The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>I've seen so many great stats. <em>really getting worried</em></p>

<p>Residency: California
Ethnicity: Chinese
Major: Biology
UW GPA: 3.84
UC GPA: 4.16
Rank: 22/589 (ELC)
ACT: 27 (retaking in December)
SAT I: 1910; Critical Reading: 580; Math: 650; Writing: 680 (retaking in December)
SAT II: Math II: 650; Japanese: 620; US History: 700
APs: World History (5), Calculus AB (5), US History (4), Psychology (3)
- Took 1 in 10th, 3 in 11th
This year's courseload: 3 APs (Physics B, Calculus BC, American Government) + 2 regulars (Economics and English 4) + 1 evening CC class (Nutrition)
**CC classes: **Precalculus algebra (A) & trigonometry (A) - included in high school GPA; elementary statistics (A) & English 1A (B) - not on high school transcript</p>

- Volunteer at local native plant garden for 1 year (100+ hours) (11 &12)
- Tutor for an elementary student who reads below his grade level (12)
- Member of CSF & Interact club at school (11 & 12)
- Member of NHS (12)
- Chinese school (9)
- Treasurer of global awareness club (12)
- AP Scholar with Honor
- Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 3 Certificate<br>
- Principal's Honor Roll Award (from Renaissance)
- President's Volunteer Service Award (bronze)
- Weed Warrior Award (from CommServ organization)</p>

<li>Reduced lunch</li>
<li>First family member to attend college!</li>

<p>Personal Statement: Received mainly positive feedback. For prompt 1, I wrote about my motivation in math - going from repeat Algebra I freshman year to AP Calculus BC senior year, taking a math course every summer in high school. Prompt 2, I wrote about becoming vegetarian (quite descriptive).
Additional comments: Basically random tidbits about me. I described my volunteer place, parents' background (how they didn't really encourage me to do ECs), interest in biology, and bullet format.
Hindering chances: Downward trend (Had a 4.0 until I got 2 B's in both semesters of junior year), SAT and ACT (scores went lower the second time I took them!), SAT IIs (disappointing Math II score), ECs (didn't know it was super important until the end of sophomore year!), additional comments (too long and random?)</p>

<p>**Applied to: **Cal, LA, San Diego, Davis</p>

<p>Por favor & gracias!</p>

<p>Being ELC will help you. GPA is within range for both Berkeley and LA. SAT is okay, not great. Prompt 1 essay for the UCs could have dealt with more than math, but you did get in the additional points in prompt 3. Being first to college will help. So, with that
UCB -- slight reach
UCLA -- slight reach
UCSD and UCD: match</p>


<p>UCB/LA:slight reach
UCD:high safety</p>

<p>I wouldnt advise writing about your mathematical career... they can already see that on your transcript. They'd probably rather know about who you are from OUTSIDE of academics.</p>

<p>Chances me pleasee:</p>

<p>Brown kid haha (Pakistani)
Very Competitive Public High School
California Resident</p>

UC GPA 4.06 ( I think)
CP Weighted 4.45
Unweighted = 3.79</p>

<p>Classes: </p>

<p>Sophmore year:
Honors Chem: B/A
Honors Anatomy: A/A
AP Euro: A/A
Algb 2: B/B+
English: B/A
Adv. Speech and Debate: A/A</p>

<p>Junior year:
AP Bio: B+/ A
AP Chem: A/A
Honors Precalc: B+/A
Honors Spanish 4: A/A
English 11: A/A
Adv. Speech and Debate: A/A</p>

<p>Classes at Local Community college: </p>

<p>Art History: A
California History: A
General Psychology: A</p>

<p>Current Senior year courses:
AP Econ
AP Gov
AP Calc AB
Honors Physics
AP Spanish 5 Lang
Expository Writing
Adv. Speech and Debate</p>

<p>ELC : Yes</p>

<p>ACT ( retaking): Composite 32, English : 29, Math: 35, Reading: 36, Science : 29 (Essay:12, Combined english: 31)
SAT: 2160, Math: 780, Writing: 720 (11 essay) CR: 660
SAT IIs: Bio M: 770, US history: 710 Math IIC (retaking): 730</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: </p>

<p>Participated in Speech and Debate for four years.
3rd In State in Public Forum Debate, Qualifier in International Extemp.
National Qualifier in Public Forum Debate
Won many tournaments across the Nation and State of California
National and State Recognition</p>

<p>Executive Vice President of Science Alliance ( club recognized by President Bush)
Vice President of Speech and Debate
Vice President of Model United Nations
CO President of Think Tank at our school
Various other Officer positions in other clubs (these are the highest though)</p>

<p>Went to Pakistan after Earthquake to work for the Pakistani Volunteer movement (international recognition)
US House of Representatives Page ( Summer of '08)
Work at Kaiser
Worked at a Speech and Debate Institute (teach kids how to debate lol)
Various other Volunteering jobs </p>

<p>Been in regular clubs for a few years: NHS, CSF, etc. Recieved honors .</p>

<p>What would my chances (preferably in % form) be at:</p>


Weighted: 3.82
Unweighted: 3.55
UC GPA: between 3.6 and 3.7 (bad sophmore year, big improvement junior year)
Sat: Highest Single/Combined: 2000
Sat2 Bio: 770
Sat2 History: 650
AP/H- 6 completed/4 in progress
10 years of Lab Science
Piano: 7 years
Vocal: 1 year
Hospital Volunteer:2 years/4hrs per week
Church Charity Events: Holidays
Track and Field: 2 years (stopped because of hip injury)
Volleyball (School and Private League): 2 years (stopped because of hip injury)
Leadership: 1 year
180 Hours interning at a biotech company
AP Scholar (w/honor) +CSF....forgot to mention these though, ughh.
I intend to major in biology or biotech.</p>

<p>I applied to: UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Riverside. What are my chances for these schools?</p>

<p>GPA - Weighted: 3.73 <-- UC GPA
Slight upward trend from 10-12 grade (2 semesters): 3.6 -> 3.2 -> 3.5 -> 4.2</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 620
SAT I Critical Reading: 730
SAT I Writing: 680</p>

<p>Total: 2030 (took Dec, expecting ~2100)</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 670
SAT II Literature: 710</p>

<p>AP World History-3
AP US History-3
AP Biology-3</p>

<p>12th grade Courses
AP European History
AP Statistics
AP French
Honors Physics (H)
English 4
Calculus AB</p>

<p>College Level Courses Taken: Sociology</p>

<p>AP Courses Taken:
AP Biology
AP US History </p>

<p>Honors Courses Taken:
Honors English 1
Honors English 2
Honors English 3 (H)
Honors Geometry
Honors Biology
Honors Chemistry (H)
Honors World History</p>

2 years Big Brothers Big Sisters Program
4 years engineering, math, & science club w/positions as secretary, competitions officer, and team captain
2 years Animal Rescue Club as secretary
2 years Badminton Club as webmaster/secretary
3 years Class Council
2 years Interact Service Club
2 years FBLA</p>

<p>The Brown Kid: Your SAT's are gonna be the pusher into Berk/LA
Berkeley: slight reach
UCLA: slight reach
UCSD: low match
Rest of UCs: Safeties</p>

<p>Kawaii: Your UC GPA is quite low compared to the average accepted in the higher UC's

UCB/UCLA: High reach (if you break 2100)--> Reach
UCSD: Reach (" ")-->match
UCR: safety</p>

<p>Thanks, OoPurestOo, do you think my UC Gpa is too low? because otherwise, my weighted is 4.45, but the UC gpa only takes like 8 weighted classes so i believe that my UC gpa is like 4.05-4.1ish. In that case, do they even look at the weighted GPA?
Also, do you think being a page in DC and volunteering in Pakistan would help for UC berkeley and UCLA?</p>

<p>Weighted GPA is capped at 8 additional points. They will take a look at the difficulty and quality of all your courses. In addition, your experience as a page and volunteering will help. UCB and UCLA are both within reach.</p>

<p>well for UC's the stats make the biggest factor. Extra stuff MAY help but as for your GPA, the weighted seems hight enough... I will say its a slight reach but I will be surprised if you DONT get into UCB or UCLA</p>

<p>I have a quick question about UCs in general, and this is from an out-of-state student thinking about applying next year. I didn't accomplish one of the "a-g" requirements (specifically the art/music one), and I want to know if you didn't do this, does that mean automatic rejection from all UCs? I'm asking because I don't have room for an art/music class in my schedule next year as a senior.</p>

<p>It means you aren't even eligible to apply to UC if you can't accomplish one of the "a-g" requirements.Although it will probably be a factor if you did.</p>

<p>Ah ok, thanks a lot for answering my question.</p>

<p>Meeting "A-G" is a must!</p>

<p>I applied to UCLA and UCSB.

<p>GPA: (w)4.0 (u)3.84
UC GPA: 4.0
SAT: 2280
Subject Tests: mathII-750, literature-730, history-700
all fours and fives on AP tests
currently in 4 APs and one honors course
300 hours volunteer
national merit commended finalist
ap scholar
job for the past 8 months, 25 hours a week
member of other less important programs and groups.</p>

<p>ucla: business econ
ucsb: business econ w/ accounting</p>

<p>Your in at one or both.</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 800
SAT I CR: 740
SAT I Writing: 770</p>

<p>Total: 2310</p>

<p>SAT II Math 2: 800
SAT II World History: 770
SAT II US History: 710</p>

<p>unweighted UC GPA: 3.73
weighted UC GPA: 4.13</p>

<p>AP Tests:
European History (3)
English Language and Composition (3)
US History (4)
World History (5)
Calculus BC (5)
Calculus AB subscore (5)</p>

<p>Senior Courseload:
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Government and Politics (one semester)
AP Macroeconomics (one semester)
AP English Lit. and Comp.
AP Music Theory</p>

4 years water polo, 3 years varsity.
4 years swim, 2 years varsity.
National Honors Society (10,11,12)
Worked as a lifeguard at wild rivers for a summer
trained as an ocean water lifeguard at newport beach (it was a paying job)</p>

<p>Awarded Departmental Award of Excellence in Math (school award)

<p>Berkeley (Undeclared Engineering)
LA (Mechanical Engineering)
SD (Mechanical Engineering)</p>

<p>Match at all</p>