lack of “contacts” then perhaps in the struggle to eke out an existence some of the idealism will wane. However, as you said money is not the most important thing in life and the determined amongst us will not let lack of it to prevent them from serving their country.</p>


<p>It is not about remittances…Even with 8 billion our Current Account is always in deficit…It is about the change we can bring in by bring new ideas and professionalism…</p>

<p>Inert101 u r vry right in saying that…but also see the behaviour of our educated class…I have heard many of my teachers and other “educated” people saying so proudly that thy v never casted a vote!!!..Is it a thing to be proud off???</p>

<p>Democracy doesn’t suit us Pakistanis. We need someone who is honest and can rule with a firm hand. Most of us are materialistic by nature and the elected people end up filling their pockets by looting the country. Again, it’s our fault that we elected those people. Or as Sam said, we do NOT vote! I don’t even live in Pakistan, but I made a point of going to the NA-55 elections during my visit to Pakistan in February, because I had a choice. It’s another thing that I was told that I’m not from the area and can’t vote =P</p>

<p>Another problem with Pakistanis is that jo acha karta hai usse jootay maarkar bhejdetay hain!</p>

<p>As for load shedding, do see this video on facebook =P [Videos</a> Posted by Minister Caught on Date [HQ] | Facebook](<a href=“Minister Caught on Date | | By | Facebook”>Minister Caught on Date | | By | Facebook)</p>

<p>P.S. Inert, I so agree with you on the “political parties can’t be owned” point! So true!</p>


<p>US List:</p>

<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Stanford - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>

<p>UK List:</p>

<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)
15. London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>

<p>Canadian List:</p>

<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>

<p>Other List:</p>

<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>

<p>890…race on!!!</p>

<p>hey my fellow pakistanis! well i’m american born and raised but i lived in khi for 2 years (the ‘O’ level years) and transferred back to the us for hs. good luck to you all!</p>

<p>BVA pride!</p>


<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Stanford - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots) </li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>** Mount Holyoke- 1 (Roots)**</li>

<p>UK List:</p>

<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>

<p>Canadian List:</p>

<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>

<p>Other List:</p>

<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>

<p>I remember adding Mount Holyke to the list but now it seems it was deleted during copy pasting…</p>

<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])

<li>Stanford - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)
65. Mount Holyoke- 2 (1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>

<p>UK List:</p>

<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>

<p>Canadian List:</p>

<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>

<p>Other List:</p>

<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)
WILLZ2010 is offline</li>

<p>OMG TALAL, I was in Bay view aswell. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.</p>





<p>And Ecthelion claims the prize!!! 900!!!</p>