The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>SAT I Math: 600, 620
SAT I CR: 680, 630
SAT I Writing: 650, 680
Best Composite:1980</p>

<p>SAT II US History: 690
SAT II Literature: 660</p>

<p>unweighted UC GPA: 3.73
weighted UC GPA: 4.04</p>

<p>AP Tests:
US History: 4
Psychology: 4
Statistics: 3</p>

<p>Senior Courseload:
AP Government and Politics (one semester)
AP Microeconomics (one semester)
English IV
Advanced Film Study

Editor of school newspaper sophomore and junior years (could not take class senior year).
4 years water polo, 3 years varsity.
4 years varsity swimming.
Work as a lifeguard at community pool every summer since '06.
worked as field hand at local farm</p>

<p>Applied to:
Berkeley: Undeclared
UCLA: Economics
UCSD: Economics
UC Davis: Economics</p>


<p>Gender: M
College Class Year: 2013
High School: Public
High School Type: sends many grads to top schools
URM: Half Latino.</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.85
UC GPA - Weighted: 4.15
Class Rank: top 10%, #69, no joke
Class Size: 717
AP Scores: Junior AP English (4)</p>

<p>Senior Class Schedule:
AP English 4 B
AP Physics A
AP Economics/Government A
AP Psychology A
AP Calculus A
Ceramics I A</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 720
SAT I Critical Reading: 730
SAT I Writing: 720
SAT Reasoning: 2170
ACT: 34
SAT II U.S. History: 740
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 800
SAT II Physics: 750</p>

-Piano for 13 years
-Guitar for 6 years
-Philosophy Club President
-Head Pool Lifeguard for Community Pool
-Internship/Job at Radiation Oncology Clinic
-Basketball and Swimming for two years, Water Polo for one year
-Play Guitar in Youth Praise Team Band
-Occasional day labor on weekends.</p>

-California Boys State 2008
-Coronet Award Nominee in Mathematics</p>

<p>Colleges of Interest:</p>

<p>UCLA (Cell and Developmental Biology)

<p>Thanks to all in advance for chancing!</p>

<p>UCLA- Match
UCSD- low match
The rest = safeties.
Nice stats btw</p>

<p>California Resident
Public HS
Applying as English major</p>

<p>GPA: 4.3 W, 3.83 UW, 4.17 UC
Rank: Top 4% at least (ELC)
SAT I: 800CR, 690M, 720W, 2210 total
SAT II: US HISTORY (670) LIT (650)</p>

LEO Club: member in 9th and 10th grade, Publicity Commissioner in 11th, Vice President in 12th
Operation Smile Club:Secretary (Club was created this year)
CSF (10-12)
NHS (9-12)
Anti-Violence Club Member (11-12, club was created last year)
(These are the ones I put on my application)</p>

<p>Community Service:
About 135 hours doing school related community service. (That is not counting 12th grade. I'll have another 45 hours at the end of this year)
Almost 20 hours volunteering at a library</p>

Renaissance Student of the Quarter
Student of the Month
National Merit Commended</p>

<p>Sophomore Schedule:
AP Chemistry (only AP available to Sophomores) B/B
Honors (Pre-AP) English A/A
Spanish 3-4 A/A
Honors (Pre-AP) Pre-Calculus A/A
Honors (Pre-AP) World History A/A
PE (filling requirement, doubt it counts) A/A</p>

<p>Junior Schedule:
AP US History A/A
AP English Language A/B
AP Calculus AB B/A
Physics CP A/A
Spanish 5-6 A/A
Psycology/Sociology (1st semster and 2nd semester respectively) A/A</p>

<p>Summer before Senior Year:
Community College: Introduction to Theatre, Calculus, Statistics. Received As in all of them.</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Government
AP Economics
AP English Literature
AP Biology
Taking Calculus II at a community college</p>

<p>Chance me for:

<p>*My essays are about my aspirations of becoming a civil rights attorney and about moving to the US from Germany in the 4th grade and what it taught me. I think I'm a good writer, so they should help me.</p>

<p>**I plan on taking the AP German test through self-study this May.</p>

mid size (2000) public high school</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 600, 620
SAT I CR: 680, 630
SAT I Writing: 650, 680
Best Composite:1980</p>

<p>SAT II US History: 690
SAT II Literature: 660</p>

<p>unweighted UC GPA: 3.73
weighted UC GPA: 4.04</p>

<p>AP Tests:
US History: 4
Psychology: 4
Statistics: 3</p>

<p>Senior Courseload:
AP Government and Politics (one semester)
AP Microeconomics (one semester)
English IV
Advanced Film Study

Editor of school newspaper sophomore and junior years (could not take class senior year).
4 years water polo, 3 years varsity.
4 years varsity swimming.
Work as a lifeguard at community pool every summer since '06.
worked as field hand at local farm</p>

AP Scholar
California Boys State 2008
Scholar Athlete</p>

<p>Applied to:
Berkeley: Undeclared
UCLA: Economics
UCSD: Economics
UC Davis: Economics</p>


<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.615
Weighted GPA: 3.769 (this isn't counting the Honors Classes I took, only AP) </p>

<p>SAT II- Biology 750 , U.S. History 700
ACT - 32 </p>

<p>Senior Courses: </p>

<p>Advanced Creative Writing
Advanced Leadership
Pre Calculus
AP English
For my other two classes I plan to take two college classes. (hopefully Calculus and Philosophy) </p>

<p>EC's </p>

<p>President of the Japanese Pop Culture Club for two years
Sophomore Class Vice President
Junior Class Treasurer/Secretary
Associated Student Body Secretary
Vice President of GSA </p>

<p>Going to Apply (next year, still in Junior Year) to:</p>

<p>UC Davis
UC Santa Cruz
UC Berkeley
UC Merced
UC Irvine
UC San Diego</p>

<p>I come from a small school and am in the top 10 percent. We only have 8 AP courses (but usually only 4 are offered a year). I took two and will take one more next year.</p>

<p>During the summer I took Sociology 1A and Political Science and got an A in one and B in the other. Will these count for anything when applying to a UC?</p>

GPA: w=3.75 (9-12);w=3.93(10-11)
SAT I : 1920
SAT II : Math IIC : 780
Chem :770
Physics : 720
US history : 670
AP Grades: Calc AB =5; Physics B=5; Chem =5
-Couple of math/physics awards
-over 250+ hours of volunteering @ public library
-started with a couple of friends 2 new clubs : Indian Student Association and Physics Club

<p>UCSB: electrical engineering
UCIrvine: computer science
UCSD: chemical engineering
UCLA: chemical engineering
UCBerkeley: chemical engineering</p>

<p>Senior yr schedule
AP macro Econ/poli sci
AP stats
Ceramics I
English 4
Spanish 3</p>

<p>Uc gpa = 3.83 ^^</p>

<p>GPA (10-11): 3.52
Weighted (+1 for all AP semesters) GPA: 4.18
UC GPA (8 cap on extra points): 3.87
ACT: 31 (34 Math, 31 Reading, 31 Writing, 30 Science)
SAT1: 2060 (W:710, M:710, R:640)
Subject Tests: Math2: 720 Chem: 720 French: 700</p>

<p>Assume slightly above average extracurriculars with a very good amount of hours.
No outstanding awards, but I have awards like 'Most Dedicated' and AP scholar with Distinction, etc.</p>

<p>Chance me for UCB, UCLA, UCSD please. Thank you very much.</p>

<p>What do Ya'll think my chances are for getting to these UC schools which I applied.
UC-Santa Barbara
UC-San Diego
UC-Santa Cruz

<p>Out of State
Ethnicity:African American
GPA: 3.3, One of the top high schools in the US, extremely competive, 4.0gpa isnt top 25%
SAT I : 1760
SAT II : Math IIC : 520
Physics : 520
not applying for finacial aid</p>

-Captain of rugby club x2
-Lead Alter server for 4 years
-200+ years of community service</p>

<p>Applying for Mech engineering at all schools except berkely, enviromental science</p>

<p>I have two very strong essays about hardships of my ethnicity in my surrondings and I've been talking to admission officers and professors at all schools.</p>

<p>Senior yr schedule
spainsh 2
english 4
Meeting modern problems</p>

<p>I<em>WAS</em>HERE: nice stats. Match at all 3.</p>

<p>tyguy: berkeley/LA: low reach, UCSD: high match, Davis: high safety.</p>

<p>Hikaru: assuming 3.7 was your UC GPA... (your schedule doesn't seem to have that much rigor as far as # of APs)
UC Davis- low reach/high match
UC Santa Cruz- safety
UC Berkeley- high reach
UC Merced- low safety
UC Irvine- high match
UC San Diego- reach</p>

UCSB/UCI: match
UCSD: low reach
UCLA/UCB: high reach</p>

<p>Milky Monroe: reaches for UCLA/UCB, low reach for UCSD</p>

UCB/UCLA/UCSD: high reach
UCSB/UCI: reach
UC santa cruz: match</p>


<p>GPA: 4.41 (w)
3.91 (uw)
4.27 (UC)</p>

<p>Class Rank: ELC in a class of 71; school does not rank</p>

English: 35
Math: 34
Reading: 34
Science: 34
Essay: 8
Combined English/Writing: 32
Composite: 34</p>

CR: 660
M: 690
W: 740 (Essay: 11)
Total: 2090</p>

<p>Subject Tests:
Biology E: 750
U.S. History: 720
Math 2: 650</p>

<p>AP Scores:
Biology: 5
U.S. History: 5
English Language: 4
I will be taking Calculus AB, English Literature, and European History this May. </p>

National AP Scholar
National Merit Commended Student</p>

Student Government- grades 10-12, ~one hour per week. 10th-Class Representative, 11th-Class Secretary, 12th- Class Vice President
Yearbook- grades 10-12, 5-7 hours per week. 11th- Assistant Co-editor, 12th- Co-Editor in Chief
Nature Company- grades 11-12, one hour per week. 12th- Vice President
Ambassadors- grades 9-10, one hour per week, represented school at open houses, high school fairs, etc.
Book Club- grades 9-12, one hour per month</p>

<p>Community Service:
-feeding the homeless for about 4-6 hours per month (11th, 12th)
-volunteering at a hospital (4 hours/week in summer, 2 hours/week during school year) (12th)
-coaching junior high decathlon team for 2-3 hours/week (9th)
-tutoring children 6-8 hours/month (10th-11th)
-church service projects (2 hours/month, 9th-10th)</p>

<p>Please chance me for UCLA, UCB, and UCSD if you can.
Thank you so much!!</p>

<p>Match for UCLA/UCB, because they're basically reaches for everyone. You have a great shot though.</p>

<p>UCSD - in</p>

<p>California Resident, ELC
UC GPA: around 4.3
GPA (W): 4.79 (UW): 3.92
Rank: 4/470</p>

<p>SAT: 760 CR/780 M/730 W = 2290
SAT Subjects: 710 M2, 740 US History, 690 Lit, 620 Bio</p>

<p>ACT: 33 composite: 36 E/31 M/30 R/33 S / 10 Essay</p>

<p>APs: Euro - 3, US - 5, Calc AB - 4, Physics - 3, Will take Bio, Psych, French, Calc BC</p>

<p>Full IB Diploma Candidate. </p>

1. CSF - officer for 3 yrs
2. French Club - Vice Pres, Pres, French Honors Society
3. NHS
4. other leadership positions in smaller clubs </p>

<p>outside of school:
Volunteer for 3 yrs for disabled (200+ hrs)
Senior Center Intern
Other smaller activities</p>

<p>Awards: some school awards, art awards, National Merit Commended, AP Scholar with Distinction.</p>

<p>I am worried because I submitted very mediocre essays

<p>tipthescales... Only a 4.3 UC GPA?? >_> and ONLY a 2290?! Rejection from all 3... not good enough.</p>

<p>See post #393.</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Location: Out-of-state (Kansas City, MO)
I've taken the hardest classes offered, all IB/AP
Currently last semester of junior year, applying next year</p>

<p>Prospective Schools/Majors:
UC San Diego: Computer Engineer
UC Santa Barbara: Computer Engineer
UC Irvine: Computer Engineer
UC Davis: Computer Engineer
UC Santa Cruz: Computer Engineer
Cal Poly SLO: Computer Engineer (if you guys wouldn't mind doing it while you're at it, thanks)</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: expect 3.70-3.75
Weighted GPA: school doesn't do weighted
UC GPA: expect 3.90-4.00
Class Rank: top 5-10% expected</p>

<p>ACT - composite 32, retaking in February (hopefully 33 or above)
SAT II - haven't taken yet</p>

<p>One of the weak points to my application besides being out-of-state is that my ECs are comparatively sub-par. Being in a fairly non-competitive school in Kansas City, I was never told the importance of this to competitive colleges. I still pursued my real passions though. So, do you think if I explain to colleges that I had wanted to focus on playing the piano (9 years) during my free time, as well as music composition and computer programming, that I would be far behind applicants with similar stats as me. I help teach theory students, since I've taken AP Music Theory several years and do a lot of composition outside of class. Also, does telling them I have a job help? Sorry to ramble, I'm just worried.</p>


<p>Indian from Southern California
Attend extremely prestigious high school</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.12
SAT I: CR - 760, M - 610, W - 690 = 2050
SATII: US - 730, Bio - 700, Lit - 660</p>

<p>Have taken 8/13 possible APs at my school, including
AP US History (5)
AP Biology (4)
AP Language and Composition (4)
AP European History
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus AB
AP Literature
AP Government</p>

<p>Junior Classes:
Pre-Calculus HP
AP Biology
AP Language and Composition
Physics HP
Anatomy and Physiology
AP US History</p>

Computer Club President
Athletic Publication Committee: Editor in Chief
Instrumental Music Vice President
Symphonic Orchestra principal musician
Varsity policy debater
National Honor Society Vice President
Student Body Senate member
Track and field varsity thrower</p>

Platinum/Gold award for academic excellence
Award for Excellence (2x) AP US History
AP Scholar award
Policy Debate MVP
Award of Excellence - National Forensics League
~500 volunteer hours
Work experience</p>

<p>Essays: One is about earning my track letter, the other is about growing up in a small town, and how that affected me.</p>

<p>Recs: Pretty good, one from Calculus teacher, one from US/Euro history teacher, counselors know me well</p>

<p>Please chance me for all the UCs. Thanks</p>

<p>By the way, I'm white if that makes any difference. See post #397.</p>

<p>Anyone? Please...</p>