The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>SAT I: 2040
SAT II: U.S History = 720 Math II = 710
A.P's: US, World, Euro, Art History, Language, Literature, Stat. And Self studied for Psych, and US Gov. All scores at least 3's.
GPA: UC Gpa is around 3.7 with upward trend.
EC's: Nothing really good, 4 years of band, and a job all through out highschool.. :/
I'm from Southern California.
My income is <30000.</p>


<p>What UC's do you think I have a shot in??
I really want to go to Santa Cruz.
And anywhere I go, I want to be a Poli-Sci major.</p>

<p>-In State Student
-1890 API high school
-3.7 (w) GPA
-vigorus course load (honors/ap's)
-112/538 ranked so 25% tile
-SAT II's 620 in history 600 in bio
-i take SAT I in a week should get 1800+
-sadly no ec's
-low income (60k-)
-single parent household
-special circumstance?
(been in and out of foster home</p>

<h2>and attended over 15 schools total)</h2>

<p>im going to college for bio/medicine/preventative health</p>

<h2>so idk if that helps me or what?</h2>

<p>i was looking at :
sandeigo state</p>

<h2>long beach state?</h2>


<p>UC GPA - 3.95
SAT - 2000
SAT 2 - 800, 720
7 (out of 7) Passing AP scores</p>

<p>Boy Scouts ( eagle scout)
track and field
tae kwon do ( black belt)
science olympiad
academic league
math tutoring club (co-founder)
national honor society
calfornia scholarship federation
indian culture club
active temple volunteer
active library volunteer</p>

<p>silver star award ( 4.0+ GPA )
national merit commended</p>

UCSD - Electrical engineering
UC Irvine - Biomedical Engineering
UCSB - Electrical Engineering
UC Davis - Biomedical Engineering
UCLA - Biomedical Engineering
UC Berkeley - Biomedical Engineering</p>

<p>how do I look?</p>

<p>I already posted in the Berkeley thread. But maybe there will be more opinions here.</p>

<p>GPA UW: 3.6-3.7
GPA W: 4.3-4.4
( A lame excuse for my drop in grades would probably be that I moved in between semesters of junior year. Yeah I know, I still should have done better)</p>

<p>6 honors classes Freshman year
8 honors sophomore year
9 (kind of, pretty much 8 1/2) junior year</p>

AP Bio- 5
AP Chem- probably a 3 or 4
AP US- 5
AP English Language- 4
AP US Gov’t- 4
AP Microeconomics- probably 5
AP Macroeconomics- probably 4 or 5
AP Human Geography- mostly likely 5
AP Environmental Science- most likely 5
AP Statistics- most likely 5</p>

<p>Going for 7 tests next year.</p>

<p>Senior year:
Dual enroll: Philosophy, English, European History, plus 3 more second semester
Math and Science Center: AP Calc BC, Organic and Bio Chem (harder than any AP class), AP Physics C</p>

<p>When I transferred I got accepted to a small, private math and science center that’s pretty well known by the top universities. Next year I’m just dual enrolling at a university for half the day and going to the math center.</p>

<p>ACT: 31, going for 32 or 33
US History: 760+
Bio- 780-800
Math 2: 710? (will retake for a 750+)</p>

<p>ECs: Band- section leader since 7th grade. Jazz Band, University band, Civic Band in the university/community. State honors band 2 years (moved out of state so I couldn’t do it again.) I also am not in the school band here b/c I had to chose between band and the math and science center. State S/E since 8th grade, NHS 2nd year next year, volunteered at the hospital 70 hours plus going for 150+ hours at Habitat for Humanity this summer, Science Olympiad 3 years, (some sports here and there that don’t matter b/c I never contributed anything)</p>

<p>yeah not much in the EC department, I hope that’s okay though. Maybe some opportunities will arise next year.</p>

<p>Essay: Not sure, I’ve got some good ideas. Will probably get the help of an English professor this fall. I think they will be really good- they’ve really got to be b/c it’s my only chance… lol</p>

<p>I’m not sure if there’s anything else really. Moving really hurt me as far as extracurriculars and grades first semester of junior year. I know it’s not that great of an excuse, but I hope it’s some what understandable.</p>

<p>Can you chance me for all campuses?</p>

<p>Sorry, I would chance other people but I really don’t know how to, otherwise I wouldn’t be posting here.
Chance me for Berkeley, LA, Davis, SB, Irvine, and SC please? Classics major. Definitely not impacted… :D</p>

<p>3.4 unweighted GPA, about 3.8-3.9 UC weighted. Upward trend in grades
AP Courses: Biology, Latin Literature, Latin Vergil, Statistics, English
Honors Courses: History, English, Chemistry, Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus
GPA 3.43 (Unweighted)
SAT: 670 CR, 680 Math, 710 Writing</p>

<p>Leadership Positions:
Senior Prefect- one of twelve students in the entire grade to be chosen as mentors for freshmen
Lead trombone and trombone section leader in the school jazz band </p>

Girl Scout Silver Award (Grade 10) – Organized an event for about 100 Girl Scouts to learn and present about another country of their choice. Worked a total of 55 service hours for this award
Ninth Grade Instrumental Music Award – An award given to only one freshman per year. Received for trombone in advanced jazz band
National Latin Exam – Received Summa Cum Laude award and gold medal in 9th grade</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:
Advanced Jazz Band – Joined 9th grade, played Lead trombone beginning in 10th grade.
In spring of 9th grade, the band won the Anaheim Heritage Festival, and received Excellent ratings in the jazz festival for the past two years. Every year, the band puts on a show at Yoshi’s in Jack London Square and donates the proceeds to charity.
Piano – Began studying at age 6. Received certification from Royal Schools of Music, Piano Guild, and Music Teachers’ Association of California (Honor Student), and competed in the Berkeley Piano Club’s Memorial Scholarship and Music Teachers’ Association of California Solano Branch Scholarship competitions. Studying as part of the Holy Names University Preparatory Music Department since freshman year
Photography – 9th grade, learned how to take and develop photos, both digital and film.
Diversity Council – 11-12th grade. Filmed a video about diversity in the fall, and planning to lead other high school students in a film viewing/discussion in the spring.<br>
Clubs – Member of Asia Club in 9th grade, and India Club in 10th grade.</p>

Varsity Cross Country-10th grade
Varsity Softball- 10th grade
Varsity Track- 11th grade</p>

<p>Work and Community Service:
Chabot Space and Science Center – 9th-10th grade, performed science demonstrations for visitors and attended numerous trainings for customer service, including during the summer.
Girl Scouts – 4th-10th grade, served as patrol leader numerous times beginning in 7th grade and for the entire year in 10th grade. The patrol leader is responsible for organizing and running meetings, meeting with adult leaders and planning trips
Teacher’s Aide – 11th grade, running errands and helping supervise for 2nd and 4th grade teachers twice a week.
Tutoring – 10th-11th grade, tutored a middle school girl in Latin every week.
Writing Aide – 10th grade, worked with 8th graders to help them improve their essays.</p>

<p>Summer Experiences:
Academic Talent and Development Program at UC Berkeley: 7th-9th grade, took the following courses: Web Design, Latin II, Painting, and Architecture.
Italy: In 10th grade, applied for and received a Global Education grant from the school and spent a month in a study-abroad program living with Italians and studying Latin, as well as traveling. After returning, presented a slideshow about the trip to the rest of the high school.</p>

<p>GPA - Weighted: 4.46 (Top 11 of 860)</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 720
SAT I Critical Reading: 640
SAT I Writing: 700</p>

<p>Total: 2060</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2: 780
SAT II Chemistry: 720</p>

<p>AP European-3
AP Psychology-5
AP Chemistry -4
AP Language And Comp- 3</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Calc
AP Biology
AP Art History
AP Spanish
AP Lit
Regular Gov/Econ</p>

2 Years JV Waterpolo
2 Years JV Swimming
200 Volunteer hours at Hospital for a medical physicist
~80 Volunteer hours Relay for Life
2 Years American Cancer Society
2 Years Appreciation for the Culinary Arts , 1 Year officer
1 Year Academic Decathlon
2009 Siemens Competition</p>

Los Angeles -Biomedical
San Diego-Biomedical</p>

<p>My UC/CSU Chances 2.0V
Last thread didn’t receive many opinions. Now that my Sat scores have returned, here are my final stats.</p>

<p>1) 3.43 Cal Poly gpa, 3.41 UC/csu gpa
2) 27 ACT(as of now),
3) 560 US History,540 Bio M
4) Average essay
5) 11th grade Yearbook Academic Sections Editor
6) 12th grade Yearbook Business Manager
7) 11th and 12th KIWIN’s member(100 hours)
8) Volunteer at the city library (11th-12th) 250 hours
9) Job at restaurant (11th,12th) 25 hours/week
10)Can’t think of anything, if this matters, my dad makes a million $ year</p>

-Cal Poly Slo(ED with nutrition), Cal Poly Pomona
-CSULB,SDSU, CSUF(Fullerton and Fresno),CSUN
-University of WA
-University of the pacific</p>

<p>All schools will be bio major except for cal poly slo. Please chance me for each school and I’ll chance you guys back.</p>

<p>Im a high school junior in norcal and my conselor (who happened to be at school for the first time in ages!) told me to start thinking about college. I was like, ok?stats:</p>

<p>male (haitian american)
sat i: 1690
sat ii: Spanish (780), French (710), German (690),
APs: French (3), Spanish lang (4), APWorld (2), AP spanish lit (2),
GPA: 3.786
Rank: top20% small, competitive school</p>

<p>ECs(just got an update):
-109.4 hours from volunteerig at my former elementart school at the afterschol programme(sophmore year)
-152 hours from home work help at community resource centre in the library(junior year)
-45hrs kiwins community help (club just started this year)
-President of KIWINS club
-badminton 2yrs
-Cross country 3yrs
-language tutor (freshman+sophmore on saturdats/sndays)
-President of chocolate club 4th (junior year+sophmore year)
-Regional recognitions for spanish and french accoplishments</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Gov’t
AP Lit
AP Calc BC
German Honors (no AP class, but still gonna take the test)
Adv Art
PE (Only senior taking this course; ■■■)
US History (for the hundredth time already!)</p>

-Im <em>proficient</em>(not fluent, except spanish and kreyol) in Spanish, French, Haitian Kreyol, Geramn, Korean and Tagalog. I also know a little Japanese and Portuguese because the other languages makes it easier to know those.
-Good writer? (what im told)</p>

<p>major: linguistics</p>

<p>So do i have <em>shot</em> at these school or should i lower my standards</p>

<p>8888- UCSD reach</p>

<p>Er… my gpa is kind of really really low & my stats are pathetic but please please chance me thank you ;<strong>; !!!
GPA: 3.28 uw (My school doesnt calculate weighted so idk)
Rank: Top half (barely barely BARELY made it-- I forgot what number though)
SAT I: 1890 (gonna retake T</strong>T & take ACT too)
SAT II: Bio-590 US History- 620 (gonna take English later)
Taken/Going to take: 5 AP classes + 2 Honors

  • LEO Club (gonna be 4 years)
  • Class of 2010 Committee (gonna be 4 years)
  • Class Officer (2 years)
  • CNKR Club + Officer (1 year)
  • Piano (5 years)
  • Orchestra (5 years)
  • Gardening Club + Officer (1 year)
    Family Income: $100,000+
    CA resident- Diamond Bar High School (tough & very competitive school T__T)</p>

<p>&& I have a question :open_mouth: Is UCI’s nursing (RN) program really popular?</p>

I’m in one of the most, if not the most, competitive public school districts in North Carolina
I’m a junior and my current unweighted gpa = 3.53 weighted=3.89
SAT: 1810 (planning to take it again in October)
SAT Subject Tests: Taking in November
My current class rank is 29/166
White Female</p>

<p>Next year I’m planning to take AP Comparitive Government, AP Human Geography, AP English Lit, and a french class at UNC-CH</p>

<p><strong>EC’s</strong> + I have the most service learning hours in my grade
-founder/co-president of the Amnesty International Club (11,
-founder/co-president of the Movie Club (11,
-Junior Advisory Guide (11) and next year one of the people in charge of the program (12)
-treasurer of National Honor Society
-Third World Relief Club (10)
-JV Volleyball Captain + on Varisty (10)
-In Academy of International Studies at my school + A.I.S Board (10, 11,
-Graduation Project Committee</p>

<p>I have over 500 service learning hours by:
-volunteer at local elementary school every summer (9, 10, 11)
-voluneer at local library (10, 11)
-CIT for 3 weeks at a YMCA Camp (10)
-volunteer counselor at an Art Camp (9)
-volunteer at local walks (9, 10)
-childrens soccer coach (9, 10, 11)
-tutor for students at my school (11,
-I stay afterschool to fundraise for the Amnesty Club-which gets me more service hours</p>

<p>i’ve been to summer camps like NC State Design camp (2 summers), Savannah College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer), and Minnesota College of Art and Design Summer Camp (1 summer)</p>

<p>I’m going to be a Governor’s Page this summer</p>

<p>Awards so far::
NC Scholar-Athlete Award
Varsity Letter (volleyball)</p>

<p>chances for any of the schools!</p>

<p>Applying to:
San Diego - pharmacological chemistry
Los Angeles - biochemistry
Cal - health & medical sciences
Irvine - pharmaceutical sciences</p>

<p>In-state; Vietnamese-American
GPA: unweighted (3.78) weighted (4.1)
SAT: 580CR + 710M + 610W = 1900 (retaking in October! goal: 2100)
SATII: Math II 680; USH 650 (retaking in November! & taking MBio & Chem in December; goal: 720 min)
ACT: Taking in September
Class rank: 40/350 approximately</p>

<p>Next year’s classes:

  1. APES
  2. AP Lit
  3. AP Gov’t
  4. AP Art History
  5. Leadership
    – @ college
  6. Intro to Film
  7. Human Sexuality</p>

Calculus AB: 4
Calculus BC: 4
English Language: 4
Stats: 3</p>

Key Club Divisional Executive Techretary
Key Club President
National Honors Society Vice President
California Scholarship Federation Lifetime member
Vietnamese Student Union Vice President
Senior Class Secretary
Varsity Badminton
Volleyball Captain</p>

<p>Volunteering: lots. 800+</p>

BVAL All-League Player
Sciencepalooza Einstein Award</p>

<p>Please chance me!</p>

<p>i’m going to be a senior this fall
female/asian/california resident</p>

<p>SAT I score:
CR (550)
Math (600)
Writing (620)
Total: 1770</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math (590) i’m retaking this in the fall
US History (630)</p>

<p>Taking ACT in September, aiming for 29/30 (taken practice tests)</p>

<p>class rank: 23/310 [as of junior year, this is not weighted]</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
Tri-Valley Youth Court Juror (J, Sr. year) – 21 hours
Pleasanton Library Teen Volunteer (S year) – 10 hours
Youth Advisory Committee of City(J, Sr. year) – 70 hours
Open Heart Kitchen (J, Sr. year) – x hours (doing this over summer)</p>

<p>Awards, etc.
Academic Block Award (S, J, Sr. year)
Principles Honor Roll Award (S, J year)</p>

Red Cross Club (S, J, Sr. year)
Scholars of Society Club (S year)
CSF (S, J, Sr. year)
Jr. Varsity Tennis (S year)
Varsity Tennis (J, Sr. year)
Mt. Mikes Pizza Employment (J year) – 9 months working experience
Student Leadership/Government (S, J, Sr. year)
Piano Lessons (F, S year)</p>

<p>Freshman Year:<br>
Frosh P.E A
Biology A-
Ceramics A
English A
Spanish 2 B+
Geometry B+

<p>Frosh P.E A
Biology A-
Ceramics B
English A
Spanish 2 A-
Geometry A-

<p>Sophomore Year:<br>
Body Shaping P.E. A
Honors Chemistry A-
World History A
Honors English A-
Spanish 3 A-
Algebra II/Trig B

<p>Body Shaping P.E. A
Honors Chemistry B+
World History A-
Honors English A
Spanish 3 A-
Algebra II/Trig B+

<p>Junior Year<br>
AP US History B
Leadership A
Journalism A
Speech/Debate A
AP Language/Composition A-
Honors Spanish 4 B-
Trig/Pre Calc B

<p>AP US History A
Leadership A
Journalism A
Speech/Debate A
AP Language/Composition A
Honors Spanish 4 B+
Trig/Pre Calc C+

<p>Senior year i’m taking AP Stats, AP Literature and Physics</p>

<p>what are my chances at:
San Diego
Santa Barbra
Berkeley&LA (I know they’re basically out of my reach but my brother goes to berkeley and my parents want me to apply)</p>

<p>& thanks!</p>

<p>So anyway as you can probably realize from the title, I am currently a hs senior in California at a top ranked public high school. I would just like your help in deciding what UCs and other schools I have a decent shot at. I come from an affluent family and will be in no need of financial aid.</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.75
Sat: 1770 (hopefully a 1900 in october)
SAT 2s: 610 US History and 610 Biology
APs: 5 on us history and took 4 honors classes</p>

<p>ECs: 200 hours volunteering at my citys local library helping kids, 50 hours volunteering at my citys local swim center helping staff take care of kids, I have played guitar for over 5 years, Member of my hs first chess club, and a prestigious member of Santa Monica Mountain Conservation Authority (volunteer at their events), Job at a local store for the past 6 months, CSF and Honor Student at my high school for 2 years.</p>

<p>Schools: For my college major I have decided that I would like to Study in one of three majors Criminology, Political Science, and Business Administration or Economics. My ideal job for the future is either an FBI or other federal law enforcement agent or possibly a fraud detective.</p>

<p>UC Irvine (Criminology)
UC Riverside (Business Administration)
UC Santa Barbara (Poly Sci or Bus Econ)
UC Santa Cruz (Bus Econ)
Cal Poly Slo (Bus Admin or Poly Sci)
Cal State San Diego/SDSU (Bus Admin or Criminology)
University of Arizona (Bus Admin)
Cal State Northridge/ my safety (Bus Admin)</p>

<p>I would really enjoy and appreciate it, if you guys could help me figure out my chances, Thanks in Advance.</p>

I’m going to be a junior next year, and I’m wondering which, if any, UC’s you think would be reach/middle/safety for me.
Freshman year:
UC GPA: 4.1 including freshman year, 4.2 only sophomore year (my school only offers 1 honors class for frosh/sophs).
I’m out of state; I go to a private school in DC
I got a 221 on the PSAT which is like a 2210 on the SAT I guess? (78 Cr 70 M 73 W, hoping to improve math and writing)
Next year:
AP Chem, AP French, American history and literature (combined course), honors precalc
Senior year:
AP Physics, AP BC Calc, English, Biology, +electives
(my school only allows 2 AP classes per year and only for upperclassmen)
Economics club, ceramics club and classes, piano lessons, community service trip to New Orleans, may start tutoring, varsity rock climbing team.
I won 1st place nationally in the National French Contest both freshman and sophomore year.
Will probably major in the sciences, not exactly sure of the specifics yet.

<p>Do I have a chance at any UC? I am thinking of applying to UC Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside, Merced. I plan to become a pharmacist, but my transcript does not look too good. I am also considering going to community college and transferring to SD, I, LA. </p>

<p>Instate: Vietnamese-American/Female
Raised in a single parent family (full-time working mother and one older brother)
Sophomore & Junior year has been very stressful to me because my brother was diagnose with schizophrenia. It was hard to cope with his condition because he would experience a number of episodes, and I was needed in the house to take care of my brother. </p>

*Key Club

  • member for one year
  • officer (secretary) for 2009-2010
    -member for one year
    *volunteered at a retirement home during the summer of 2009
    *have done 42 hours of community service</p>

<p>Unweighted: 3.08
UC GPA: 3.58
SAT: CR:630 M:530 W:460 = 1620(retaking in October)
SAT II: Literature: 570 & US History:650
AP: 4 World History ; 4 US History; 1 Biology :(</p>

English: A+/A
APBiology: C/C
APBio Lab: C/C
Chorus: A/A
APWorld: A-/A-
Span 1: A-/B+
Geometry: B+/B-</p>

English: A/A-
Chemistry: A/B-
Algebra 2: A-/B
Span 2: A/B+
APUS: A/A-</p>

Intro to Film: B
Ethnic Studies: A</p>

<p>For senior year, I will be taking AP Statistics & Psychology. Also, I will be taking a Oral Communications course for Fall, and maybe a Micro/Macro course in Spring at community college.
I am welcome to any advice, and thanks for reading my post. :)</p>

<p>California Hispanic male from public school</p>

<p>GPA - Unwt: 3.75; wt: 4.10; CP wt: 4.25
Class Rank: district don’t rank
ACT: 33
SAT II Math II: 740, SAT II Biology - M: 750, SAT II Chemistry: 750
AP : Euro Hist -3, Cal AB – 5, Chem – 4, Bio – 4, Lit - 4</p>

CM Level 9 in Piano and Music Theory, played piano since 7.
Year round USS swimmer 8 years.
Certified Red Cross Lifeguard 2 years
Paying job as tutor & swim instructor 2 years</p>

<p>Leadership positions: Bible School Lead Consoler for the past 3 years. Science Alliance founder, president & mentor for 2 years. Volunteer hours: 200 + hours. </p>

<p>Athletic: NCS scholar athlete - Varsity swimmer 4 years. JV& Varsity water polo 2 years. NCS regional ranked swimmer.</p>

Regional science fair biochemistry category 1st place winner.
National Hispanic Scholar.
AP Scholar with Distinction.</p>

<p>College Summer programs:
UC Berkeley ATDP writing class. Community College Intermed. Algebra Class. Community College Biotech summer camp.</p>

<p>Potential Major: Biotechnology or Biological Science</p>

<p>Chance me on the following list:
Johns Hopkins University
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego
UC Davis
UC Irvine
Cal Poly</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>My weighted GPA: around a 3.6
sat 2180, made national merit for the psat as well
sat bio: 660
going to take the sat lit this october, i expect around a 700 easily
currently a senior at a prestigious competitive california high school</p>

<p>here’s the thing though,
i was caught cheating four times and was transferred my senior year.</p>

<p>please help me out</p>

<p>@sms92- With good essays, I think you’ll be accepted everywhere you listed. The fact that you’re Hispanic should also help you. Good luck!</p>

<p>@nomorecheating- I’m glad you realized how bad cheating is. Unfortunately, it might be a little too late. It’s going to be hard to be accepted to a UC with a cheating record. But good luck!</p>

<p>Thank YOU Thepowerof1</p>