The Official UC Chance Thread

UCB - Reach
UCLA - Reach
UCSD - Reach
UCD - Reach/Slight Reach
UCI - Reach/Slight Reach
UCSB - Reach/Slight Reach
UCSC - Match
UCM - Match
UCR - Match</p>

<p>You really need to make sure you do well on your SATs in November. Then your chances will greatly increase.</p>

Berkeley - Match/Slight Reach
UCLA - Match
UCSD - Match
UCD - Match/Safety
UCI - Match/Safety</p>

<p>You honestly have a good shot at all of them. Do you have any notable awards?</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.66
SAT Reasoning: 2110 - Writing: 670, Reading: 660, Math: 780
Taking ACT: aiming for around 33
SAT IIs: Math2c: 760, Biology M: 670</p>

Eagle Scout Award
Advanced Level Award for Piano (played for 12 years)
Choir for 10+ years - attended multiple festivals in various countries
School Orchestra - 4 years
Pit Orchestra for School Musical
Some clubs at school, but no officer positions - 4 years
Community Service: around 150 hours
Cross Country - 1 year
Track Team - 1 year
National Merit - Commended
Low Income (don't know if this helps for all UCs)</p>

<p>Senior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Language and Composition, some other classes</p>

<p>4 APs, 4 Honors total</p>

<p>Please Chance me for:

<p>In state; top 50-60 high school in nation; applying to L&S
GPA (10-12 UW/UC/W): 3.50/3.88/4.12/Most Rigorous Courseload
SAT: 2350 (750CR, 800M, 800W)
SAT II: 800 Math Level 2, 790 Chemistry, 770 US History
4 AP tests last year; will take 8 this year</p>

<p>Let's say slightly above average to above average essays and ec's.</p>

<p>Chances for:

<p>AnxiousSenior: </p>

<p>Your UC GPA of 3.6 GPA is offset with a respectable SAT score of 2110 and good SAT Subject tests. There are many other factors that go into UC Admissions including essays, ECs, socio-economic factors. Your desired major also comes into play. Simply as a first-cut, you might consider:</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA/UCSD -- Reach
UCD/UCI/UCSB -- Slight Reach/Match
UCR/UCSC/UCM -- Safeties</p>


<p>Your UC GPA is 3.88 with outstanding SAT scores. The SAT scores make up for the lower GPA. Assuming above average essays and ECs:</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA -- slight reach/match
UCSD/UCD/UCI/UCSB -- safe match
UCR/UCSC/UCM -- safeties</p>


<p>Your stats are really similar to what mine were when I applied last year. For the record, I was accepted into all of the UC's except for UCLA/UCB, so don't give up hope. My EC's were strong, though...Also, I applied in engineering majors at all the campus.</p>

<p>I had made a new post for this, but did not realize there was an official Chance Thread. Maybe that's why I only got one response... Sorry, guys!</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Asian
Location: San Bernardino County, CA
School Type: Public
Rank: 15/795
ELC: Yes</p>

<p>UC GPA:
Weighted: 4.3
Unweighted: 3.9</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning:
Critical Reading: 550
Math: 620
Writing: 600
Total: 1770</p>

English: 31
Math: 33
Reading: 29
Science: 25
Essay: 8
Composite: 30</p>

<p>Subject Tests:
Math Level 2 (IIC): 660
US History: 590</p>

<p>AP Tests:
AP World History - 4
AP U.S. History - 3
AP English Language and Composition - 3
AP Chemistry - 1
Total Honors/AP Courses Taken 10th-11th: 7</p>

<p>12th Grade Courses:
AP Microeconomics / AP Government
AP Spanish Language
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics
AP Art History
AP English Literature and Composition</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities/Community Service/Awards/Work Experience:
2 Years Recycling Club (President this year)
2 Years Chemistry Club (Secretary this year)
3 Years MUN
4 Years Key Club: 80 Hours
4 Years CSF
2 Years NHS: 40 Hours
Church Involvement: 250+ Hours Community Service
Other Community Service Clubs- Habitat for Humanity, Lowercase People, Envision: 50 Hours</p>

<p>Job at a Music Center (Mostly office and receptionist duties): 2 Summers</p>

<p>Best In Class Award for Spanish (9th, 10th, and 11th)
Advanced Level Award for Piano
MUN Conference in Tustin: Research Award</p>

<p>Please chance me for the following:

<p>Thank you in advance.</p>

<p>Please chance me. Thanks alot! :)</p>

<p>White Male
Location: Southern California
1st in family to go to college</p>

<p>GPA: 3.767
SAT: 1560 (retook in Nov)
ACT: 28 (retaking in Dec.)
SAT2: Taking in Dec.
AP's: World History, US History, English 11, Art History, Psychology: Passed all, 3's.
All Honors if not AP</p>

<p>Senior Schedule: Government/Economics, Business Math, Advance Computer Applications, AP 12 Litertaure, AP European History</p>

Key Club (10-12)
German Club (9-10)
Young Democarts of America (8 years)
Sign Language Club (9-12)

<p>Won bunch of awards for academics, politics, and that kind of sort.</p>

<p>Please chance me for:</p>


<p>Thank you so much.</p>

<p>Hey guys...I just recently discovered UCSC and really love the vibe of the school. The only thing that worries me is the low percentage of OOS students.</p>

<p>GPA (a-g courses): 3.69
Normal GPA: 3.57 (my school has a very werid 94-100 = A scale)
SAT: 1960 (690-CR 600-M 670-W)
ACT: 28 (still waiting on writing)
APs: World History(5), Psychology(5), English Lang (5), US History (4)
Will be taking US Government, Comparative Government, Lit, and Statistics this year.
SAT 2: Lit- 630 US History-630</p>

<p>Good amount of extracirriculars/awards: National Honors Society, AP Scholar with Honor, President of French Club (organized a pen pal program with an orphanage in Rwanda), 3 years track&field, 1 year Varsity tennis...Worked part time job for 2 years during school. </p>

<p>White male in Northern Virginia. Thanks for all the input!</p>

<p>Mixed (Filipino and Polish)
CA Resident
1st generation, low-income family
GPA: 3.77UC
SAT I: 1700
SAT II: Lit - 680, US History - 540</p>

<p>Senior schedule:
- AP language
- AP government/economics
- 5-6 spanish
- environmental science
- physics</p>

- worked 25-30 hours a week during summer
- work 20 hours every week since the beginning of school
- worked for primary election poll booth
- yearbook club (2 yrs)
- gay-straight alliance (2 yrs)
- 130 community service hours at local hospital
- filipino-american club (1 yr)
- pacific-asian club (2 yrs)
- interact club (1 yr)</p>

<p>Excellent essays</p>

<p>Chance me for UCSC please?</p>

<p>^ I say you're a match for UCSC</p>


<p>How about a quick chance based on...</p>

<p>4.0 UC GPA
2350 SAT
800 Math 2 SAT Subject test
800 Biology SAT Subject test
National Merit Semi-Finalist </p>

<p>Many honors and AP classes
AP Bio = 5, AP Calc AB =5, AP Lit = 4</p>

Jazz band for two years
Some athletics
Church activities</p>

San Diego
Santa Cruz</p>

<p>Ack, trying to counsel D about CSU safety but don't know how safe she is for UC.</p>

<p>UC GPA 4.04 most rigorous possible load lots of beyond required a-g courses
SAT Math 480/CR 670
SATII Bio 690 USH 570
great ECs, Work, and CS
Very nice essays</p>

<p>campus: UCD intended major animal biology</p>

<p>witsend: Definately in at SC and I would imagine SD and Davis as well.</p>

<p>California Resident
Public HS
Applying as English major</p>

<p>GPA: 4.25W, 3.83 UW, 4.16 UC
Rank: Top 4% at least (ELC)
SAT I: 680CR, 690M, 680W, 2050 total (Plan to retake in December for hopefully a 2100)
SAT II: US HISTORY (670) LIT (650)</p>

LEO Club: member in 9th and 10th grade, Publicity Commissioner in 11th, Vice President in 12th
Operation Smile Club:Secretary (Club was created this year)
CSF (10-12)
NHS (9-12)
ALS Club member
Anti-Violence Club Member (11-12, club was created last year)</p>

<p>Community Service:
About 100 hours as a professor’s TA (mostly tutoring work)
Almost 20 hours volunteering at a library</p>

Renaissance Student of the Quarter
Student of the Month
Academic Letter
National Merit Commended</p>

<p>Sophomore Schedule:
AP Chemistry (only AP available to Sophomores)
Honors (Pre-AP) English
Spanish 3-4
Honors (Pre-AP) Pre-Calculus
Honors (Pre-AP) World History
PE (filling requirement, doubt it counts)</p>

<p>Junior Schedule:
AP US History
AP English Language
AP Calculus AB
Physics CP
Spanish 5-6
Psycology/Sociology (1st semster and 2nd semester respectively)</p>

<p>Summer before Senior Year:
Community College: Introduction to Theatre, Calculus, Statistics. Received As in all of them.</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Government
AP Economics
AP English Literature
AP Biology
Taking Calculus II at a community college</p>

<p>Chance me for:

<p>UC GPA: 4.3, (ELC)
SAT I: CR: 680, Math: 800, Writing: 680
SAT II: Math II: 800, Chem: 800, Bio/E: 770, US: 760
EX: 3 years of track and field, over 300 hours of community service, some of which through key club, treasurer of a club.
AP Scholar with distinction. </p>

<p>UCB: Molecular Biology
UCLA: Bioengineering
UCSD: Bioengeineering/premed</p>

<p>Can someone chance me please?
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Out of State (but parents are a employee of UC, Im not sure if that helps except for finances)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.67 (weighted)</p>

<p>ACT: Composite - 26
Math - 30
Critical Reading - 21
Science - 25
English - 26
Combined English and Writing - 28</p>

<p>AP courses -
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics B
AP Statistics</p>

<p>Activities and Awards
National Honor Society Award
Extracurricular Activities:
Cross Country (10th and 12th grade, 10hrs/week, 12 weeks/yr)
Community Service/Volunteer work:
YMCA work (5hrs/week, 8weeks,yr)
Youth Earth Service Corps - rebuilding trails and planting trees (3 consecutive summers, 10hrs/week, 8 weeks/yr)</p>

<p>Majors: Can anyone give advise on a major that will help my acceptance for USI, UCSB, UCSD, UCSC?</p>

<p>What I have currently:
UCSI: Physics or maybe Mechanical Engineering
UCSD:Physics, Computational or maybe ECE: Engineering Physics
UCSB: Physics (BS)
UCSC: Comp Eng-Robotics&Control</p>

<p>Any replies will be helpful, thanks.</p>

<p>Can someone chance me please?
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Out of State (but parents are a employee of UC, Im not sure if that helps except for finances)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.67 (weighted)</p>

<p>ACT: Composite - 26
Math - 30
Critical Reading - 21
Science - 25
English - 26
Combined English and Writing - 28</p>

<p>AP courses -
AP Psychology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics B
AP Statistics</p>

<p>Activities and Awards
National Honor Society Award
Extracurricular Activities:
Cross Country (10th and 12th grade, 10hrs/week, 12 weeks/yr)
Community Service/Volunteer work:
YMCA work (5hrs/week, 8weeks,yr)
Youth Earth Service Corps - rebuilding trails and planting trees (3 consecutive summers, 10hrs/week, 8 weeks/yr)</p>

<p>Majors: Can anyone give advise on a major that will help my acceptance for USI, UCSB, UCSD, UCSC? I'm not sure how competitive the majors I have selected are, and would like some feedback.</p>

<p>What I have currently:
UCSI: Physics or maybe Mechanical Engineering
UCSD:Physics, Computational or maybe ECE: Engineering Physics
UCSB: Physics (BS)
UCSC: Comp Eng-Robotics&Control
UCD: Electrical Engineering
Any replies will be helpful, thanks.</p>

<p>@ witsend. Get out of here with that. This sites a joke.</p>

UC GPA: 3.9
actual GPA: 3.41 jr year, upward trend,
AP world history, english comp, us history (all scored 4 on tests)
All honors math & science
Sr yr first quarter grades: B (AP calc BC), A (AP physics), C (AP US gov)
Goal: ~3.5 GPA upon graduation.
Note: VA school uses depressed grading system where 80-83%=C+, 84-89%=B, 90-93%=B+, 94-100%=A
Awards: AP scholar, National Merit commendation, science fair winner, track&field scholar athlete
SAT: 700 math, 700 verbal, 650 writing
SAT II: 630 physics, 710 math level II, 660 biology E
principal violist in school orchestra
EC: USSF certified soccer referee, TKD champion, hospital volunteer 200hrs+
Any chance at UCB and UCLA (engineering)?</p>


<p>GPA: 4.41 (w)
3.91 (uw)
4.27 (UC)</p>

<p>Class Rank: school doesn't rank, but I am ELC, so I am in the top 3 in my class of 70</p>

English: 35
Math: 34
Reading: 34
Science: 34
Essay: 8
Combined English/Writing: 32
Composite: 34</p>

CR: 660
M: 690
W: 740 (Essay: 11)
Total: 2090</p>

<p>Subject Tests:
Biology E: 750
U.S. History: 720
Math 2: 650</p>

<p>AP Scores:
Biology: 5
U.S. History: 5
English Language: 4
I will be taking Calculus AB, English Literature, and European History this May. </p>

National AP Scholar
National Merit Commended Student</p>

Student Government- grades 10-12, ~one hour per week. 10th-Class Representative, 11th-Class Secretary, 12th- Class Vice President
Yearbook- grades 10-12, 5-7 hours per week. 11th- Assistant Co-editor, 12th- Co-Editor in Chief
Nature Company- grades 11-12, one hour per week. 12th- Vice President
Ambassadors- grades 9-10, one hour per week, represented school at open houses, high school fairs, etc.
Book Club- grades 9-12, one hour per month</p>

<p>Community Service:
-feeding the homeless for about 4-6 hours per month (11th, 12th)
-volunteering at a hospital (4 hours/week in summer, 2 hours/week during school year) (12th)
-coaching junior high decathlon team for 2-3 hours/week (9th)
-tutoring children 6-8 hours/month (10th-11th)
-church service projects (2 hours/month, 9th-10th)</p>

<p>This is my first post, so I hope I did it right!
Please chance me for UCLA, UCB, and UCSD if you can.
Thank you so much!! :)</p>