The Official Pakistani Thread for the Class of 2014

<p>Hi everyone, just a couple of more additions as I heard back from UVa and Stanford. I’m glad KAS is coming close to LAS this year! :)</p>

<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])
2. Stanford - 2 (LAS, KAS)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 2 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Mount Holyoke- 2 (1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Northwestern - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>GWU - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Cornell - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Villanova - 1 ( Roots )</li>
<li>Connecticut College - 1 (LGS)
71. University of Virginia - 1 (KAS)</li>

<p>UK List:</p>

<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>

<p>Canadian List:</p>

<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>

<p>Other List:</p>

<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>

<p>Woah KAS is expensive, lol!</p>

<p>I guess KAS beats Grammar as regards teacher qualifications. At Grammar quite a few teachers (though by no means all) have studied at good places abroad and most of those that have studied from Pakistan are also quite good… and I guess it helps that we always have a very well qualified, usually English, principal. Interestingly our French teacher also went to Sorbonne. However, we don’t have anyone that can speak 7 languages lol!</p>

<p>Grammar also has a strong counselling system and a cool student body that you will learn from a lot. At KGS there are all sorts of people from all strains of political and religious views, and just the debate and discussion develops you personally.</p>

<p>But the best part I liked about KGS was that we automatically get bragging rights to the “Grammar” brand-name :D. For instance, although other cities have come up with schools with similar-sounding names, my MIT interviewer constantly referred to it as “Grammar” not “KGS”.</p>

<p>hb730, STANFORD TOO?</p>

<p>You’re a machiiiiiine man</p>

<p>hb730: Heartiest congratulations on your amazing acceptances!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations hb.</p>

<p>Do you think you’ll end up going?</p>

<p>Also, no LGS, KGS, Roots acceptances to “the Farm?”</p>

<p>Thank you all so much! I’m still waiting on the rest of my decisions before deciding on any one school. @The Juggernaut: I don’t know anyone else, do you?</p>

<p>@Mushoo: well brand-name is great; KAS doesn’t have too much I guess but it does where it counts. I mean, 2 of my interviewers were alums and one had significant connections to it, and it’s not that big a school. It’s pretty neat to find out your interviewer knows your school so well.</p>

<p>Congtraz hb u r doing awsum. Wow</p>

<li>Harvard - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Stanford - 4 (1LAS, 1KAS, 2Roots)</li>
<li>Caltech - 1 (KGS)</li>
<li>MIT - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>Columbia - 2 (1 KAS [likely], 1 LAS [likely])</li>
<li>UPenn (2 Wharton) - 4 (3 LAS, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Brown - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>Yale - 1 (St. Patrick’s)</li>
<li>UChicago - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>Tufts - 3 (1 LAS, 2 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Texas at Austin - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Texas A&M University - 3 (1 KAS, 1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>SUNY Buffalo - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Purdue - 4 (1 LAS, 3 Aitchison)</li>
<li>NYU - 13 (3 KAS, 7 Aitchison [4 likely], 3 LGS)</li>
<li>Notre Dame - 1 (Choueifat)</li>
<li>Indiana University, Bloomington - 4 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UMich, Ann Arbor - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bryant - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan - 5 (3 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 Roots)</li>
<li>University of Tampa - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Rutgers - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Syracuse - 5 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 3 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Florida - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Creighton - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Dowling - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>UMich, Flint - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Northeastern - 11 (3 LAS, 4 Aitchison, 4 KAS)</li>
<li>Florida Institute of Technology - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UIllinois, Urbana-Champaign - 4 (2 Aitchison, 1 LAS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>Mercy College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>DePauw - 3 (1 LGS, 3 Roots)</li>
<li>ASU - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>UC San Diego - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UC Irvine - 3 (1 LAS, 1 KGS, 1 KAS)</li>
<li>University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Washington University in St. Louis - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Rhode Island - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>American University - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Simmons College - 2 (1 KAS, 1 LAS)</li>
<li>UMass Amherst - 2 (1 KAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regis College - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Cal State: Long Beach - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Valparaiso – 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Maryland, College Park – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Washington College – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Illinois Tech - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Penn State - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Babson - 3 (LAS)</li>
<li>Bentley - 2 (LAS)</li>
<li>Hobart and William Smith Colleges - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>Colgate - 2 (Roots)</li>
<li>Drexel - 1 (Roots)</li>
<li>USC - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>UCLA - 2 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Oberlin - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Miami - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Wisconsin Madison - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Franklin and Marshall - 1 (LGS)</li>
<li>Bryn Mawr – 1 (TCS)</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Claremont-McKenna - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>James Madison - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Suffolk - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Mount Holyoke- 2 (1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Northwestern - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>GWU - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Cornell - 1 (LAS [likely])</li>
<li>Villanova - 1 ( Roots )</li>
<li>Connecticut College - 1 ( LGS )</li>

<p>UK List:</p>

<li>Oxford - 3 (2 Roots, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>Cambridge - 5 (2 KGS, 2 LGS, 1 Engro Chemical School Ghotki)</li>
<li>Imperial College, London - 7 (3 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Sheffield - 3 (2 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>University College London - 10 (7 Aitchison, 2 LGS, 1 PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Edinburgh - 4 (4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>CASS - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Exeter - 3 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Warwick - 4 (3 Aitchison, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>Cardiff - 2 (1 LAS, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Nottingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>
<li>Regents - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>St. Andrews - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>Kent - 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>London School of Economics - 7 (5 LGS, 1 Resource, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>Southampton - 2 (1 Aitchison, 1 KGS)</li>
<li>London College of Fashion - 1 (KAS)</li>
<li>Loughborough – 1 (LAS)</li>
<li>University of Manchester - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Liverpool - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>University of Birmingham - 1 (Aitchison)</li>

<p>Canadian List:</p>

<li>University of Toronto - 6 (1 LAS, 1 LGS, 4 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Waterloo - 14 (7 Aitchison, 3 LAS, 3 LGS, 1 BSS)</li>
<li>Carleton - 5 (4 LAS, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>McGill - 37 (1 TCS, 16 LGS, 19 Aitchison, 1 Headstart)</li>
<li>University of British Columbia - 5 (1 LGS, 4 LAS)</li>
<li>York University - 5 (2 LAS, 1 Aitchison, 1 LGS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>Concordia University - 2 (1 LAS, 1 PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of New Brunswick - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>University of Manitoba - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>McMaster University - 2 (1 PIS Khobar, 1 Aitchison)</li>
<li>University of Western Ontario – 9 (2 LAS, 7 LGS)</li>
<li>University of Alberta - 1 (PISES Riyadh)</li>
<li>Queen’s University - 3 (1 LAS, 1 ISG Dammam, 1 Aitchison)</li>

<p>Other List:</p>

<li>HKUST - 3 (1 LAS, 1 Roots, 1 LGS)</li>
<li>Curtin Institute of Technology - 1 (PIS Khobar)</li>
<li>HKU - 3 (1 LGS, 1 Roots, 1 TCS)</li>
<li>NYU Abu Dhabi - 1 (LGS)</li>

<p>Are the rootsians who got into stanford the same as the ones who got into MIT?</p>

<p>nah they are not the same students</p>

<p>Thanks Dark_Angel!</p>

<p>It’ll be interesting to see which of them will attend, because I may actually get to know them in person next year :)</p>

<p>How many of u have got full rides and from where?</p>

<p>@Samtjt: Cool man! I was paying the same here for Pakistani Intermediate education =P The worst two A-level schools here have fees around 500 riyals which is around 11000 rupees per month, and the rest start from 46,000 rupees per month =P</p>

<p>@hb730: Paying 12,000 dollars for AMERICAN high school education seems like a REAL HUGE RIP-OFF! Many congratulations on getting into those huge places you got into Mashallah! Now my question, would you have been able to get into the same places if you had paid a “normal” amount for your education? =P</p>

<p>@samtjt: What’s a full ride?</p>

<p>100 % scholarship I presume.</p>

<p>Hb @; how many more unis are u waiting for ??</p>

Yeah 100 % aid/scholarship</p>

<p>I must admit that the Stanford rejection letter was the best I have ever read. It made me feel special in spite of my rejection and apparent incompetence.</p>

<p>LOL with a Pakistani HSSC, it’s a big enough feat that universities in Canada gave me admission (except for Schulich @ YorkU, they wanted 90% hahahaha) =D I’ll be vying for the in-course scholarships Inshalah! :)</p>

<p>P.S. My children will do A-Levels.</p>

<p>lol too early for family plannin ;)</p>

<p>Would u like to share it inert ??</p>

<p>You can find it somewhere on the Stanford thread, there’s no need for Inert to share it.</p>