<p>achaaa, could you give me an andaaza of the per month fees? I’m just curious :)</p>
<p>Talal I don’t see how your gross generalization that the “rich kids” go to these schools applies to the Grammar School. Grammar is incredibly selective and only those students get in that have earned their admission, especially in the upper classes. Many students from the middle class study there - the only thing all students have in common is they are all talented… which is why if someone does the khwaari of counting and adding all the Grammar offers to this list, it will grow exponentially.</p>
<p>There are other schools which are less selective and more expensive and thus where all the “rich kids” go (I’m not going to take any names so that I don’t offend anyone). Having said that, I do admit that Grammar is to some extent socially elite as regards admission to the primary classes - but admission to the O- and A-Level programs is extremely competitive.</p>
<p>hb730, pasta, however, is one thing I DID make today. Well, yesterday.</p>
<p>I like pasta. Ravioli too.</p>
<p>What kind of pasta was it?</p>
<p>yea now we will be discussing PASta hear lol</p>
<p>Ravioli is a kind of pasta, my dear Duke.</p>
<p>I know that Dear Juggernaut.</p>
<p>It was the kind of pasta that only the most sophisticated of culinary minds can create, aka Pasta n’ Sauce kay packets from Hyperstar.</p>
<p>Ravioli is an awful kind of pasta… It should be removed from the official list of ‘things we like to call pasta’.</p>
Nearly every school in Lhr offering A levels(except Aitchison) offers tuition fee scholarship on the basis of O level grades…So u can not say that everyone who comes in the school is rich!!!</p>
<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Stanford - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Mount Holyoke- 2 (1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Northwestern - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>GWU - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Cornell - 1 (LAS [likely])
69. Villanova - 1 ( Roots )</li>
<p>UK List:</p>
<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<p>Canadian List:</p>
<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<p>Other List:</p>
<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>
<p>@Mushoo: Thanks for your input, bro And pardon my generalisation since I have absolutely NO idea about the schools in Pakistan (except that my dad used to say that if we were in Pak, he would have sent me to Garrison =P), and thus I asked you guys for details :)</p>
<p>@Samtjt: Wah, that’s a sweet deal! =D</p>
<p>But still, noone’s yet given me an idea of the tuition fees (for those without scholarships) :)</p>
<p>P.S. Just saw my last post, I didn’t say everythere was rich, I ASKED if they were =P anyway :P</p>
<p>Aitchison LGS 15000/month…(and I guess it is nearly same for KGS, St.Pats etc)</p>
<p>BSS, TCS 10000-12000/month</p>
<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Stanford - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)
52. Colgate - 2 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Mount Holyoke- 2 (1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Northwestern - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>GWU - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Cornell - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Villanova - 1 ( Roots )</li>
<p>UK List:</p>
<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<p>Canadian List:</p>
<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<p>Other List:</p>
<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>
<p>@Inert101: Mmmmm, pasta. I, however, did the elitist thing - and went out for dinner. :p</p>
<p>Anyways I always thought Grammar schools were associated with a fair bit of elitism (we have quite a few at KAS who defected), but KAS kids are the elitistest. (yes, I made up a word.)</p>
<p>talaltq, KAS sets you back by about $12,000 a year. But they do offer scholarships sometimes, and though it might seem like a lot, it wasn’t nearly as much as my school in Nigeria, which was about, if I recall, $16k-ish a year? Also, I’m not rich… you don’t have to be even though the vast majority here is.
I don’t know which school is the best in Pakistan. Out of the five schools I’ve been in, 3 were overseas. Other than KAS, I was in British Overseas School for a bit. And that was ages ago, so I don’t know about its academics.</p>
<p>I have an idea! Why don’t we develop our own, USNews-type methodical ranking for Pakistan high schools, and rank it? Like we probably can’t get a lot of data, but maybe student:faculty ratio, acceptance rates (which you’d probably have to look hard to find), prestige, preference, acceptances to top schools? Idea? or too much work?</p>
<p>UVa decisions in a couple of hours…</p>
<p>Listen whenever I tell my friends that there is a school in Karachi called KAS (first they tell me that I have messed it up with KGS)…after convincing them that yes there is a school called KAS, they ask me for its tuition fees (that often seems to be the priority when people talk about schools)…I tell them its annual of around $12000 (says the Wikipedia and now hb730) which translated into Pakistani Currency means RS.83000/ month…and they say “WOH HOLLY ****”…lol…in terms of Pakistani Currency it becomes the most expensive education institution in Pakistan ( anything is expansive in Pakistani Currency right?)…some time ago, a father’s friend told me that he was trying to arrange for advanced fees for getting his daughter into a good academic institution…He is a man of means…so the word “arranging” got my attention…I asked him how much is it…he said 7 Lakhs…i said are you trying to buy the school? lol…:D:D:D:D</p>
<p>PS:I am sorry if the above posts seems to send any wrong connotations…It is not supposed to target any one in particular…infact if I had the chance, I would have definitely gone there…always wanted to see how the AP system worked…waisay what is the quality of teachers over there? I am kind of tired of my teachers…They seem to have an odd talent of taking the very air of enthusiasm out of me…
Once a teacher asked me why I was bunking her class…I told her that her lessons have become too addictive for my health…:D</p>
<p>Well it might be expensive, but the education here is amazing… I mean I don’t know about my other schools but my favorite examples are our AP Literature class which is usually in the form of a round-table seminar discussion (10ish kids), and my AP French (teacher went to La Sourbonne in France, one of the best schools there) class of 3 people. I don’t know about other schools but classes here in the upper grades are pretty small and teachers are all internationally qualified. Like my amazing Princeton-grad AP History/Music teacher who speaks 7 languages and plays almost every instrument… and then my AP Econ teacher is an LSE graduate… you get the idea. so yes, I’d say it’s worth it. I’d love to tell you more about my brilliant teachers, but I don’t want to go on and on…
Tell people about KAS - I know it’s not well known (it seems like a mythical castle in the sky) but people like it here, no matter how much we complain :)</p>
<p>(And now I’m done with my obviously blatant promotion of my school)</p>
<p>I have to say that that sounds like a dream school for many…I kind of felt that the teachers would be like that…its not that I want my teachers to be exactly like that…i just want them to be committed to what they are teaching and not read to us from a book ( i mean everyone can do that right?)…they fail on both counts…i once had a teacher named Nasir Ghani…he is really famous in Karachi…one of the main guys behind Nixor…He was the only teacher I had who did his undergraduate ( or for that matter any degree) from US…and in the first class that i took he blew me away…that day I knew what teachers were supposed to be like…That day I realized that Robin Williams from Dead Poets Society is not a fantasy…that there are some great teachers in this part of the world too…</p>
<p>PS: waisay i would like to know more about your teachers. We should always know what we are missing…it kind of pushes me forward…</p>
<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Stanford - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 2 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Mount Holyoke- 2 (1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Northwestern - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>GWU - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Cornell - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Villanova - 1 ( Roots )</li>
<li>Connecticut College - 1 ( LGS )</li>
<p>UK List:</p>
<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<p>Canadian List:</p>
<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<p>Other List:</p>
<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>
<p>Sorry,I did not highlight the addotion.
- Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])
- Stanford - 1 (LAS)
- Caltech - 1 (KGS)
- MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)
- Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])
- UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)
- Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)
- Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)
- UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots)
- Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)
- University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)
- Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)
- SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)
- Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)
- NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)
- Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)
- Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)
- UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)
- Bryant - 2 (LAS)
- Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)
- University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)
- Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)
- Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)
- University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)
- Creighton - 1 (LAS)
- Dowling - 1 (LAS)
- UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)
- Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)
- Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)
- UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)
- Mercy College – 1 (LAS)
- DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)
- ASU - 1 (LGS)
- UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)
- UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)
- University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)
- Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)
- Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)
- American University - 1 (KAS)
- Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)
- UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)
- Regis College - 1 (KAS)
- Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)
- Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)
- University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)
- Washington College – 1 (LAS)
- Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)
- Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)
- Babson - 3 (LAS)
- Bentley - 2 (LAS)
- Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)
- Colgate - 2 (Roots)
- Drexel - 1 (Roots)
- USC - 1 (Aitchison)
- UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)
- Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)
- University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)
- Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)
- Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)
- Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)
- UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)
- Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)
- James Madison - 1 (LAS)
- Suffolk - 1 (LAS)
- Mount Holyoke- 2 (1 Roots, 1 LGS)
- Northwestern - 1 (KAS)
- GWU - 1 (LAS)
- Cornell - 1 (LAS [likely])
- Villanova - 1 ( Roots )
70. Connecticut College - 1 ( LGS )</p>
<p>UK List:</p>
<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<p>Canadian List:</p>
<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<p>Other List:</p>
<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>