The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Transfer from: UCD
Major: UCLA:Biz Econ - (UCB: economics, UCI: Business, USC: Business, UT Austin: Business)
Alternate Major: Econ
GPA: 4.0 - with a few A+'s
IGETC: No- but completed UC reciprocity
EC: A few clubs at school, and a bunch of volunteering/organizations out of school
Essay: 9/10 - Wrote about some experiences I've had out of the country and how they related to my intended major etc etc
Whatever else is left to say: I'm transferring from UCD so I know that puts me at a slight disadvantage compared to CC students. I finished about half of the 90 units at Community College and the other half here at UCD.</p>

<p>I'm a Canadian with a parent who's a resident of california.
I have a 3.71 UW UC GPA (grades 10-11) and a 3.79 W UC GPA (86 isn't an A apparently).
SAT Reasoning: 750 Math, 750 CR, 720 Writing (damn essay)
SAT Subject: 780 Math II, 780 Biology - Molecular
AP Biology : 5
Senior Year courses and first term grades:
1. english ap 89
2. calc ap 92
3. stats ap 94
4. econ ap 90
5. world history ap 91
6. physics 12 (regular) 100
7. math 12 honours 100
8. senior concert band 90</p>

<p>Provincial Karate champ
Dry grad committee treasurer
First horn in senior concert band
rugby team flanker</p>

<p>I'm applying to civil engineering.
I'd appreciate any comments.

<p>I am applying for Biological Sciences to
Santa Barbara
Los Angeles</p>

<p>UC GPA-3.7
Top 10% of class(over 600 students)
SAT I-1590 (590 Reading/520 Math)
SAT II- 640 US History/540 Literature
AP Scores-
US History- 3
English Language & Composition-3
Awesome Essays</p>

<p>Honors Chemistry Student of the Year
NHS Member
Cross Country- 9,11
Senior "Pep Squad"- 12
Worked throughout HS(all 4 years)
30 Hours Community Service</p>

<p>Hispanic Male
First Generation</p>

<p>I really appreciate any help.</p>

<p>in state applicant
uc gpa: 3.96
sat reasoning: 2190 (cr 670 m 760 w 760)
sat subject: math level 2 & chemistry: 800s
ec's: worked 2 summers at prestigious university in computer department..nothing @ hs besides one club freshman year.
pretty weak ec's, decent essay, standarized test scores seem good</p>

<p>applied to:

<p>major: cs</p>

<p>for ucsd, my points summed up to be 7492, which i believe is below the cutoff?</p>

<p>Haha, nobody's responding.</p>

<p>Guys, what can they say or do? Apps are in, you're just trying to reassure yourselves at this point and that won't happen until we hear from the schools.</p>

<p>So just chill 'til March.</p>

<p>Double Post...Sorry</p>

<p>Main Topic: And then I went and became a total hypocrite by posting my stats on the Cal Forum. Guess I need reassurance too.</p>


<p>Asian male. attend the oldest and one of the most prestigious high schools in SoCal. 3.5 UC gpa, 1860 SAT, 670 Lit, 700 US History, two years of track, decent ECs, 185 community service, EXCELLENT essays (only thing I'm proud of).</p>

<p>I received 3 C's in my sophomore slump and dramatically improved (in my opinion) from 3.4 to 4.1 in junior year. </p>

<p>Applying to: UCSB, UCSC, UCI, UCD, UCLA, Cal, UCSD, made into riverside</p>

<p>^ adding more
Senior classes: Chemistry, Calculus, AP Government, AP English Literature, Economics, Moral Theology</p>

<p>my school doesnt send rank.</p>

<p>I second what Locke said haha. But since its raining outside and I'm about to nap, I'll be nice and rate ya'll.</p>

<p>hsaifee: Very impressive. I don't know many people with a 4.0 in college lol... Anyway I'd say you have a very good chance at all of those.</p>

<p>Squidmonster: Low-side GPA, but your SAT saves you.
UCB/UCLA: reach
UCSD: match
The rest you should be good for low match/safety.</p>

<p>Firefornia: Your SAT and GPA are a bit on the low side for these schools:
UCLA: high reach
UCI/UCSB: gonna be reaches/high matches
UCR: high safety</p>

<p>asdf: slightly low GPA for LA/SD/B, but nice SATs

<p>iamcapncrunch: you have a nice upward trend, however the upper UC's just cringe at the sight of C's.</p>

<p>B/LA/SD: Reach
I/SB/D: slight reach
SC: safety</p>

<p>Could you explain all the safe, match, reach?</p>

<p>I'm guessing that safe means it's pretty much 99% sure you're in and then match is 90%, is reach something like 50+%? And what is low/high/slight reach? </p>

<p>A listed order would be helpful (from most likely to least likely, maybe numbers too...)...thanks!</p>

<p>safety would be like 75%+
match is around 45%+
reach is anything below</p>

<p>yeah pretty much what koreanboi said... You want schools to be safeties for guarentees and you kinda would be lucky to get into reach schools. Match schools are like coin flip at times.</p>

<p>Thanks Purest.</p>

<p>Do UC's see C's as C's? Because if they are converting it to UC GPA, those C's (well, at least for me) wouldn't be C's anymore...</p>

<p>UC GPA:3.44
SAT I: 1620 (570:CR) (490:M) (560:W)
SAT II: (580 US) (490 Literature)
Asian Male/CA Resident (Southern CA)
Low Income
AP/Honors student</p>

<p>I've already been chanced like a month ago but just want to reaffirm them. =]]</p>

<p>Chances for UC Santa Cruz and UC Merced. I already got into UC Riverside.</p>

<p>Can anyone give me any insights into what my chances at getting into UC Berkeley or UCLA are?</p>

<p>I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA through a year and a half at a Community College and honors classes were not offered at my CC. I am on track to complete the IGETC this semester, I'm taking my last class for it right now. I will have 65+ semester units upon graduation. I have applied as an Economics major to both schools, and am completing the last prerequisite for that major this semester. I was a National Merit Semifinialist (not Finalist) in high school. My application essays were decent but I feel like I've written better.</p>

<p>Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.</p>

<p>Currently a Junior entering 2nd Semester
Asian American


English 2: B+/A-
Algebra 2: A+/A
Biology: B+/C+
W. History: A-/B+
P.E.: A+/A
Spanish 2: D/B-</p>

English 3: B
Pre-Cal: B
Chemistry: A
U.S. History: A-
Spanish 3- C+
Photo 1: A+</p>

<p>Rank 260/847</p>

Interact Club (Jr. year and next year)
Lion Dance Club (President as Freshman, Freshman year only)
Lion Dance Team (outside from school, 4 years, 4-6 hours a weekend)
Basketball (Freshman- JV, Soph-Jr- Varsity Captain)(Practice everyday including summer, Commitment!)
Track and Field (Sophomore)
Tennis (Junior)
Community Service Hours (20 as of right now, more to come)</p>

Reasoning: 1700-1800ish (Will take MANY MORE in the future</p>

<p>What're my chances on ALL UC's (Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Irvine, Berkeley, Davis, Los Angles, Santa Cruz) and Long Beach State, San Diego State, Cal Poly SLO, Cal Poly Pomona, Fullerton? How much will I have to boost in order to get into the higher reaches schools? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>t_mac64: you can prob forget bout Berk, LA, SD.
I, SB, D- high reaches.
M, R, SC reach/matches.
SDSU, Cal Poly & CPP- reaches
CSUF- Match</p>

<p>You need to make up the D in spanish and stop getting C's.</p>

<p>Jeffrey99: I would say your in.</p>

<p>newbalance: you can't go wrong with a 4.0 so just wait it out. You have a pretty good chance. </p>

<p>Jeffrey: Match for UCSC, in at Merced</p>

<p>T_mac: pretty much the same as EZDay said. Not looking too great for Berk, LA, SD.</p>

<p>I/SB/D: they make exceptions here in there for people who got Ds. I have heard ppl getting into Davis with a D but they had very good SAT scores. Ill give you high reach for those.</p>

<p>If you apply for Food Science at Cal Poly, that would be a match for you. Matches at SC/R/M.</p>