The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Hey all... I'd be curious to see what you folks think my chance are.</p>

<p>Applied to: Cal Poly, UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC San Diego and UC Berkeley</p>

<p>GPA: 3.78 UC
SAT: 640 W, 670 M, 690 CR = 2000
Subject Tests: 730 Math Level 2, 660 Literature, 640 Bio Ecol.</p>

<p>ECs: FIRST (9-12), Debate (10-12), ASB (9-12), Prom Committee (11-12), Teaching a Programming Class at my school</p>

<p>Awards: Two Time AMC School winner, Student Choice Award at county science fair (on how to win monopoly using probability theory), 2nd Place at county math competition </p>

<p>Community Service: >400 hours</p>

<p>Work: Graded statistics and pre-calc homework for a local state university (10th and 11th grades) and am currently interning at a technology company.</p>

<p>Essays were good. I applied everywhere as a Computer Engineering major.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Applied to: UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego. </p>

<p>GPA: 4.17 UC Gpa, 3.75 Unweighted Gpa. Got three B's in non-AP classes sophomore year. Took the maximum number of Ap's at my school, 9. </p>

<p>ELC applicant. </p>

<p>Sat/Sat 2: 700 Critical Reading, 780 Math, 650 Writing=2130 total
770 US History, 760 Math level 2. </p>

<p>EC's: Varsity track and cross country co-captain. 150 hours of community service.</p>

<p>I'm an average white kid from a fairly competitive private college prep school. By fairly competitive I mean better than all the public schools around here. If we were a public school, I'd put our API index in the 7-8 range.</p>

<p>11/123=Class Rank, UC GPA=4.18 </p>

<p>SAT I=2140 730 CR 690 Math 720 Writing (I suck at math pretty much)
SAT IIs= US History 720, Lit 680

<p>I'm not ELC but our 5 ELC kids are going to Columbia, Duke, Stanford, and the other 2 are almost certainly going to UCLA (they've had Regents invitations and have been contacted as "top applicants" by the engineering department), so that kind of puts my situation into perspective.</p>

<p>Class wise, I've taken everything my school has to offer except a 4th year of Latin which I was fed up with.</p>

<p>My senior year schedule:</p>

<p>Symphonic Band
Economics (H)/Government (AP)
Calculus AB (AP)
Physics (H)
World Religions/Marriage and the Family (I go to a Catholic school, so a religion course is required)
English IV (H)
World Literature (AP)</p>

<p>It's pretty stacked, toughest in my class, definitely not "slacking off".</p>

<p>Average ECs:
Band obviously, section leader percussion 2 years, then switched sections because our band sucks and needed trombones
Baseball 9-10 until I blew out my knee
Golf 11-12
Bunch of clubs
Work with foster care children
Piano is a hobby
Tutor kids
So basically the usual garbage everyone else lists </p>

<p>Essays were decent, probably better than most of the stuff sent in but nothing amazing</p>

<p>So what do you think my chances are at:</p>

<p>Berkeley: Pre-Business? Whatever leads to Haas
UCLA: Pre-Business Economics
UCSD: Pre-Political Science
UCSB: Pre-Business Economics (I'm pretty much in already though, I got some Chancellors' invite thing that means I'm in is what I'm told)</p>


<p>runnerkid & Snowc1b, figure out where you stand in the applicant pool with UCSD</a> Freshman Comprehensive Review Process (Dec 2004) for UCSD specifically. =] Don't be greedy with points.</p>

<p>7,662 for sure. I don't get any of those extra points for being an average white kid. I might get some for that traumatic experience though for blowing out my knee which essentially ruined my life at the time.</p>

<p>Sorry for so many posts, but I'll list my 10th-11th grade classes too,</p>

English 2 (H) A/A
Algebra 2/Trig (H) A/A
Chemistry (H) A/A
Latin 3 (H) A/A
Symphonic Band A/A
European History (AP) B/B (5 on the AP test though)</p>

U.S. History (AP) A/A
English 3 (H) A/A
Pre-Calculus (H) A/B
Biology (AP) B/A
Symphonic Band A/A</p>

<p>Copied my post from the cal forums. Hopefully I'll get a response here :D.</p>

<p>I'd like chances for SD/LA/Cal.</p>

<p>UC GPA 4.21
Unweighted GPA 3.95
Weighted GPA 4.75</p>

<p>California Resident, non-ELC</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Scores (by section) or ACT scores
2080 (650 Critical Reading, 740 Math, 690 Writing)
34 (34 English, 35 Math, 32 Reading, 33 Science)</p>

<p>SAT II Scores
800 Math II, 800 Bio - E, 800 Chem</p>

<p>Which college are you applying to?

<p>List a few of your most important ECs
Website Editor-in-Chief
Marching Band Trumpet Section Leader
Some community service</p>

<p>Any other significant accomplishments in a specific field
AP Scholar with Distinction
Achievement in Computer Science (School Award)
CSF, Principal's High Honor Roll</p>

Sophomore - Chemistry 1H, English 2H, Computer Science A AP, Biology 2 AP, Japanese 3H, Ceramics 1, Marching Band
Junior - US History, English 3H, Pre-Calculus H, Computer Science AB AP, Chemistry 2 AP, Japanese 4, Marching Band, Web Page
Senior (in progress) - Web Page, English 4AP Language, Calculus BC AP, Physics C AP, Economics AP (Micro), Government
I have 8 AP tests taken after my Junior year, 4 of which are self-studied. My scores are: 5Chem,5Psych,5Bio,5CompsciA,4CompsciAB,4EconMic,4E nvisci,3Mac. 4 5's, 3 4's, and 1 3. All the classes I took are 5's save Computer Science AB.</p>

<p>I have 8 AP tests taken after my Junior year, 4 of which are self-studied. My scores are:
Chem 5
Psych 5
Bio 5
CompsciA 5
CompsciAB 4
EconMic 4
Envisci 4
Econ Macro 3
4 5's, 3 4's, and 1 3.</p>

<p>Already accepted to UCI with invitation to the honors program (no Regents)
Invited to UCSD Scholar's Day</p>

<p>My UC GPA is pretty low because I took 6-7 classes each year, most being AP/honors D:.</p>

<p>Holy cow...if you don't get in to any of those schools I will be very surprised. All of that and you're not elc?</p>

<p>No idea.. My UC GPA is pretty low, and I know by my school's GPA system, I'm top 5%.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Your UC GPA isn't pretty low, darling. =P Your school is probably just competitive.</p>

<p>So do you think I have a good chance? >_< I just really want to get in LA lol.</p>

<p>Sorry to be a bit pushy but I'm losing sleep over this.. lol</p>

<p>These are going to be the longest 3 weeks of my life grr.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Hello, I would love to hear what you think my chances are for the mid-tier UC schools. My stats aren't amazing, but I hope that they are acceptable for the schools that I am interested in. My low GPA can be attributed to my grades in the math courses that I have taken (I'm terrible in math).</p>

<p>Additional notes:
UC schools that I am interested in: UC Davis, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine
I have an upward trend in my grades from 9th-11th grade, starting from a 3.0 and to 4.25...
I am a minority (African American), though AA is not around anymore...
I have taken around 50 A-G courses.</p>

<h2>I've been told, and have received the awards to prove that I am a good writer. I will have amazing personal statements.</h2>

10th grade: Honors English 10, Honors Spanish 1, Honors World History, Honors Biology, Geometry</p>

<p>11th grade: AP US History, AP English Language, AP Psychology, AP Studio Art 2D, Honors Spanish 2, Photography 1, Algebra 2, Physics, Academic Decathlon, Online Trigonometry (Pre-Calculus)</p>

<p>12th grade: AP Government/AP Econ, AP Environmental Science, AP Art History, AP Studio Art 3D, Honors Spanish 3, Academic Decathlon, Ceramics 1</p>

<h2>College Courses: English 2 (equivalent to AP English Literature), Computer Science</h2>

<p>UC GPA: 3.5 - 3.6
SAT 1: 700 - Critical Reading, 500 - Math, 700 - Writing; total = 1900
SAT 2: U.S. History - 700, English Lit - 700</p>


<p>Extracurricular activities:</p>

<p>Academic Decathlon - 3 years
- President of Academic Decathlon Club - 1 year
- Captain of Academic Decathlon team - 1 year
- Various awards won...</p>

<p>California Scholarship Federation - 2 years
- President of California Scholarship Federation Club - 1 year
- Lifetime Member award (qualified for 4 semesters while in HS)</p>

<p>College Information Club - 3 years
- President of College Information Club - 1 year</p>

<p>National Honor Society - 2 years
- Vice President</p>

<p>Class of 2010 - 3 years
- Officer - Historian
- Prom committee</p>

<p>Chinese Club - 2 years
- Officer</p>

<p>National Society of High School Scholars</p>


<p>AP exam scores:</p>

<p>AP English Language - 5
AP US History - 4
AP Psychology - 4
AP Studio Art - 4
AP Government - 4
AP Macro Economics - 5
AP Studio Art 3D - 4
AP Art History - 5
AP Environmental Science - 5</p>


<p>If you guys need any other information to give me more accurate chances, please let me know, and I will provide the information to the best of my ability.</p>

<p>LOL nobody's even chancing!! haha
just posting stats...</p>

<p>@ isthatyoujoe</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA: you might get in, who knows?
UCSD: fair chance of getting in
UCI/UCD/UCSB: Match - you'll get into at least one of them</p>

<p>Thanks Andyyy :D
I would love to go to Cal/LA/SD, but I don't think that my GPA is high enough... maybe for SD, I suppose I will see.</p>

<p>I doubt I'm getting into LA or Berkeley because of my horrendously low GPA, but I'd like to hear from others on my chances.</p>

<p>Also, how do you calculate UC Weighted? I took 9 weighted classes between Sophomore and Junior year and am not sure how to count them</p>

<p>Applied to: Berkeley, LA, SD, Davis and Irvine</p>

<p>Accepted: UC Davis, UC San Diego (Winter Quarter Admission)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.583 UC
SAT: 780 M, 710 CR, 660 W = 2150
SAT Subject Tests: 800 Math II, 670 Biology M, 600 Literature
ACT: 33 Composite, 36 M, 36 S, 29 E, 30 R, 28 English/Writing
Class Rank: 107/376 (What happens when I do IB and get bad grades)
School: 238th Public School in the nation
Location: Northern California
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian; half white, half persian</p>

<p>EC: Football (9), Basketball (9-10), VP of Habitat for Humanity Club (11-12), VP Econ Club (12), UC Davis MME</p>

<p>Awards: Normal Honors stuff, Economic Literacy Award (Top 1% in Nation on some online test, nothing big)</p>

<p>Community Service: >200 Hours</p>

<p>Extras: Full IB Diploma Candidate, Full Senior Year course load</p>

<p>Essays: Discussed my decision to do IB and talked about my community service. Not that good, just OK</p>

<p>Extra Info: Discussed the IB Group IV project and how I'm enrolled in ROP through that and tried to explain the reasons for my low GPA.</p>

<p>Major: Undecided/Undeclared</p>

<p>I doubt that I will get in and I'm not planning on it. Also, just wanted to know if getting to Semifinals in USA Bio Olympiad would make a difference and if I should report it to them and other schools. Also, does ROP count towards GPA? It's just Pass/Fail</p>

<p>ALso, I was asked for Supplemental information from Berkeley which included a letter of recommendation and First Semester Grades from Senior Year. I got a 3.5 Unweighted and 4.5 Weighted. There was also a questionnaire that I filled out too.</p>

<p>I'm currently a junior.
My grades for Sophomore year were not that good(I did some stupid stuff that year):
(Class, 1st Semester grade, 2nd Semester grade)
Precalculus Honors, B+, A-
Spanish, C-, B
AP European History, A-, A
Accelerated English, B, B
Chemistry Honors, B, B+
BioSITE, B, A</p>

<p>Junior year so far, and I'm planning on getting at least one more A during my second semester, which is this semester.
(Last Semester Grades)
Drama A+
AP Calculus B/C B+
AP U.S. History A-
Cell Biology Honors A
English Honors A-
Physics A-</p>

<p>My SAT Score is 2060.
SAT II Chinese 750.
SAT Math IIC 720.</p>

<p>I'm planning on taking the AP Biology Test since I'm taking cell biology.
I'm also planning on taking SAT II Biology(Molecular), SAT II U.S. History.</p>

<p>I am the vice president of a fairly large Key Club at my school.
I also do extracurricular activities such as cross country, badminton, and violin.
I have over 200+ hours of community service.</p>

<p>Are my chances of getting into UC Irvine good? How about UC San Diego?</p>

<p>I'm a Cuban male who lives in California. Currently a junior at a mildly competitive school.</p>

<p>My gpa(weighted) senior year will be 3.67</p>

<p>My SAT is 1980</p>

<p>My Senior year looks like this</p>

<p>AP Gov/Economics
AP Calculus AB
AP Stats
Honors Biochem
Honors French 3
AP English/LangArts</p>

<p>I have no Extracurriculars( i know :( )</p>

<p>Top Quarter of class.</p>

<p>AP tests(which include physics and psychology): All 4's</p>

<p>Next year i will have over 150 hours of Community service. </p>

<p>I would like to know my chances of getting into:

<p>Sorry for the double post. But all the schools are for a major in Physics or Electrical Engineering.</p>

SAT I: 1380 / 2080, 640 CR, 740 M, 700 W (Will retake)
SAT II: Chem - 700, Bio - 670 (Will be taking 3 more this June - Physics, Math II, undecided)
APs: World History (4); European History (3); 3 more this May; 6 more APs in Senior Year for a total of 11 APs; rest all honors
GPA: 94 W</p>

ECs: President of Orchestra, Vice-President of Music Honors Society, Improvisation Group w/ Columbia Professor, Volunteer @ Rehabilitation Center (100 hrs), Advanced Research Student, Will do an engineering internship of 300+ hours over summer.
Hooks: None</p>

State: New York,
School: Large, Public, sends a huge amount of kids to Ivy Schools, (many like 9-10 to UPenn, a couple to Columbia, 1 to Harvard, a handful to Cornell, etc.), won this reward in Science/Math (not specifying the contest to preserve anonymity) for best public school in NY
Ethnicity: Asian, Chinese
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: 140K</p>

<p>I want to go to California!!!!!</p>

<p>Which UC's do I have a chance in?</p>

<p>I'm interested in biomed engineering!</p>