The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>CA Resident
White female
Hugely competitive public school</p>

<p>High school GPA: W - 4.2, UW - 3.8
UC GPA: W - 3.92 UW - 3.75
SAT: 1880 (M590, CR640, W650 - english scores were extremely low for me based on practice tests. retaking, hopefully for a 2000+)
SAT IIs: Lit - 760, USH - 640
ACT: 30 (E34, R33, W33, M25, S27. retaking, hopefully for 31+)
AP: US History - 4 with three in my senior schedule (EnviSci, Stat, Lit)</p>

Theatre -
*Acted in eleven (to date) shows
*Crewed for four (to date) shows
*Six awards (three for acting, three for directing younger students) from a So Cal theatre festival throughout high school
*Drama Club for 4 years - Drama Board Historian (drama board = leadership in the department) junior year
*Comedy Sportz member (competitive team improv) - 11th-12th
Other -
*Web manager, - 3 years (9th-11th) (Animal rights website)
*Yearbook - 2 years (9th, 10th)
*Part-time job junior year - 20-30 hours a week for six months (selling beauty supplies...woooo)
*Part-time job senior year - 8 hours a week (waitress)</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
*Crew on musicals - 200+ hours from three shows (All working with middle school aged and younger kids...lights, directing, choreographing, vocal coaching, running crew)
* - 150+ hours (Web managed an animal rights website...I am a vegetarian)
*Relay for Life - 12 hours (Cancer fund raising 24-hour walk) </p>

National Merit Commended Scholar
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) - 10th-12th
Principal’s High Honor Roll/Principal's Honor Roll - 9th-12th
AVID "Write-Off" Finalist - 9th (essay writing competition within my school)</p>

<p>I'm applying as a drama/theatre major...except at UCLA probably undeclared (don't want to audition).</p>

<p>I'd like to know for UCSC,UCR,UCM</p>

<p>UC GPA:3.44
GPA (weighted):3.44
GPA (un-weighted):3.0
Class Rank:Almost top 20% but within top 25% (Class Size:901)
I took alot of AP and Honors classes.
SAT II:720/620 (US/Biology)</p>

<p>Failed Pre-calculus my junior year. (D- 1st semester/F 2nd semester)
Minimal volunteer hours
No work experience</p>

-I've been a 3 year member of Key Club International(will continue)
-Secretary of the Junior Statesmen of America Chapter of our local area
*Joining my senior year,but I was elected for position of secretary
-Choir (joining senior year)
-Peer to Peer Support Program (2 years)</p>

-2 year History Day Participant
-2xHighlander Educational Foundation Award for Academic Excellence in AP European History and Keyboarding
-CA resident (Southern California)
-Chinese Male
-Low income family
-Went through alot of hardships
-High school is very competitive,great API score</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
-AP Government US/Comparative (So Far I have an A)
-AP Economics(A)
-AP Environmental Science(A)
-English IV (emphasis on Shakespeare literature)(A)
-AP Statistics and Probalities(C)
-Teacher Assistant(A+)</p>

<p>jslee812 unless you made up those Pre-calc classes for a C or better you are not elligible for any UC schools.</p>

<p>Are UCLA/UCB still reaches? Or maybe slight reaches now?
Applying to business majors for both.
Also, what do you think my chances are of getting into either one or the other (maybe 40% or so?)</p>

Ethnicity: Irish-Scotts, English, Lithuanian, Malay, Chinese
Background: Middle Class, not first generation
GPA: 3.5 UC unweighted, 3.77 UC weighted
ACT: 33 Composite (35 E, 36 R, 33 M, 29 S) so close to a 34
US History: 700
Literature: October 4th
• Varsity Fencing (06-07)
• Volunteer Work in Malaysia, (reference photos and newspaper article) summer 07
• Book club (05-07), closed due to poor attendance, secretary for 07
• Music Appreciation club (07-09), co-founder and president
• Member of Chinese club (06-07)
• Shadow program (only for freshmen, 05-06)
• CSF (08-09)
• St. John’s volunteer food for needy (07-09, 50-100 hours)
• De Young Museum Ambassador Program (05-06, wished to continue, did not want it to interfer with school)
• Biotech Internship (summer 08), over 200+ hours, working primarily with Business department and the interworkings of a business.</p>


<p>UC GPA: 4.25</p>

<p>SAT I:
-Critical Reading: 770
-Math: 760
-Writing: 720
-Total: 2250</p>

<p>SAT II:
-Math IIC: 800
-Chemistry: 800
-US History: 750</p>

Chemistry: 5
Calc AB: 5
US History: 5
Spanish Language: 5
English Lang: 5
(Will take Stats, Calc BC, English Lit by the end of the year)</p>

<p>12th grade classes:
AP English
AP Stats
AP Calc BC
Honors Physics
Government/Modern American History
20th Century Art</p>

<p>-National Merit Semi-Finalist
-ELC qualified</p>

<p>-Varsity Badminton
-Martial Arts outside of school
-Involved in Newspaper
-Campus Ministry group
-Community Service (90+ hours)
-Car Club officer
-Members of various other clubs (Green, Chess, Anime, Asian)
-Principal's Honor Roll</p>

<p>Summer Program: Harvard Secondary School Program</p>

<p>Applying to:
Berkeley, LA, SD, Irvine, Davis</p>

<p>Major: Haven't decided yet...Chem Engineering or Business/Econ. Probably Chem Engineering</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! :D</p>

<p>Hey, I'm applying this year.</p>

<p>W. GPA: 3.97
UC GPA: 3.78</p>

<p>SAT: 2070 (retook, may get better score)
SATII-MathII: 730
SATII-Bio: 750</p>

<p>ACT: 33</p>

<p>Play Carnatic (Indian) violin.
VP National Honors Society
Founder and pres. of Science NHS
CSF member.
National merit semifinalist
AP scholar with distinction (Taken AP Euro, Chem, Bio, Calc BC, Lang) (Taking Lit, Physics C, Stats now)
Took Latin I, II, and III until the Latin program was canceled. (The problem is, I was in middle school for Latin I, but I still had to go to the high school to take the class and the course is listed on my high school transcript, not my middle school transcript.)</p>

<p>Want to major in Nursing, Biomedical Engineering, or Biotechnology.
Heavy science student, taken 5 science courses and have a science gpa of 4.4</p>

<p>300+ volunteer hours at hospital and library.</p>

<p>I don't know if this matters, but here's some more background info on me.
I was born in India, I came to America when I was 5, and so English was my second language.
I am the first in my family to go to an American college.</p>

<p>My dream choice is Berkeley, but I know that's a longshot.
My second choice is Davis and my third choice is Irvine.
I'm just worried about Davis and Irvine, because my gpa is lower than their gpa's online.</p>

<p>Please chance me and advance thanks!</p>

<p>Omegared179 : UCB/UCLA remain reaches for you. UCB's Haas School is one of the best undergraduate business schools in the country -- and is highly selective. UCLA has business economics which is economics + accounting. Two very different options.</p>

<p>Justinnguy09 : Competitive GPA/SAT.
UCB -- match
UCLA -- match
UCD -- high match
Irvine/Davis: safeties. (UCI has the Merage Business School rapidly rising in reputation)</p>

<p>SivRami : </p>

<p>UCB -- slight reach (GPA lower than median balanced by high ACT)
UCD -- match
UCI -- match</p>

<p>Asian male
California Resident
Second-generation college student

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.73
UC Capped GPA: 4.10
Class Rank: 20/411</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Scores:
730 Critical Reading
770 Math
740 Writing
2240 Total</p>

<p>SAT II Scores:
800 Math Level 2
650 Chemistry
610 Literature
(taking Literature/US History in November)</p>

<p>Planned AP/IB Tests (none taken so far):
AP - Calculus BC
AP - World History
IB - HL English
IB - SL Physics
IB - SL Mathematics</p>

<p>12th Grade Courses
AP/IB Global Studies
AP Calculus BC
IB English 2
Honors/IB Physics
IB Theory of Knowledge
Student Government</p>

Golf Team (1 year JV, 3 Years Varsity, 2 Years Team Captain)
Cross Country Team (1 Year JV)
Baseball Team (Club team, 2 years during high school, 8 years total)
Student Government Elected Officer (2 Years, Class Treasurer then Student Body Vice-President)
California Association of Student Councils (CASC) Regional Development Director (primarily marketing/expansion of leadership program)
Delegate of CASC Summer Conference 2007 at Stanford
Participant in selective local leadership program (Junior Year)
Employment at local golf course (2 years and counting, 10 hours/week)
Key Club (2 years, 11th/12th grades)
CSF member (3 years)
Honor Roll (Grades 9-11)
National Merit Commended Scholar</p>

<p>One of my main concerns is that I don't really have any community service within my realtively weak ECs (outside some from Key Club/CASC position).
Will this weigh heavily in my application?</p>

<p>I am applying to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI, and UCSB. At this point I'm still trying to figure out my major.
I'm leaning toward Business or Engineering (primarily mechanical/bioengineering), but because the options are so extensive within these categories, I'm wondering if I should apply undeclared to any of these schools.</p>

<p>Anyone want to chance me again (just a few responses up^^^).Looks like I will be passing AP Prob&Stats (I now have an A in the class)</p>

<p>Chances at UCLA/UC Berkeley
Applying for engineering:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.96 Unweighted, 4.29 UC Weighted
SAT: 750 Math, 620 Reading, 740 Writing, 12 Essay - 2110 total
SAT II's: 770 Math IIC, 750 Chemistry, 670 US History</p>

Track and Field - 4 years
Math Club, Filipino Club, Curious Catholics Club - 4 years
Volunteer Ocean Park Community Center (for the Homeless) - 50+ hrs
Tutoring 7th/8th graders - 35+ hours
Saint Mark Church Lector - 4+ years
Christian Life Community
Tutor Statistics at Santa Monica College</p>

<p>Santa Monica Community College:
Intro to Business - A
Elementary Statistics - A</p>

<p>Senior Classes:
English 4
Moral Theology
AP Economics
AP Chemistry
AP Physics C
AP Calculus BC</p>

<p>AP Tests scores:
AP Env. Science - (5)
AP US History - (4)</p>

Public High School (1000+)
Took reasonable amount of rigorous courses
<em>Exponential</em> Positive grade trend :o] (from 2.6 9th to 4.0 10th to 4.5 11th)</p>

<p>GPA: 4.25 Weighted <- UC GPA (Will they take into account freshman year?)
UW 10-11th: 3.94
UW 9-11: 3.5
M: 730
CR: 650
W: 650
2030 Total</p>

Math 2: 760
CHEM: 780</p>

<p>12 Grade Courses:
-Photograph 3-4
-AP Gvt
-AP Calc B/C
-AP Bio
-Debate 3-4 (Interests me, should count as beyond A-G)</p>

<p>APs/Advanced Classes 9-11
AP Psych- 5
AP Chem- 4
AP Stat- 4
Honors Pre-calc
Honors English
Honors Geometry
Honors Global Studies</p>

<p>College Courses:
- Alg 2- A
- Hist 8- A
- Photo 50 (intro)- A</p>

Mock Trial
Science Olympiad

<p>100+ Community service hours at Hospital and School Library</p>

<p>Applying to:
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego
UC Davis
UC Riverside
UC Santa Cruz
UC Irvine
UC Santa Barbara
UC Merced</p>

<p>All biological sciences (or one applicable to premed)
Do you guys have any rec. as to what major I should take?
Also, do they take into account freshman year?</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Caucasian
citizenship in Canada, eastern European country(born), and US
Languages: speak 3 languages fluently (including eng) and french functionally
GPA: 4.22 W (This seems low I guess but from what I've seen on CC, my school calculates GPA differently with an AP counting as 5 and honors and normal counting as 4)
3.944 UW
Courseload is toughest available. there are only 2 people taking AP Physics at my school and i am one
CA Public- usually best go to berkeley...but then again the best are asian booknerds with very little life outside of school and somehow low SATs (our valedictorian had an 1800 last year. ***?)
Rank: 3/390 but should be 1 or 2 by end of 1st semester</p>

<p>AP Chem 5 AP Stats 5 AP Eng Lang 4 AP US 3 AP Euro 3</p>

<p>SAT: 670 CR 780 M 730 W - 2180
SATII: 800 MII, 740 Chem, 620 US, taking Lit in Nov
ACT: 33 took again, should be getting score soon (probably 34+)</p>

<p>senior year: AP Physics C, AP Eng Lit, AP Calc BC, AP French Lang, AP US Gov, and others required for graduation at my hs</p>

Soccer JV 3 yrs, Varsity 1
Tennis Var 2 yrs
CSF Vice President
Math Club co-founder and VP
50 hrs community service tutoring/library/recycling
piano for 8yrs and guitar for 5 (not competitively)</p>

<p>Awards (nothing special):
AP Scholar w/ Distinction
CSF Life Member
NCS Scholar-Athlete x 4</p>

<p>Work Experience:
local roller skating rink- DJ and skate guard
freelance videographer-made employee training vids, interview-style presentations to financers etc
personal tutor
a youth planning board</p>

<p>Applying: Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis (guaranteed acceptance first-choice major)</p>

<p>Potential Majors: Electrical Engineering, Physics, maybe Economics
I'll be applying to the engineering school at berkeley. i dont know yet if i want to do electrical engineering, EECS, or engineering physics though</p>

<p>I am ELC and I want to know about the Regents scholarship. Is that the full tuition one, because Berkeley is probably the school I will end up going to, and I need to know if I can afford it or if id be better off going to a private that gives merit aid. my parents' income is pretty high but it increased drastically when we came to cali a few years ago and they havent saved a dime. what is the process for getting this scholarship and what do you think my chance is of getting it? one essay will be about visiting and learning from my old country while the other will probably be about politics or my encounters with theoretical physics.</p>

<p>California Resident (Los Angeles)
Asian male (Korean)
High School: Public (big lausd school)
Rank: Top 10 (possibly t-1st/504)
Will apply for financial aid</p>

<p>GPA (10-11): 4.00 (unweighted), 4.36 (weighted)</p>

<p>SATs: 2000
Math: 700
Reading: 670</p>

<h2>Writing: 630</h2>

<p>Molecular Biology: 740
U.S. History: 730</p>

<p>Senior Courses: AP Chem AB; AP Calc BC; AP English Lit AB; AP Govt / H Econ; AP Art History AB; Humanities
*took Intro to Business in summer before Junior year at community college (got A)</p>

<p>AP Scores: AP English Lang (3), AP Bio (4), AP US History (5)</p>

~80 hours of community service (9, 10, 11, 12)
Science Bowl (11, 12)
Vice-President of Physics Club (11, 12)
Secretary of MUN (11)
Vice-President of MUN (12)
Key Club (12)
member of Academic Decathlon team (12)
Knights and Knightettes (12) (A senior service club with small membership)</p>

Debate school (11)
Taekwondo 2nd degree blackbelt</p>

CSF (10, 11, 12)
4th place in local debate competition (11)
AP Scholar (12)
ELC (12)</p>

<p>*1st generation to go to college</p>

<p>All UCs please? :)</p>

<p>jay23: I think you have a good shot at both. But you never really know about UCLA/Berkeley, so I'll say Slight Reach for both.</p>

<p>roycegee: UC's ONLY look at your 10th/11th year grades. They do NOT use 9th/12th grades for admissions. They do however use them to see if you met A-G course requirements. Anyways...</p>

<p>I'm not sure how strong your EC's are, but I'd say Match at all the schools you listed except for Berkeley, which would be a Slight Reach.</p>

Berkeley - Slight Reach/Match
UCLA - Slight Reach/Match
UC Davis - Match/Safety</p>

Match at all of them, and Slight Reach at Berkeley/UCLA.</p>

<p>Berkeley and UCLA have such unpredictable acceptances that's hard to really chance someone in these threads. I've seen people with extremely high statistics get rejected, and some people with lower stats get in. For example, I know someone who got into Stanford and Berkeley, but rejected from UCLA. I also knew tons of people who got into UCLA but rejected from Berkeley.</p>

<p>Can someone please look at my stats on the previous pg and chance me???</p>


<p>^Match at all the schools you mentioned (UCSC, UCR, UCM)</p>

<p>chance please - for UCD, UCSC and UCSB Engineering</p>

<p>GPA: 3.78, top 10% in Bay Area HS, 7 APs and 2 Honors courses
SAT: 1700, Reading 480, Math 650, Writing 570<br>
SAT2: Math 2 610, US History 590, Physics 530
ACT: Comp 24, English 25, Math 27, Reading 20, Science 25, Comb English/Writing 24
Fair amount of ECs: varsity sports, community service, working, some awards, etc.</p>

<p>Thank you ... Crunch</p>

<p>UCD/UCSB - Slight Reach/Reach
UCSC - Safety/Match</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Asian
Resident of California for 6 years
Ranked 56 out of 465 (Top 12%)</p>

<p>Academic GPA: 3.588
Cumulative Weighted GPA: 3.635
Cumulative Unweighted GPA: 3.442
UC GPA (w/o senior grades): 3.54
UC GPA (w/ one completed semester of my senior year due to block schedule): 3.56
Notes: I have a D and an F on my permanent record for my Alg 2 class, but I retook them during the summer for two B's. I also have a D on the last semester of my AP English 11 class, but I plan to take night classes at an adult school to make it up this year.</p>

<p>SAT I:
Critical Reading: 510<br>
Math: 510<br>
Writing: 460
Total: 1480
(I'll be retaking on Nov. 1)</p>

<p>SAT II:
(Will be taking on December)</p>

(Taken on Oct. 25, scores will be in on Nov. 12th)</p>

<p>1st Semester Senior Schedule: (My school goes by a block schedule)
Psychology CP
Statistics AP
English CP 12
Intro to Drafting</p>

<p>2nd Semester Senior Schedule: (These classes can still be changed since I'm not taking them yet. I might take out one of my art classes for an extra AP class. I haven't decided yet.)
Government/Economics AP
Intermediate Art
Advanced Art
Physics CP</p>

International Club - Board Member (Sopho)
Chess Club - Member (Junior)
Book Club - Member (Senior)
Graphic Novel Club - (Junior)
Academic Decathlon - Member (Senior)
Key Club - Member (Soph, Junior, Senior)
Art Club - Member (Soph, Junior), Vice President (Senior)
Friday Night Live - Member (Junior), Membership Coordinator (Senior)
French Club - Member (Soph), Vice President (Junior, Senior)
NOTES: My high school is still very new so there were very few clubs available during my Freshman year (which was the first year it opened). We had to start everything from scratch and build up from there.</p>

Tennis - Varsity Member (Senior)</p>

Library Assistant - Unpaid Volunteer (Senior)</p>

<p>Chance me for all UCs, please. I want to have an idea as to which of the four UCs I should use my four application waivers on. :)</p>


<p>Thank you for taking your time! And good luck to everyone. :D</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Asian
Location: San Francisco, CA
School Type: Public</p>

<p>GPA: 3.67 uw, 4.04 wt
Rank: 14/560 (Top 4%/ELC)</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 800
SAT I Crirical Reading: 630
SAT I Writing: 680
Total: 2110</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 740
Taking again in December
SAT II Chemistry: 770
Taking again in December</p>

<h1>of AP/Honors courses: 6</h1>

<p>AP Chemistry - 5
English Lang. and Literature - 3</p>

<p>AP Calculus AB - Planned
AP US Gov/Pol - Planned
Physics C (Both) - Planned</p>

<p>12 Grade Courses
AP Calculus
AP US Gov/Pol.
Teacher's Aide
European Lit.
Honors Physics
Biotechnology 3/4</p>

President AP Club - 2 yrs.
CSF Secretary - 4 yrs.
Key Club - 4 yrs.
Chemistry/Science Club Secretary - 2 yrs.
Peer Tutor
200+ hours volunteer/service</p>

<p>Berkeley - Biochem/Molec. Bio
LA - Biochem
San Diego - Biochem/Chemistry
Davis - Biochem/Molec. Bio
Irvine - Biological Sciences --> Biochem or Chemistry</p>

<p>I've lived out my high school years previous to senior year in complete DENIAL of my competency for he top UCs. Now I have a completely different perspective on my chances but would like someone else to evaluate them. I've always been a late bloomer and one to miss out on opportunities. :&lt;/p>